<p>Mathematical Selection is a method in which we select a particular choice
from a set of such. It have always been an interesting field of study for
mathematicians. Combinatorial optimisation is the practice of selecting the
best constituent from a collection of prospective possibilities according to
some particular characterization. In simple cases, an optimal process problem
encompasses identifying components out of a finite arrangement and establishing
the function's significance in possible to lessen or achieve maximum with a
functional purpose. To extrapolate optimisation theory, it employs a wide range
of mathematical concepts. Optimisation, when applied to a variety of different
types of optimization algorithms, necessitates determining the best
consequences of the specific predetermined characteristic in a particular
circumstance. In this work, we will be working on one similar problem - The
Maximal Stretch Problem with computational rigour. Beginning with the Problem
Statement itself, we will be developing numerous step - by - step algorithms to
solve the problem, and will finally pose a comparison between them on the basis
of their Computational Complexity. The article entails around the Brute Force
Solution, A Recursive Approach to deal with the problem, and finally a
Dynamically Programmed Approach for the same.
<p>In this article, a novel barrier function is introduced to convert the
box-constrained convex optimization problem to an unconstrained problem. For
each double-sided bounded variable, a single monomial function is added as a
barrier function to the objective function. This function has the properties of
being positive, approaching zero for the interior/boundary points and becomes
very large for the exterior points as the penalty parameter approaches zero.
The unconstrained problem can be solved efficiently using Newton's method with
a backtracking line search. Experiments were conducted using the proposed
method, the interior-point for the logarithmic barrier (IP), the trust-region
reflective (TR) and the limited-memory Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno
for bound constrained problems (LBFGSB) methods on the convex quadratic
problems of the CUTEst collection. Although the proposed method was implemented
in MATLAB, the results showed that it outperformed IP and TR for all problems.
The results also showed that despite LBFGSB was the fastest method for many
problems, it failed to converge to the optimal solution for some problems and
took a very long time to terminate. On the other hand, the proposed method was
the fastest method for such problems. Moreover, the proposed method has other
advantages, such as: it is very simple and can be easily implemented and its
performance is expected to be improved if it is implemented using a low-level
language, such as C++ or FORTRAN on a GPU.
<p>Accurately charting the progress of oil production is a problem of great
current interest. Oil production is widely known to be cyclical: in any given
system, after it reaches its peak, a decline will begin. With this in mind,
Marion King Hubbert developed his peak theory in 1956 based on the bell-shaped
curve that bears his name. In the present work, we consider a stochasticmodel
based on the theory of diffusion processes and associated with the Hubbert
curve. The problem of the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters for
this process is also considered. Since a complex system of equations appears,
with a solution that cannot be guaranteed by classical numerical procedures, we
suggest the use of metaheuristic optimization algorithms such as simulated
annealing and variable neighborhood search. Some strategies are suggested for
bounding the space of solutions, and a description is provided for the
application of the algorithms selected. In the case of the variable
neighborhood search algorithm, a hybrid method is proposed in which it is
combined with simulated annealing. In order to validate the theory developed
here, we also carry out some studies based on simulated data and consider 2
real crude oil production scenarios from Norway and Kazakhstan.
<p>Let $\xi$ be a real analytic vector field with an elementary isolated
singularity at $0\in \mathbb{R}^3$ and eigenvalues $\pm bi,c$ with $b,c\in
\mathbb{R}$ and $b\neq 0$. We prove that all cycles of $\xi$ in a sufficiently
small neighborhood of $0$, if they exist, are contained in a finite number of
subanalytic invariant surfaces entirely composed by a continuum of cycles. In
particular, we solve Dulac's problem, i.e. finiteness of limit cycles, for such
vector fields.
<p>We prove that for every countable ordinal $\xi$, the Tsirelson's space
$T_\xi$ of order $\xi$, is naturally, i.e., via the identity, $3$-isomorphc to
its modified version. For the first step, we prove that the Schreier family
$\mathcal{S}_\xi$ is the same as its modified version $ \mathcal{S}^M_\xi$,
thus answering a question by Argyros and Tolias. As an application, we show
that the algebra of linear bounded operators on $T_\xi$ has $2^{\mathfrak c}$
closed ideals.
<p>Let $c=(C_n)_{n\ge 0}$ be the Catalan sequence and $T$ a linear and bounded
operator on a Banach space $X$ such $4T$ is a power-bounded operator. The
Catalan generating function is defined by the following Taylor series, $$
C(T):=\sum_{n=0}^\infty C_nT^n. $$ Note that the operator $C(T)$ is a solution
of the quadratic equation $TY^2-Y+I=0.$ In this paper we define powers of the
Catalan generating function $C(T)$ in terms of the Catalan triangle numbers. We
obtain new formulae which involve Catalan triangle numbers; the spectrum of
$c^{\ast j}$ and the expression of $c^{-\ast j}$ for $j\ge 1$ in terms of
Catalan polynomials ($\ast$ is the usual convolution product in sequences). In
the last section, we give some particular examples to illustrate our results
and some ideas to continue this research in the future.
<p>We establish simple formulae for computing Finkelstein-Rubinstein signs for
Skyrme fields generated in two ways: from instanton ADHM data, and from
rational maps. This may be used to compute homotopy classes of general loops in
the configuration spaces of skyrmions, and as a result provide a useful tool
for a quantum treatment beyond rigid-body quantisation of skyrmions.
<p>The present paper considers the model of a homogeneous bubble inside an
unbounded isentropic compressible inviscid liquid. The exterior liquid is
governed by the Euler equation while the free bubble surface is determined by
the kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions on the bubble-liquid interface.
We first proved the local existence and uniqueness of the complete nonlinear
system using energy methods under an iteration scheme. Then we proved the
almost global existence of the solution and the radiative decay of bubble
oscillation through a bootstrap argument. Except for the energy estimate, this
bootstrap argument encompasses a generalized KSS (Keel-Smith-Sogge) estimate
and the analysis of backward pressure wave using the method of characteristics,
which are the novelty of the present paper.
<p>We developed a generalized weighted $L^2_tH^j_x$-estimate, or the so-called
KSS estimate, which extends the KSS estimate \cite{MR2015331} to nonlinear wave
equations in exterior domains regardless of the boundary conditions, at the
cost of only the appearance of a $L_t^2$ norm of the boundary value. To handle
this boundary value, we establish a method of characteristics to study the
backward pressure wave, which is then used to decouple the ODE of the boundary
value from the hyperbolic system of backward and forward pressure wave. The
analysis of backward pressure wave takes advantage of a change of variable
between the backward and forward characteristics generated by the sound speed
field in a geometric way. These two methods can not only be used for the
bubble-liquid model studied in this paper, but are expected to be applied on
other questions regarding nonlinear wave equations with complex boundary
<p>We provide a simple proof that the unit map from the sphere spectrum to the
connective image-of-$J$ spectrum $\mathrm{j}$ is surjective on homotopy groups.
This is achieved using a novel $t$-structure on the category of $E$-synthetic
spectra and a specific construction of $\mathbf{F}_p$- and BP-synthetic lifts
of $\mathrm{j}$. These synthetic lifts then easily produce modified Adams and
Adams--Novikov spectral sequences for $\mathrm{j}$ which we use the prove the
above detection statement, all without ever calculating $\mathbf{F}_p$- or
BP-homology nor the associated Ext groups.
<p>In this paper we show that the billiard ball map of the Liouville billiard
tables of classical type on the ellipsoid is non-degenerate at the elliptic
fixed point. As a corollary we obtain a spectral rigidity result.
<p>We construct a new graph on 120 vertices whose quantum and classical
independence numbers are different. At the same time, we construct an infinite
family of graphs whose quantum chromatic numbers are smaller than the classical
chromatic numbers. Furthermore, we discover the relation to Kochen-Specker sets
that characterizes quantum cocliques that are strictly bigger than classical
ones. Finally, we prove that for graphs with independence number is two,
quantum and classical independence numbers coincide.
<p>In this paper we provide an asymptotic theory for the symmetric version of
the Kullback--Leibler (KL) divergence. We define a estimator for this
divergence and study its asymptotic properties. In particular, we prove Law of
Large Numbers (LLN) and the convergence to the normal law in the Central Limit
Theorem (CLT) using this estimator.
<p>Checking whether two quantum circuits are approximately equivalent is a
common task in quantum computing. We consider a closely related identity check
problem: given a quantum circuit $U$, one has to estimate the diamond-norm
distance between $U$ and the identity channel. We present a classical algorithm
approximating the distance to the identity within a factor $\alpha=D+1$ for
shallow geometrically local $D$-dimensional circuits provided that the circuit
is sufficiently close to the identity. The runtime of the algorithm scales
linearly with the number of qubits for any constant circuit depth and spatial
dimension. We also show that the operator-norm distance to the identity
$\|U-I\|$ can be efficiently approximated within a factor $\alpha=5$ for
shallow 1D circuits and, under a certain technical condition, within a factor
$\alpha=2D+3$ for shallow $D$-dimensional circuits. A numerical implementation
of the identity check algorithm is reported for 1D Trotter circuits with up to
100 qubits.
<p>We show that cube-connected cycles graphs $CCC_n$ are distance-balanced, and
nicely distance-balanced if and only if $n$ is even.
<p>Selection of hyperparameters in deep neural networks is a challenging problem
due to the wide search space and emergence of various layers with specific
hyperparameters. There exists an absence of consideration for the neural
architecture selection of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for spectrum
sensing. Here, we develop a method using reinforcement learning and Q-learning
to systematically search and evaluate various architectures for generated
datasets including different signals and channels in the spectrum sensing
problem. We show by extensive simulations that CNN-based detectors proposed by
our developed method outperform several detectors in the literature. For the
most complex dataset, the proposed approach provides 9% enhancement in accuracy
at the cost of higher computational complexity. Furthermore, a novel method
using multi-armed bandit model for selection of the sensing time is proposed to
achieve higher throughput and accuracy while minimizing the consumed energy.
The method dynamically adjusts the sensing time under the time-varying
condition of the channel without prior information. We demonstrate through a
simulated scenario that the proposed method improves the achieved reward by
about 20% compared to the conventional policies. Consequently, this study
effectively manages the selection of important hyperparameters for CNN-based
detectors offering superior performance of cognitive radio network.
<p>We study the symmetric facilitated exclusion process (FEP) on the finite
one-dimensional lattice $\lbrace 1,\dots ,N-1\rbrace$ when put in contact with
boundary reservoirs, whose action is subject to an additional kinetic
constraint in order to enforce ergodicity. We study in details its stationary
states in various settings, and use them in order to derive its hydrodynamic
limit as $N\to\infty$, in the diffusive space-time scaling, when the initial
density profile is supercritical. More precisely, the macroscopic density of
particles evolves in the bulk according to a fast diffusion equation as in the
periodic case, and besides, we show that the boundary-driven FEP exhibits a
very peculiar behaviour: unlike for the classical SSEP, and due to the
two-phased nature of the FEP, the reservoirs impose Dirichlet boundary
conditions which do not coincide with their equilibrium densities. The proof is
based on the classical entropy method, but requires significant adaptations to
account for the FEP's non-product stationary states and to deal with the
non-equilibrium setting.
<p>Fusion frames are a convenient tool in applications where we deal with a
large amount of data or when a combination of local data is needed. Oblique
dual fusion frames are suitable in situations where the analysis for the data
and its subsequent synthesis have to be implemented in different subspaces of a
Hilbert space. These procedures of analysis and synthesis are in general not
exact, and also there are circumstances where the exact dual is not available
or it is necessary to improve its properties. To resolve these questions we
introduce the concept of approximate oblique dual fusion frame, and in
particular of approximate oblique dual fusion frame system. We study their
properties. We give the relation to approximate oblique dual frames. We provide
methods for obtaining them. We show how to construct other duals from a given
one that give reconstructions errors as small as we want.
<p>This work focuses on non-adaptive group testing, with a primary goal of
efficiently identifying a set of at most $d$ defective elements among a given
set of elements using the fewest possible number of tests. Non-adaptive
combinatorial group testing often employs disjunctive codes and union-free
codes. This paper discusses union-free codes with fast decoding (UFFD codes), a
recently introduced class of union-free codes that combine the best of both
worlds -- the linear complexity decoding of disjunctive codes and the fewest
number of tests of union-free codes. In our study, we distinguish two
subclasses of these codes -- one subclass, denoted as $(=d)$-UFFD codes, can be
used when the number of defectives $d$ is a priori known, whereas $(\le
d)$-UFFD codes works for any subset of at most $d$ defectives. Previous studies
have established a lower bound on the rate of these codes for $d=2$. Our
contribution lies in deriving new lower bounds on the rate for both $(=d)$- and
$(\le d)$-UFFD codes for an arbitrary number $d \ge 2$ of defectives. Our
results show that for $d\to\infty$, the rate of $(=d)$-UFFD codes is twice as
large as the best-known lower bound on the rate of $d$-disjunctive codes. In
addition, the rate of $(\le d)$-UFFD code is shown to be better than the known
lower bound on the rate of $d$-disjunctive codes for small values of $d$.
<p>This paper presents a fully multidimensional kernel-based reconstruction
scheme for finite volume methods applied to systems of hyperbolic conservation
laws, with a particular emphasis on the compressible Euler equations.
Non-oscillatory reconstruction is achieved through an adaptive order weighted
essentially non-oscillatory (WENO-AO) method cast into a form suited to
multidimensional reconstruction. A kernel-based approach inspired by radial
basis functions (RBF) and Gaussian process (GP) modeling, which we call
KFVM-WENO, is presented here. This approach allows the creation of a scheme of
arbitrary order of accuracy with simply defined multidimensional stencils and
substencils. Furthermore, the fully multidimensional nature of the
reconstruction allows for a more straightforward extension to higher spatial
dimensions and removes the need for complicated boundary conditions on
intermediate quantities in modified dimension-by-dimension methods. In
addition, a new simple-yet-effective set of reconstruction variables is
introduced, which could be useful in existing schemes with little modification.
The proposed scheme is applied to a suite of stringent and informative
benchmark problems to demonstrate its efficacy and utility. A highly parallel
multi-GPU implementation using Kokkos and the message passing interface (MPI)
is also provided.
<p>We consider a one-dimensional fluid-solid interaction model governed by the
Burgers equation with a time varying interface. We discuss on the inverse
problem of determining the shape of the interface from Dirichlet and Neumann
data at one end point of the spatial interval. In particular, we establish
uniqueness results and some conditional stability estimates. For the proofs, we
use and adapt some lateral estimates that, in turn, rely on appropriate
Carleman and interpolation inequalities.
<p>This paper investigates new fractional energy methods for variables coupling
the Navier-Stokes equations. Micropolar fluids starting from an initial angular
velocity with Sobolev regularity close to $-1/2$ are constructed.
<p>This paper studies distributionally robust optimization (DRO) in a dynamic
context. We consider a general penalized DRO problem with a causal
transport-type penalization. Such a penalization naturally captures the
information flow generated by the dynamic model. We derive a tractable dynamic
duality formula under mild conditions. Furthermore, we apply this duality
formula to address distributionally robust version of average value-at-risk,
stochastic control, and optimal stopping.
<p>Phenomenological (P-type) bifurcations are qualitative changes in stochastic
dynamical systems whereby the stationary probability density function (PDF)
changes its topology. The current state of the art for detecting these
bifurcations requires reliable kernel density estimates computed from an
ensemble of system realizations. However, in several real world signals such as
Big Data, only a single system realization is available -- making it impossible
to estimate a reliable kernel density. This study presents an approach for
detecting P-type bifurcations using unreliable density estimates. The approach
creates an ensemble of objects from Topological Data Analysis (TDA) called
persistence diagrams from the system's sole realization and statistically
analyzes the resulting set. We compare several methods for replicating the
original persistence diagram including Gibbs point process modelling, Pairwise
Interaction Point Modelling, and subsampling. We show that for the purpose of
predicting a bifurcation, the simple method of subsampling exceeds the other
two methods of point process modelling in performance.
<p>In this work we study the one-dimensional stochastic Kimura equation
for $z,t>0$ equipped with a Dirichlet boundary condition at $0$, with $\dot{W}$
being a Gaussian space-time noise. This equation can be seen as a degenerate
analog of the parabolic Anderson model. We combine the Wiener chaos theory from
Malliavin calculus, the Duhamel perturbation technique from PDEs, and the
kernel analysis of (deterministic) degenerate diffusion equations to develop a
solution theory for the stochastic Kimura equation. We establish results on
existence, uniqueness, moments, and continuity for the solution
$u\left(z,t\right)$. In particular, we investigate how the stochastic potential
and the degeneracy in the diffusion operator jointly affect the properties of
$u\left(z,t\right)$ near the boundary. We also derive explicit estimates on the
comparison under the $L^{2}-$ norm between $u\left(z,t\right)$ and its
deterministic counterpart for $\left(z,t\right)$ within a proper range.
<p>The motivation of the note is to obtain a H\"{o}rmander-type $L^2$ estimate
for $\bar\partial$ equation. The feature of the new estimate is that the
constant is independent of the weight function. Moreover, our estimate can be
used for non-plurisubharmonic weight function.
<p>We study asymptotic behavior of the bottom point of the spectrum of
convolution type operators in environments with locally periodic
microstructure. We show that its limit is described by an additive eigenvalue
problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equation. In the periodic case we establish a more
accurate two-term asymptotic formula.
<p>One-shot channel simulation has recently emerged as a promising alternative
to quantization and entropy coding in machine-learning-based lossy data
compression schemes. However, while there are several potential applications of
channel simulation - lossy compression with realism constraints or differential
privacy, to name a few - little is known about its fundamental limitations. In
this paper, we restrict our attention to a subclass of channel simulation
protocols called causal rejection samplers (CRS), establish new, tighter lower
bounds on their expected runtime and codelength, and demonstrate the bounds'
achievability. Concretely, for an arbitrary CRS, let $Q$ and $P$ denote a
target and proposal distribution supplied as input, and let $K$ be the number
of samples examined by the algorithm. We show that the expected runtime
$\mathbb{E}[K]$ of any CRS scales at least as $\exp_2(D_\infty[Q || P])$, where
$D_\infty[Q || P]$ is the R\'enyi $\infty$-divergence. Regarding the
codelength, we show that $D_{KL}[Q || P] \leq D_{CS}[Q || P] \leq
\mathbb{H}[K]$, where $D_{CS}[Q || P]$ is a new quantity we call the channel
simulation divergence. Furthermore, we prove that our new lower bound, unlike
the $D_{KL}[Q || P]$ lower bound, is achievable tightly, i.e. there is a CRS
such that $\mathbb{H}[K] \leq D_{CS}[Q || P] + \log_2 (e + 1)$. Finally, we
conduct numerical studies of the asymptotic scaling of the codelength of
Gaussian and Laplace channel simulation algorithms.
<p>A number field is said to be a CM-number field if it is a totally imaginary
quadratic extension of a totally real number field. We define a totally
imaginary number field to be of CM-type if it contains a CM-subfield, and of
TR-type if it does not contain a CM-subfield. For quartic totally imaginary
number fields when ordered by discriminant, we show that about 69.95% are of
TR-type and about 33.05% are of CM-type. For a sextic totally imaginary number
field we classify its type in terms of its Galois group and possibly some
additional information about the location of complex conjugation in the Galois
<p>This paper proposes a fully distributed termination method for distributed
optimization algorithms solved by multiple agents. The proposed method
guarantees terminating a distributed optimization algorithm after satisfying
the global termination criterion using information from local computations and
neighboring agents. The proposed method requires additional iterations after
satisfying the global terminating criterion to communicate the termination
status. The number of additional iterations is bounded by the diameter of the
communication network. This paper also proposes a fault-tolerant extension of
this termination method that prevents early termination due to faulty agents or
communication errors. We provide a proof of the method's correctness and
demonstrate the proposed method by solving the optimal power flow problem for
electric power grids using the alternating direction method of multipliers.
<p>The Ising model, originally developed as a spin-glass model for ferromagnetic
elements, has gained popularity as a network-based model for capturing
dependencies in agents' outputs. Its increasing adoption in healthcare and the
social sciences has raised privacy concerns regarding the confidentiality of
agents' responses. In this paper, we present a novel
$(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially private algorithm specifically designed
to protect the privacy of individual agents' outcomes. Our algorithm allows for
precise estimation of the natural parameter using a single network through an
objective perturbation technique. Furthermore, we establish regret bounds for
this algorithm and assess its performance on synthetic datasets and two
real-world networks: one involving HIV status in a social network and the other
concerning the political leaning of online blogs.
<p>We use the Witt index to define and study a refined notion of the
local-global principle for isotropy of quadratic forms over a field $k$ and to
define and study refined versions of the $m$-invariant of $k$. We also explore
connections between these refinements.
<p>We determine the sharp mass threshold for Sobolev norm growth for the
focusing continuum Calogero--Moser model. It is known that below the mass of
$2\pi$, solutions to this completely integrable model enjoy uniform-in-time
$H^s$ bounds for all $s \geq 0$. In contrast, we show that for arbitrarily
small $\varepsilon > 0$ there exists initial data $u_0 \in H^\infty_+$ of mass
$2\pi + \varepsilon$ such that the corresponding maximal lifespan solution $u :
(T_-, T_+) \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{C}$ satisfies $\lim_{t \to T_\pm}
\|u(t)\|_{H^s} = \infty$ for all $s > 0$. As part of our proof, we demonstrate
an orbital stability statement for the soliton and a dispersive decay bound for
solutions with suitable initial data.
<p>In this paper, we study linear convolutional networks with one-dimensional
filters and arbitrary strides. The neuromanifold of such a network is a
semialgebraic set, represented by a space of polynomials admitting specific
factorizations. Introducing a recursive algorithm, we generate polynomial
equations whose common zero locus corresponds to the Zariski closure of the
corresponding neuromanifold. Furthermore, we explore the algebraic complexity
of training these networks employing tools from metric algebraic geometry. Our
findings reveal that the number of all complex critical points in the
optimization of such a network is equal to the generic Euclidean distance
degree of a Segre variety. Notably, this count significantly surpasses the
number of critical points encountered in the training of a fully connected
linear network with the same number of parameters.
<p>In this paper, we explore the concept of total bondage in finite graphs
without isolated vertices. A vertex set $D$ is considered a total dominating
set if every vertex $v$ in the graph $G$ has a neighbor in $D$. The minimum
cardinality of all total dominating sets in $G$ is denoted as $\gamma_t(G)$. A
total bondage edge set $B$ is a subset of the edges of $G$ such that the
removal of $B$ from $G$ does not create isolated vertices, and the total
dominating number of the resulting graph $G-B$ is strictly greater than
$\gamma_t(G)$. The total bondage number of $G$, denoted $b_t(G)$, is defined as
the minimum cardinality of such total bondage edge sets. Our paper establishes
upper bounds on $b_t(G)$ based on the maximum degree of a graph. Notably, for
planar graphs with minimum degree $\delta(G) \geq 3$, we prove $b_t(G) \leq
\Delta + 8$ or $b_t(G) \leq 10$. Additionally, for a connected planar graph
with $\delta(G) \geq 3$ and $g(G) \geq 4$, we show that $b_t(G) \leq \Delta +
3$ if $G$ does not contain an edge with degree sum at most 7. We also improve
some upper bounds of the total bondage number for trees, enhance existing
lemmas, and find upper bounds for total bondage in specific graph classes.
<p>In this paper, we establish propagation of chaos (POC) for doubly mean
reflected backward stochastic differential equations (MRBSDEs). MRBSDEs
differentiate the typical RBSDEs in that the constraint is not on the paths of
the solution but on its law. This unique property has garnered significant
attention since the inception of MRBSDEs. Rather than directly investigating
these equations, we focus on approximating them by interacting particle systems
(IPS). We propose two sets of IPS having mean-field Skorokhod problems,
capturing the dynamics of IPS reflected in a mean-field way. As the dimension
of the IPS tends to infinity, the POC phenomenon emerges, indicating that the
system converges to a limit with independent particles, where each solves the
MRBSDE. Beyond establishing the first POC result for doubly MRBSDEs, we achieve
distinct convergence speeds under different scenarios.
<p>In past work (Onokpasa, Wild, Wong, DCC 2023), we showed that (a) for joint
compression of RNA sequence and structure, stochastic context-free grammars are
the best known compressors and (b) that grammars which have better compression
ability also show better performance in ab initio structure prediction.
Previous grammars were manually curated by human experts. In this work, we
develop a framework for automatic and systematic search algorithms for
stochastic grammars with better compression (and prediction) ability for RNA.
We perform an exhaustive search of small grammars and identify grammars that
surpass the performance of human-expert grammars.
<p>This paper presents new solutions for Private Information Retrieval (PIR)
with side information. This problem is motivated by PIR settings in which a
client has side information about the data held by the servers and would like
to leverage this information in order to improve the download rate. The problem
of PIR with side information has been the subject of several recent studies
that presented achievability schemes as well as converses for both multi-server
and single-server settings. However, the solutions for the multi-server
settings adapted from the solutions for the single-server setting in a rather
straightforward manner, relying on the concept of super-messages. Such
solutions require an exponential degree of sub-packetization (in terms of the
number of messages).
<p>This paper makes the following contributions. First, we revisit the PIR
problem with side information and present a new approach to leverage side
information in the context of PIR. The key idea of our approach is a randomized
algorithm to determine the linear combinations of the sub-packets that need to
be recovered from each server. In addition, our approach takes advantage of the
fact that the identity of the side information messages does not need to be
kept private, and, as a result, the information retrieval scheme does not need
to be symmetric. Second, we present schemes for PIR with side information that
achieve a higher rate than previously proposed solutions and require a
significantly lower degree of sub-packetization (linear in the number of
servers). Our scheme not only achieves the highest known download rate for the
problem at hand but also invalidates a previously claimed converse bound on the
maximum achievable download rate.
<p>This paper revisits the problem of multi-server Private Information Retrieval
with Private Side Information (PIR-PSI). In this problem, $N$ non-colluding
servers store identical copies of $K$ messages, each comprising $L$ symbols
from $\mathbb{F}_q$, and a user, who knows $M$ of these messages, wants to
retrieve one of the remaining $K-M$ messages. The user's goal is to retrieve
the desired message by downloading the minimum amount of information from the
servers while revealing no information about the identities of the desired
message and side information messages to any server. The capacity of PIR-PSI,
defined as the maximum achievable download rate, was previously characterized
for all $N$, $K$, and $M$ when $L$ and $q$ are sufficiently large --
specifically, growing exponentially with $K$, to ensure the divisibility of
each message into $N^K$ sub-packets and to guarantee the existence of an MDS
code with its length and dimension being exponential in $K$. In this work, we
propose a new capacity-achieving PIR-PSI scheme that is applicable to all $N$,
$K$, $M$, $L$, and $q$ where $N\geq M+1$ and $N-1\mid L$. The proposed scheme
operates with a sub-packetization level of $N-1$, independent of $K$, and works
over any finite field without requiring an MDS code.
<p>For turbulent problems of industrial scale, computational cost may become
prohibitive due to the stability constraints associated with explicit time
discretization of the underlying conservation laws. On the other hand, implicit
methods allow for larger time-step sizes but require exorbitant computational
resources. Implicit-explicit (IMEX) formulations combine both temporal
approaches, using an explicit method in nonstiff portions of the domain and
implicit in stiff portions. While these methods can be shown to be orders of
magnitude faster than typical explicit discretizations, they are still limited
by their implicit discretization in terms of cost. Hybridization reduces the
scaling of these systems to an effective lower dimension, which allows the
system to be solved at significant speedup factors compared to standard
implicit methods. This work proposes an IMEX scheme that combines hybridized
and standard flux reconstriction (FR) methods to tackle geometry-induced
stiffness. By using the so-called transmission conditions, an overall
conservative formulation can be obtained after combining both explicit FR and
hybridized implicit FR methods. We verify and apply our approach to a series of
numerical examples, including a multi-element airfoil at Reynolds number 1.7
million. Results demonstrate speedup factors of four against standard IMEX
formulations and at least 15 against standard explicit formulations for the
same problem.
<p>A Thurston map $f\colon (S^2, A) \to (S^2, A)$ with marking set $A$ induces a
pullback relation on isotopy classes of Jordan curves in $(S^2, A)$. If every
curve lands in a finite list of possible curve classes after iterating this
pullback relation, then the pair $(f,A)$ is said to have a finite global curve
attractor. It is conjectured by Pilgrim that all rational Thurston maps that
are not flexible Latt\`{e}s maps have a finite global curve attractor. We
present partial progress on this problem. Specifically, we prove that if $A$
has four points and the postcritical set (which is a subset of $A$) has two or
three points, then $(f,A)$ has a finite global curve attractor.
<p>We also discuss extensions of the main result to certain special cases where
$f$ has four postcritical points and $A=P_f$. Additionally, we speculate on how
some of these ideas might be used in the more general case.
<p>We say that a graph G is $(k,\ell)$-stable if removing $k$ vertices from it
reduces its independence number by at most $\ell$. We say that G is tight
$(k,\ell)$-stable if it is $(k,\ell)$-stable and its independence number equals
$\lfloor{\frac{n-k+1}{2}\rfloor}+\ell$, the maximum possible, where $n$ is the
vertex number of G. Answering and question of Dong and Wu, we show that every
tight $(2,0)$-stable graph with odd vertex number must be an odd cycle.
Moreover, we show that for all $k\geq 3$, every tight $(k,0)$-stable graph has
at most $k+6$ vertices.
<p>Coding theory revolves around the incorporation of redundancy into
transmitted symbols, computation tasks, and stored data to guard against
adversarial manipulation. However, error correction in coding theory is
contingent upon a strict trust assumption. In the context of computation and
storage, it is required that honest nodes outnumber adversarial ones by a
certain margin. However, in several emerging real-world cases, particularly, in
decentralized blockchain-oriented applications, such assumptions are often
unrealistic. Consequently, despite the important role of coding in addressing
significant challenges within decentralized systems, its applications become
constrained. Still, in decentralized platforms, a distinctive characteristic
emerges, offering new avenues for secure coding beyond the constraints of
conventional methods. In these scenarios, the adversary benefits when the
legitimate decoder recovers the data, and preferably with a high estimation
error. This incentive motivates them to act rationally, trying to maximize
their gains. In this paper, we propose a game theoretic formulation, called
game of coding, that captures this unique dynamic where each of the adversary
and the data collector (decoder) have a utility function to optimize. The
utility functions reflect the fact that both the data collector and the
adversary are interested to increase the chance of data being recoverable at
the data collector. Moreover, the utility functions express the interest of the
data collector to estimate the input with lower estimation error, but the
opposite interest of the adversary. As a first, still highly non-trivial step,
we characterize the equilibrium of the game for the repetition code with
repetition factor of 2, for a wide class of utility functions with minimal
<p>We present two new algorithms for solving norm equations over global function
fields with at least one infinite place of degree 1 and no wild ramification.
The first of these is a substantial improvement of a method due to Ga\'{a}l and
Pohst, while the second approach uses index calculus techniques and is
significantly faster asymptotically and in practice. Both algorithms
incorporate compact representations of field elements which results in a
significant gain in performance compared to the Ga\'{a}l-Pohst approach. We
provide Magma implementations, analyze the complexity of all three algorithms
under varying asymptotics on the field parameters, and provide empirical data
on their performance.
<p>In this paper, we focus on the design of binary constant-weight codes that
admit low-complexity encoding and decoding algorithms, and that have size as a
power of $2$. We construct a family of $(n=2^\ell, M=2^k, d=2)$ constant-weight
codes ${\cal C}[\ell, r]$ parameterized by integers $\ell \geq 3$ and $1 \leq r
\leq \lfloor \frac{\ell+3}{4} \rfloor$, by encoding information in the gaps
between successive $1$'s of a vector. The code has weight $w = \ell$ and
combinatorial dimension $k$ that scales quadratically with $\ell$. The encoding
time is linear in the input size $k$, and the decoding time is poly-logarithmic
in the input size $n$, discounting the linear time spent on parsing the input.
Encoding and decoding algorithms of similar codes known in either
information-theoretic or combinatorial literature require computation of large
number of binomial coefficients. Our algorithms fully eliminate the need to
evaluate binomial coefficients. While the code has a natural price to pay in
$k$, it performs fairly well against the information-theoretic upper bound
$\lfloor \log_2 {n \choose w} \rfloor$. When $\ell =3$, the code is optimal
achieving the upper bound; when $\ell=4$, it is one bit away from the upper
bound, and as $\ell$ grows it is order-optimal in the sense that the ratio of
$k$ with its upper bound becomes a constant $\frac{11}{16}$ when $r=\lfloor
\frac{\ell+3}{4} \rfloor$. With the same or even lower complexity, we derive
new codes permitting a wider range of parameters by modifying ${\cal C}[\ell,
r]$ in two different ways. The code derived using the first approach has the
same blocklength $n=2^\ell$, but weight $w$ is allowed to vary from $\ell-1$ to
$1$. In the second approach, the weight remains fixed as $w = \ell$, but the
blocklength is reduced to $n=2^\ell - 2^r +1$. For certain selected values of
parameters, these modified codes have an optimal $k$.
<p>Many modern applications require the use of data to both select the
statistical tasks and make valid inference after selection. In this article, we
provide a unifying approach to control for a class of selective risks. Our
method is motivated by a reformulation of the celebrated Benjamini-Hochberg
(BH) procedure for multiple hypothesis testing as the iterative limit of the
Benjamini-Yekutieli (BY) procedure for constructing post-selection confidence
intervals. Although several earlier authors have made noteworthy observations
related to this, our discussion highlights that (1) the BH procedure is
precisely the fixed-point iteration of the BY procedure; (2) the fact that the
BH procedure controls the false discovery rate is almost an immediate corollary
of the fact that the BY procedure controls the false coverage-statement rate.
Building on this observation, we propose a constructive approach to control
extra-selection risk (selection made after decision) by iterating decision
strategies that control the post-selection risk (decision made after
selection), and show that many previous methods and results are special cases
of this general framework. We further extend this approach to problems with
multiple selective risks and demonstrate how new methods can be developed. Our
development leads to two surprising results about the BH procedure: (1) in the
context of one-sided location testing, the BH procedure not only controls the
false discovery rate at the null but also at other locations for free; (2) in
the context of permutation tests, the BH procedure with exact permutation
p-values can be well approximated by a procedure which only requires a total
number of permutations that is almost linear in the total number of hypotheses.
<p>We show how continuous-depth neural ODE models can be framed as single-layer,
infinite-width nets using the Chen--Fliess series expansion for nonlinear ODEs.
In this net, the output ''weights'' are taken from the signature of the control
input -- a tool used to represent infinite-dimensional paths as a sequence of
tensors -- which comprises iterated integrals of the control input over a
simplex. The ''features'' are taken to be iterated Lie derivatives of the
output function with respect to the vector fields in the controlled ODE model.
The main result of this work applies this framework to derive compact
expressions for the Rademacher complexity of ODE models that map an initial
condition to a scalar output at some terminal time. The result leverages the
straightforward analysis afforded by single-layer architectures. We conclude
with some examples instantiating the bound for some specific systems and
discuss potential follow-up work.
<p>LiNGAM determines the variable order from cause to effect using additive
noise models, but it faces challenges with confounding. Previous methods
maintained LiNGAM's fundamental structure while trying to identify and address
variables affected by confounding. As a result, these methods required
significant computational resources regardless of the presence of confounding,
and they did not ensure the detection of all confounding types. In contrast,
this paper enhances LiNGAM by introducing LiNGAM-MMI, a method that quantifies
the magnitude of confounding using KL divergence and arranges the variables to
minimize its impact. This method efficiently achieves a globally optimal
variable order through the shortest path problem formulation. LiNGAM-MMI
processes data as efficiently as traditional LiNGAM in scenarios without
confounding while effectively addressing confounding situations. Our
experimental results suggest that LiNGAM-MMI more accurately determines the
correct variable order, both in the presence and absence of confounding.
<p>The finite-population asymptotic theory provides a normal approximation for
the sampling distribution of the average treatment effect estimator in
stratified randomized experiments. The asymptotic variance is often estimated
by a Neyman-type conservative variance estimator. However, the variance
estimator can be overly conservative, and the asymptotic theory may fail in
small samples. To solve these issues, we propose a sharp variance estimator for
the difference-in-means estimator weighted by the proportion of stratum sizes
in stratified randomized experiments. Furthermore, we propose two causal
bootstrap procedures to more accurately approximate the sampling distribution
of the weighted difference-in-means estimator. The first causal bootstrap
procedure is based on rank-preserving imputation and we show that it has
second-order refinement over normal approximation. The second causal bootstrap
procedure is based on sharp null imputation and is applicable in paired
experiments. Our analysis is randomization-based or design-based by
conditioning on the potential outcomes, with treatment assignment being the
sole source of randomness. Numerical studies and real data analyses demonstrate
advantages of our proposed methods in finite samples.
<p>In this note, we investigate combinatorial games where both players move
randomly (each turn, independently selecting a legal move uniformly at random).
In this model, we provide closed-form expressions for the expected number of
turns in a game of Chomp with any starting condition. We also derive and prove
formulas for the win probabilities for any game of Chomp with at most two rows.
Additionally, we completely analyze the game of nim under random play by
finding the expected number of turns and win probabilities from any starting
<p>We study the resurgence properties of the coefficients $C_n(\tau)$ appearing
in the asymptotic expansion of the incomplete gamma function within the
transition region. Our findings reveal that the asymptotic behaviour of
$C_n(\tau)$ as $n\to +\infty$ depends on the parity of $n$. Both
$C_{2n-1}(\tau)$ and $C_{2n}(\tau)$ exhibit behaviours characterised by a
leading term accompanied by an inverse factorial series, where the coefficients
are once again $C_{2k-1}(\tau)$ and $C_{2k}(\tau)$, respectively. Our
derivation employs elementary tools and relies on the known resurgence
properties of the asymptotic expansion of the gamma function and the uniform
asymptotic expansion of the incomplete gamma function. To the best of our
knowledge, prior to this paper, there has been no investigation in the existing
literature regarding the resurgence properties of asymptotic expansions in
transition regions.
<p>This paper presents a state-of-the-art algorithm for the vertex enumeration
problem of arrangements, which is based on the proposed new pivot rule, called
the Zero rule. The Zero rule possesses several desirable properties: i) It gets
rid of the objective function; ii) Its terminal satisfies uniqueness; iii) We
establish the if-and-only if condition between the Zero rule and its valid
reverse, which is not enjoyed by earlier rules; iv) Applying the Zero rule
recursively definitely terminates in $d$ steps, where $d$ is the dimension of
input variables. Because of so, given an arbitrary arrangement with $v$
vertices of $n$ hyperplanes in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the algorithm's complexity is at
most $\mathcal{O}(n^2d^2v)$ and can be as low as $\mathcal{O}(nd^4v)$ if it is
a simple arrangement, while Moss' algorithm takes $\mathcal{O}(nd^2v^2)$, and
Avis and Fukuda's algorithm goes into a loop or skips vertices because the
if-and-only-if condition between the rule they chose and its valid reverse is
not fulfilled. Systematic and comprehensive experiments confirm that the Zero
rule not only does not fail but also is the most efficient.
<p>In this paper, we investigate the quasi-neutral limit of
Nernst-Planck-Navier-Stokes system in a smooth bounded domain $\Omega$ of
$\mathbb{R}^d$ for $d=2,3,$ with ``electroneutral boundary conditions" and
well-prepared data. We first prove by using modulated energy estimate that the
solution sequence converges to the limit system in the norm of
$L^\infty((0,T);L^2(\Omega))$ for some positive time $T.$ In order to justify
the limit in a stronger norm, we need to construct both the initial layers and
weak boundary layers in the approximate solutions.
<p>In this work we introduce a manifold learning-based surrogate modeling
framework for uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional stochastic
systems. Our first goal is to perform data mining on the available simulation
data to identify a set of low-dimensional (latent) descriptors that efficiently
parameterize the response of the high-dimensional computational model. To this
end, we employ Principal Geodesic Analysis on the Grassmann manifold of the
response to identify a set of disjoint principal geodesic submanifolds, of
possibly different dimension, that captures the variation in the data. Since
operations on the Grassmann require the data to be concentrated, we propose an
adaptive algorithm based on Riemanniann K-means and the minimization of the
sample Frechet variance on the Grassmann manifold to identify "local" principal
geodesic submanifolds that represent different system behavior across the
parameter space. Polynomial chaos expansion is then used to construct a mapping
between the random input parameters and the projection of the response on these
local principal geodesic submanifolds. The method is demonstrated on four test
cases, a toy-example that involves points on a hypersphere, a Lotka-Volterra
dynamical system, a continuous-flow stirred-tank chemical reactor system, and a
two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection problem
<p>We observe that the characteristic polynomial of a linearly perturbed
semidefinite matrix can be used to give the convergence rate of alternating
projections for the positive semidefinite cone and a line. As a consequence, we
show that such alternating projections converge at $O(k^{-1/2})$, independently
of the singularity degree. A sufficient condition for the linear convergence is
also obtained. Our method directly analyzes the defining equation for an
alternating projection sequence and does not use error bounds.
<p>Using elementary methods of algebraic geometry, we present constructions of
hyperelliptically fibred surfaces containing nodal fibres.
<p>Consider the task of estimating a random vector $X$ from noisy observations
$Y = X + Z$, where $Z$ is a standard normal vector, under the $L^p$ fidelity
criterion. This work establishes that, for $1 \leq p \leq 2$, the optimal
Bayesian estimator is linear and positive definite if and only if the prior
distribution on $X$ is a (non-degenerate) multivariate Gaussian. Furthermore,
for $p > 2$, it is demonstrated that there are infinitely many priors that can
induce such an estimator.
<p>We consider the redundancy of the exact channel synthesis problem under an
i.i.d. assumption. Existing results provide an upper bound on the unnormalized
redundancy that is logarithmic in the block length. We show, via an improved
scheme, that the logarithmic term can be halved for most channels and
eliminated for all others. For full-support discrete memoryless channels, we
show that this is the best possible.
<p>This paper is concerned with the ordered statistic decoding with local
constraints (LC-OSD) of binary linear block codes, which is a near
maximum-likelihood decoding algorithm. Compared with the conventional OSD, the
LC-OSD significantly reduces both the maximum and the average number of
searches. The former is achieved by performing the serial list Viterbi
algorithm (SLVA) or a two-way flipping pattern tree (FPT) algorithm with local
constraints on the test error patterns, while the latter is achieved by
incorporating tailored early termination criteria. The main objective of this
paper is to explore the relationship between the performance of the LC-OSD and
decoding parameters, such as the constraint degree and the maximum list size.
To this end, we approximate the local parity-check matrix as a totally random
matrix and then estimate the performance of the LC-OSD by analyzing with a
saddlepoint approach the performance of random codes over the channels
associated with the most reliable bits (MRBs). The random coding approach
enables us to derive an upper bound on the performance and predict the average
rank of the transmitted codeword in the list delivered by the LC-OSD. This
allows us to balance the constraint degree and the maximum list size for the
average (or maximum) time complexity reduction. Simulation results show that
the approximation by random coding approach is numerically effective and
powerful. Simulation results also show that the RS codes decoded by the LC-OSD
can approach the random coding union (RCU) bounds, verifying the efficiency and
universality of the LC-OSD.
<p>We demonstrate that large language models can produce reasonable numerical
ratings of the logical consistency of claims. We also outline a mathematical
approach based on sheaf theory for lifting such ratings to hypertexts such as
laws, jurisprudence, and social media and evaluating their consistency
globally. This approach is a promising avenue to increasing consistency in and
of government, as well as to combating mis- and disinformation and related
<p>In this paper, we study a class of nonsmooth fractional programs {\rm (FP,
for short)} with SOS-convex semi-algebraic functions. Under suitable
assumptions, we derive a strong duality result between the problem (FP) and its
semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations. Remarkably, we extract an optimal
solution of the problem (FP) by solving one and only one associated SDP
problem. Numerical examples are also given.
<p>We consider the dispersion managed nonlinear Schr\"dinger equations with
quintic and cubic nonlinearities in one and two dimensions, respectively. We
prove the global well-posedness and scattering in $L_x^2$ for small initial
data employing the $U^p$ and $V^p$ spaces.
<p>In this paper, we introduce the pluricomplex Green function of the
Monge-Amp\`{e}re equation for $(n-1)$-plurisubharmonic functions by solving the
Dirichlet problem for the form type Monge-Amp\`{e}re and Hessian equations on a
punctured domain. We prove the pluricomplex Green function is $C^{1,\alpha}$ by
constructing approximating solutions and establishing uniform a priori
estimates for the gradient and the complex Hessian. The singular solutions turn
out to be smooth for the $k$-Hessian equations for $(n-1)$-$k$-admissible
<p>We study variable-length feedback (VLF) codes with noiseless feedback for
discrete memoryless channels. We present a novel non-asymptotic bound, which
analyzes the average error probability and average decoding time of our
modified Yamamoto--Itoh scheme. We then optimize the parameters of our code in
the asymptotic regime where the average error probability $\epsilon$ remains a
constant as the average decoding time $N$ approaches infinity. Our second-order
achievability bound is an improvement of Polyanskiy et al.'s (2011)
achievability bound. We also universalize our code by employing the empirical
mutual information in our decoding metric and derive a second-order
achievability bound for universal VLF codes. Our results for both VLF and
universal VLF codes are extended to the additive white Gaussian noise channel
with an average power constraint. The former yields an improvement over Truong
and Tan's (2017) achievability bound. The proof of our results for universal
VLF codes uses a refined version of the method of types and an asymptotic
expansion from the nonlinear renewal theory literature.
<p>We introduce and describe relations between Sobolev, Besov and Paley-Wiener
spaces associated with three representations of the Lie group of affine
transformations of the line. These representations are left and right regular
representations and a representation in a space of functions defined on the
half-line. The Besov spaces are described as interpolation spaces between
respective Sobolev spaces in terms of the Petree's real interpolation method
and in terms of a relevant moduli of continuity. By using a Laplace operators
associated with these representations a scales of relevant Paley-Wiener spaces
are developed and a corresponding $L_{2}$-approximation theory is constructed
in which our Besov spaces appear as approximation spaces. Another description
of our Besov spaces is given in terms of a frequency-localized Hilbert frames.
A Jackson-type inequalities are also proven.
<p>FI-graphs were introduced by the second author and White to capture the idea
of a family of nested graphs, each member of which is acted on by a
progressively larger symmetric group. That work was built on the newly minted
foundations of representation stability theory and FI-modules. Examples of such
families include the complete graphs and the Kneser and Johnson graphs, among
many others. While it was shown in the originating work how various counting
invariants in these families behave very regularly, not much has thus far been
proven about the behaviors of the typical extremal graph theoretic invariants
such as their independence and clique numbers. In this paper we provide a
conjecture on the growth of the independence and clique numbers in these
families, and prove this conjecture in one case. We also provide computer code
that generates experimental evidence in many other cases. All of this work
falls into a growing trend in representation stability theory that displays the
regular behaviors of a number of extremal invariants that arise when one looks
at FI-algebras and modules.
<p>In this paper, practical utilization of multiple distributed reconfigurable
intelligent surfaces (RISs), which are able to conduct group-specific
operations, for multi-group multicasting systems is investigated. To tackle the
inter-group interference issue in the multi-group multicasting systems, the
block diagonalization (BD)-based beamforming is considered first. Without any
inter-group interference after the BD operation, the multiple distributed RISs
are operated to maximize the minimum rate for each group. Since the
computational complexity of the BD-based beamforming can be too high, a
multicasting tailored zero-forcing (MTZF) beamforming technique is proposed to
efficiently suppress the inter-group interference, and the novel design for the
multiple RISs that makes up for the inevitable loss of MTZF beamforming is also
described. Effective closed-form solutions for the loss minimizing RIS
operations are obtained with basic linear operations, making the proposed MTZF
beamforming-based RIS design highly practical. Numerical results show that the
BD-based approach has ability to achieve high sum-rate, but it is useful only
when the base station deploys large antenna arrays. Even with the small number
of antennas, the MTZF beamforming-based approach outperforms the other schemes
in terms of the sum-rate while the technique requires low computational
complexity. The results also prove that the proposed techniques can work with
the minimum rate requirement for each group.
<p>We show that under some conditions, two constructions of nearby cycles over
general bases coincide. More specifically, we show that under the assumption of
$\Psi$-factorizability, the constructions of unipotent nearby cycles over an
affine space can be described using the theory of nearby cycles over general
bases via the vanishing topos. In particular, this applies to nearby cycles of
Satake sheaves on Beilinson-Drinfeld Grassmannians with parahoric ramification.
<p>We study communication over a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC) with two
types of transmitters: Digital transmitters hold a message from a discrete set
that needs to be communicated to the receiver. Analog transmitters hold
sequences of analog values, and some function of these distributed values (but
not the values themselves) need to be conveyed to the receiver. For the digital
messages, it is required that they can be decoded error free at the receiver
with high probability while the recovered analog function values have to
satisfy a fidelity criterion such as an upper bound on mean squared error (MSE)
or a certain maximum error with a given confidence. For the case in which the
computed function for the analog transmitters is a sum of values in [-1,1], we
derive inner and outer bounds for the tradeoff of digital and analog rates of
communication under peak and average power constraints for digital transmitters
and a peak power constraint for analog transmitters. We then extend the
achievability part of our result to a larger class of functions that includes
all linear, but also some non-linear functions.
<p>We present an overview of recent developments on the convergence analysis of
numerical methods for inviscid multidimensional compressible flows that
preserve underlying physical structures. We introduce the concept of
generalized solutions, the so-called dissipative solutions, and explain their
relationship to other commonly used solution concepts. In numerical experiments
we apply K-convergence of numerical solutions and approximate turbulent
solutions together with the Reynolds stress defect and the energy defect.
<p>Two players take it turn to claim empty cells from an $n\times n$ grid. The
first player (if any) to occupy a transversal (a set of $ n $ cells having no
two cells in the same row or column) is the winner. What is the outcome of the
game given optimal play? Our aim in this paper is to show that for $n\ge 4$ the
first player has a winning strategy. This answers a question of Erickson.
<p>We introduce the notion of a contractible subshift. This is a strengthening
of the notion of strong irreducibility, where we require that the gluings are
given by a block map. We show that a subshift is a retract of a full shift if
and only if it is a contractible SFT with a fixed point. For virtually
polycyclic groups, contractibility implies dense periodic points. We introduce
a ``homotopy theory'' framework for working with this notion, and
``contractibility'' is in fact simply an analog of the usual contractibility in
algebraic topology. We also explore the symbolic dynamical analogs of homotopy
equivalence and equiconnectedness of subshifts. Contractibility is implied by
the map extension property of Meyerovitch, and among SFTs, it implies the
finite extension property of Brice\~no, McGoff and Pavlov. We include thorough
comparisons with these classes. We also encounter some new group-geometric
notions, in particular a periodic variant of Gromov's asymptotic dimension of a
<p>In this paper, we present a signaling design for secure integrated sensing
and communication (ISAC) systems comprising a dual-functional multi-input
multi-output (MIMO) base station (BS) that simultaneously communicates with
multiple users while detecting targets present in their vicinity, which are
regarded as potential eavesdroppers. In particular, assuming that the
distribution of each parameter to be estimated is known \textit{a priori}, we
focus on optimizing the targets' sensing performance. To this end, we derive
and minimize the Bayesian Cram\'er-Rao bound (BCRB), while ensuring certain
communication quality of service (QoS) by exploiting constructive interference
(CI). The latter scheme enforces that the received signals at the eavesdropping
targets fall into the destructive region of the signal constellation, to
deteriorate their decoding probability, thus enhancing the ISAC's system
physical-layer security (PLS) capability. To tackle the nonconvexity of the
formulated problem, a tailored successive convex approximation method is
proposed for its efficient solution. Our extensive numerical results verify the
effectiveness of the proposed secure ISAC design showing that the proposed
algorithm outperforms block-level precoding techniques.
<p>For a general time-inhomogenous diffusion process $X$ and a boundary function
$g,$ we analyse the probability $F(g)$ that $X$ stays beneath the boundary $g$
during a given finite time interval. We prove that, for $g \in C^2,$ the
functional $F(g)$ is G\^ateaux-differentiable in directions $h \in H \cup C^2,$
where $H$ is the Cameron--Martin space, and derive a compact representation for
the derivative of $F$. It is shown that, in the time-homogenous case, this
representation coincides with the representation in terms of Brownian meander
functionals obtained in this special case by Borovkov & Downes (2010). Our
results can be useful when approximating $F(g)$ with computable values
$F(\widehat{g})$ for special boundaries $\widehat{g}$ that are close to $g.$ We
also obtain auxiliary results that can be of independent interest as well: (i)
a probabilistic counterpart to the ``jump relation'' for single layer
potentials for backward Kolmogorov equations on time-dependent domains, and
(ii) a martingale representation for the indicator of the boundary non-crossing
event for time-dependent boundaries.
<p>The paper proves two results involving a pair (A,B) of P-biisometric or
(m,P)-biisometric Hilbert-space operators for arbitrary positive integer m and
positive operator P. It is shown that if A and B are power bounded and the pair
(A,B) is (m,P)-biisometric for some m, then it is a P-biisometric pair. The
important case when P is invertible is treated in detail. It is also shown that
if (A,B) is P-biisometric, then there are biorthogonal sequences with respect
to the inner product <.;.>_P=<P.;.> that have a shift-like behaviour with
respect to this inner product.
<p>In this paper, we distinguish two guessing algorithms for decoding binary
linear codes. One is the guessing noise decoding (GND) algorithm, and the other
is the guessing codeword decoding (GCD) algorithm. We prove that the GCD is a
maximum likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm and that the GCD is more efficient
than GND for most practical applications. We also introduce several variants of
ordered statistic decoding (OSD) to trade off the complexity of the Gaussian
elimination (GE) and that of the guessing, which may find applications in
decoding short block codes in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region.
<p>In this paper, we investigate a semilinear stochastic parabolic equation with
a linear rough term $du_{t}=\left[L_{t}u_{t}+f\left(t,
u_{t}\right)dW_{t}$, where $\left(L_{t}\right)_{t \in \left[0, T\right]}$ is a
family of unbounded operators acting on a monotone family of interpolation
Hilbert spaces, $\mathbf{X}$ is a two-step $\alpha$-H\"older rough path with
$\alpha \in \left(1/3, 1/2\right]$ and $W$ is a Brownian motion. Existence and
uniqueness of the mild solution are given through the stochastic controlled
rough path approach and fixed-point argument. As a technical tool to define
rough stochastic convolutions, we also develop a general mild stochastic sewing
lemma, which is applicable for processes according to a monotone family.
<p>We are concerned with the sharp interface limit for the Beris-Edward system
in a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ in this paper. The system can
be described as the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled with an
evolution equation for the Q-tensor. We prove that the solutions to the
Beris-Edward system converge to the corresponding solutions of a sharp
interface model under well-prepared initial data, as the thickness of the
diffuse interfacial zone tends to zero. Moreover, we give not only the spatial
decay estimates of the velocity vector field in the $H^1$ sense but also the
error estimates of the phase field. The analysis relies on the relative entropy
method and elaborated energy estimates.
<p>This work focuses on distributed linear precoding when users transmit
correlated information over a fading Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output
Multiple Access Channel. Precoders are optimized in order to minimize the
sum-Mean Square Error (MSE) between the source and the estimated symbols. When
sources are correlated, minimizing the sum-MSE results in a non-convex
optimization problem. Precoders for an arbitrary number of users and transmit
and receive antennas are thus obtained via a projected steepest-descent
algorithm and a low-complexity heuristic approach. For the more restrictive
case of two single-antenna users, a closed-form expression for the minimum
sum-MSE precoders is derived. Moreover, for the scenario with a single receive
antenna and any number of users, a solution is obtained by means of a
semidefinite relaxation. Finally, we also consider precoding schemes where the
precoders are decomposed into complex scalars and unit norm vectors. Simulation
results show a significant improvement when source correlation is exploited at
precoding, especially for low SNRs and when the number of receive antennas is
lower than the number of transmitting nodes.
<p>A maximal planar graph is a graph which can be embedded in the plane such
that every face of the graph is a triangle. The center of a graph is the
subgraph induced by the vertices of minimum eccentricity. We introduce the
notion of quasi-eccentric vertices, and use this to characterize maximal planar
graphs that are the center of some planar graph. We also present some easier to
check only necessary / only sufficient conditions for planar and maximal planar
graphs to be the center of a planar graph. Finally, we use the aforementioned
characterization to prove that all maximal planar graphs of order at most 8 are
the center of some planar graph -- and this bound is sharp.
<p>Polar codes were originally specified for codelengths that are powers of two.
In many applications, it is desired to have a code that is not restricted to
such lengths. Two common strategies of modifying the length of a code are
shortening and puncturing. Simple and explicit schemes for shortening and
puncturing were introduced by Wang and Liu, and by Niu, Chen, and Lin,
respectively. In this paper, we prove that both schemes yield polar codes that
are capacity achieving. Moreover, the probability of error for both the
shortened and the punctured polar codes decreases to zero at the same
exponential rate as seminal polar codes. These claims hold for \emph{all}
codelengths large enough.
<p>In this article, we quantify the functional convergence of the rescaled
random walk with heavy tails to a stable process.This generalizes the
Generalized Central Limit Theorem for stable random variables infinite
dimension. We show that provided we have a control between the randomwalk or
the limiting stable process and their respective affine interpolation, we
canlift the rate of convergence obtained for multivariate distributions to a
rateof convergence in some functional spaces.
<p>We consider a non-conservative nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NCNLS) with
time-dependent coefficients, inspired by a water waves problem. This problem
does not have mass or energy conservation, but instead mass and energy change
in time under explicit balance laws. In this paper we extend to the particular
NCNLS two numerical schemes which are known to conserve energy and mass in the
discrete level for the cubic NLS. Both schemes are second oder accurate in
time, and we prove that their extensions satisfy discrete versions of the mass
and energy balance laws for the NCNLS. The first scheme is a relaxation scheme
that is linearly implicit. The other scheme is a modified Delfour-Fortin-Payre
scheme and it is fully implicit. Numerical results show that both schemes
capture robustly the correct values of mass and energy, even in strongly
non-conservative problems. We finally compare the two numerical schemes and
discuss their performance.
<p>Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is an important unsupervised learning
method to extract meaningful features from data. To address the NMF problem
within a polynomial time framework, researchers have introduced a separability
assumption, which has recently evolved into the concept of coseparability. This
advancement offers a more efficient core representation for the original data.
However, in the real world, the data is more natural to be represented as a
multi-dimensional array, such as images or videos. The NMF's application to
high-dimensional data involves vectorization, which risks losing essential
multi-dimensional correlations. To retain these inherent correlations in the
data, we turn to tensors (multidimensional arrays) and leverage the tensor
t-product. This approach extends the coseparable NMF to the tensor setting,
creating what we term coseparable Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF). In
this work, we provide an alternating index selection method to select the
coseparable core. Furthermore, we validate the t-CUR sampling theory and
integrate it with the tensor Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (t-DEIM)
to introduce an alternative, randomized index selection process. These methods
have been tested on both synthetic and facial analysis datasets. The results
demonstrate the efficiency of coseparable NTF when compared to coseparable NMF.
<p>Oscillations of free intracellular calcium concentration are thought to be
important in the control of a wide variety of physiological phenomena, and
there is long-standing interest in understanding these oscillations via the
investigation of suitable mathematical models. Many of these models have the
feature that different variables or terms in the model evolve on very different
time-scales, which often results in the accompanying oscillations being
temporally complex. Cloete et al [5] constructed an ordinary differential
equation model of calcium oscillations in hepatocytes in an attempt to
understand the origin of two distinct types of oscillation observed in
experiments: narrow-spike oscillations in which rapid spikes of calcium
concentration alternate with relatively long periods of quiescence, and
broad-spike oscillations in which there is a fast rise in calcium levels
followed by a slower decline then a period of quiescence. These two types of
oscillation can be observed in the model if a single system parameter is varied
but the mathematical mechanisms underlying the different types of oscillations
were not explored in detail in [5]. We use ideas from geometric singular
perturbation theory to investigate the origin of broad-spike solutions in this
model. We find that the analysis is intractable in the full model, but are able
to uncover structure in particular singular limits of a related model that
point to the origin of the broad-spike solutions.
<p>In this paper we identify the Fokker-Planck equation for (reflected) Sticky
Brownian Motion as a Wasserstein gradient flow in the space of probability
measures. The driving functional is the relative entropy with respect to a
non-standard reference measure, the sum of an absolutely continuous interior
part plus a singular part supported on the boundary. Taking the small time-step
limit in a minimizing movement (JKO scheme) we prove existence of weak
solutions for the coupled system of PDEs satisfying in addition an Energy
Dissipation Inequality.
<p>Kolmogorov decomposition for a given completely positive definite kernel is a
generalization of Paschke's GNS construction for the completely positive map.
Using Kolmogorov decomposition, to every quantum dynamical semigroup (QDS) for
completely positive definite kernels over a set $S$ on given $C^*$-algebra
$\mathcal{A},$ we shall assign an inclusion system $F = (F_s)_{s\ge 0}$ of
Hilbert bimodules over $\mathcal{A}$ with a generating unit
$\xi^{\sigma}=(\xi^{\sigma}_s)_{s\ge 0}.$ Consider a von Neumann algebra
$\mathcal{B}$, and let $\mathfrak{T}=(\mathfrak{T}_s)_{s\ge 0}$ be a QDS over a
set $S$ on the algebra $M_2(\mathcal{B})$ with
$\mathfrak{T}_s=\begin{pmatrix}\mathfrak{K}_{s,1} &
\mathfrak{L}_s\\\mathfrak{L}_s^*& \mathfrak{K}_{s,2} \end{pmatrix}$ which acts
block-wise. Further, suppose that $(F^i_s )_{s\ge 0}$ is the inclusion system
affiliated to the diagonal QDS $(\mathfrak{K}_{s,i})_{s\ge 0}$ along with the
generating unit $(\xi^{\sigma}_{s,i} )_{s\ge 0},$ $\sigma\in S,i\in \{1,2\}$,
then we prove that there exists a unique contractive (weak) morphism $V =
(V_s)_{s\ge 0}:F^2_s \to F^1_s$ such that
$\mathfrak{L}_s^{\sigma,\sigma'}(b)=\langle \xi_{s,1}^{\sigma},V_s
b\xi_{s,2}^{\sigma'}\rangle$ for every $\sigma',\sigma\in S$ and $b\in
\mathcal{B}.$ We also study the semigroup version of a factorization theorem
for $\mathfrak{K}$-families.
<p>Data-driven methods for the identification of the governing equations of
dynamical systems or the computation of reduced surrogate models play an
increasingly important role in many application areas such as physics,
chemistry, biology, and engineering. Given only measurement or observation
data, data-driven modeling techniques allow us to gain important insights into
the characteristic properties of a system, without requiring detailed
mechanistic models. However, most methods assume that we have access to the
full state of the system, which might be too restrictive. We show that it is
possible to learn certain global dynamical features from local observations
using delay embedding techniques, provided that the system satisfies a
localizability condition -- a property that is closely related to the
observability and controllability of linear time-invariant systems.
<p>The design of zero-delay Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC) schemes for the
transmission of correlated information over fading Multiple Access Channels
(MACs) is an interesting problem for many communication scenarios like Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs). Among the different JSCC schemes so far proposed for
this scenario, Distributed Quantizer Linear Coding (DQLC) represents an
appealing solution since it is able to outperform uncoded transmissions for any
correlation level at high Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNRs) with a low
computational cost. In this paper, we extend the design of DQLC-based schemes
for fading MACs considering sphere decoding to make the optimal Minimum Mean
Squared Error (MMSE) estimation computationally affordable for an arbitrary
number of transmit users. The use of sphere decoding also allows to formulate a
practical algorithm for the optimization of DQLC-based systems. Finally,
non-linear Kalman Filtering for the DQLC is considered to jointly exploit the
temporal and spatial correlation of the source symbols. The results of computer
experiments show that the proposed DQLC scheme with the Kalman Filter decoding
approach clearly outperforms uncoded transmissions for medium and high SNRs.
<p>We show that the classification diagram of a relative $\infty$-category
arising from a relative simplicial category is equivalent to the levelwise
nerve. Applications include the comparison of the diagonal of the levelwise
nerve and the homotopy coherent nerve, and a result on the levelwise
localizations of simplicial categories.
<p>Wasserstein distortion is a one-parameter family of distortion measures that
was recently proposed to unify fidelity and realism constraints. After
establishing continuity results for Wasserstein in the extreme cases of pure
fidelity and pure realism, we prove the first coding theorems for compression
under Wasserstein distortion focusing on the regime in which both the rate and
the distortion are small.
<p>Centralized repair refers to repairing $h\geq 2$ node failures using $d$
helper nodes in a centralized way, where the repair bandwidth is counted by the
total amount of data downloaded from the helper nodes. A centralized MSR code
is an MDS array code with $(h,d)$-optimal repair for some $h$ and $d$. In this
paper, we present several classes of centralized MSR codes with small
sub-packetization. At first, we construct an alternative MSR code with
$(1,d_i)$-optimal repair for multiple repair degrees $d_i$ simultaneously.
Based on the code structure, we are able to construct a centralized MSR code
with $(h_i,d_i)$-optimal repair property for all possible $(h_i,d_i)$ with
$h_i\mid (d_i-k)$ simultaneously. The sub-packetization is no more than ${\rm
lcm}(1,2,\ldots,n-k)(n-k)^n$, which is much smaller than a previous work given
by Ye and Barg ($({\rm lcm}(1,2,\ldots,n-k))^n$). Moreover, for general
parameters $2\leq h\leq n-k$ and $k\leq d\leq n-h$, we further give a
centralized MSR code enabling $(h,d)$-optimal repair with sub-packetization
smaller than all previous works.
<p>This paper is concerned with the study of a family of fixed point iterations
combining relaxation with different inertial (acceleration) principles. We
provide a systematic, unified and insightful analysis of the hypotheses that
ensure their weak, strong and linear convergence, either matching or improving
previous results obtained by analysing particular cases separately. We also
show that these methods are robust with respect to different kinds of
perturbations--which may come from computational errors, intentional
deviations, as well as regularisation or approximation schemes--under
surprisingly weak assumptions. Although we mostly focus on theoretical aspects,
numerical illustrations in image inpainting and electricity production markets
reveal possible trends in the behaviour of these types of methods.
<p>The considered optimal control problem of a stochastic power system, is to
select the set of power supply vectors which infimizes the probability that the
phase-angle differences of any power flow of the network, endangers the
transient stability of the power system by leaving a critical subset. The set
of control laws is restricted to be a periodically recomputed set of fixed
power supply vectors based on predictions of power demand for the next short
horizon. Neither state feedback nor output feedback is used. The associated
control objective function is Lipschitz continuous, nondifferentiable, and
nonconvex. The results of the paper include that a minimum exists in the value
range of the control objective function. Furthermore, it includes a two-step
procedure to compute an approximate minimizer based on two key methods: (1) a
projected generalized subgradient method for computing an initial vector, and
(2) a steepest descent method for approximating a local minimizer. Finally, it
includes two convergence theorems that an approximation sequence converges to a
local minimum.
<p>Consider a 2-dimensional smooth Riemannian manifold $M$, and let $P(h)$ be a
semiclassical pseudodifferential operator on $M$. Assume that $f = f(h)$ is an
$O(h)$ quasimode of $P(h)$ localized in phase space. In this work, we establish
sharp $L^p$ restriction estimates for quasimodes for all smooth curves in two
dimensions. As an application, we address $L^p$ restriction eigenfunction
estimates for Laplace eigenfunctions on compact Riemannian manifolds and
Hermite functions on $\mathbb R^2$. Our method involves a geometric analysis of
the contact order between the curve and the bicharacteristic flow of $P(h)$.
<p>We propose a local modification of the standard subdiffusion model by
introducing the initial Fickian diffusion, which results in a multiscale
diffusion model. The developed model resolves the incompatibility between the
nonlocal operators in subdiffusion and the local initial conditions and thus
eliminates the initial singularity of the solutions of the subdiffusion, while
retaining its heavy tail behavior away from the initial time. The
well-posedness of the model and high-order regularity estimates of its
solutions are analyzed by resolvent estimates, based on which the numerical
discretization and analysis are performed. Numerical experiments are carried
out to substantiate the theoretical findings.
<p>Firewalls in black holes are easiest to understand by imposing time reversal
invariance, together with a unitary evolution law. The best approach seems to
be to split up the time span of a black hole into short periods, during which
no firewalls can be detected by any observer. Then, gluing together subsequent
time periods, firewalls seem to appear, but they can always be transformed
away. At all times we need a Hilbert space of a finite dimension, as long as
particles far separated from the black hole are ignored. Our conclusion
contradicts other findings, particularly a recent paper by Strauss and Whiting.
Indeed, the firewall transformation removes the entanglement between very early
and very late in- and out-particles, in a far-from-trivial way.
<p>We consider relatively prime integer numbers $m$ and $n$ such that each group
of order $mn$ has a normal subgroup of order $m$. We prove that each brace of
size $mn$ is a semidirect product of a brace of size $m$ and a brace of size
$n$. We further give a method to classify braces of size $mn$ from the
classification of braces of sizes $m$ and $n$. We apply this result to
determine all braces of size $p^2q^2$, for $p$ an odd Germain prime and
<p>Sliced optimal transport, which is basically a Radon transform followed by
one-dimensional optimal transport, became popular in various applications due
to its efficient computation. In this paper, we deal with sliced optimal
transport on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^{d-1}$ and on the rotation group SO(3). We
propose a parallel slicing procedure of the sphere which requires again only
optimal transforms on the line. We analyze the properties of the corresponding
parallelly sliced optimal transport, which provides in particular a
rotationally invariant metric on the spherical probability measures. For SO(3),
we introduce a new two-dimensional Radon transform and develop its singular
value decomposition. Based on this, we propose a sliced optimal transport on
<p>As Wasserstein distances were extensively used in barycenter computations, we
derive algorithms to compute the barycenters with respect to our new sliced
Wasserstein distances and provide synthetic numerical examples on the 2-sphere
that demonstrate their behavior both the free and fixed support setting of
discrete spherical measures. In terms of computational speed, they outperform
the existing methods for semicircular slicing as well as the regularized
Wasserstein barycenters.
<p>We investigate the geometry of classical Hamiltonian systems immersed in a
magnetic field in three-dimensional Riemannian configuration spaces. We prove
that these systems admit non-trivial symplectic-Haantjes manifolds, which are
symplectic manifolds endowed with an algebra of Haantjes (1,1)-tensors. These
geometric structures allow us to determine separation variables for known
systems algorithmically; besides, the underlying St\"ackel geometry is used to
construct new families of integrable Hamiltonian models immersed in a magnetic
<p>We expand the theory of 2-classifiers, that are a 2-categorical
generalization of subobject classifiers introduced by Weber. The idea is to
upgrade monomorphisms to discrete opfibrations. We prove that the conditions of
2-classifier can be checked just on a dense generator. The study of what is
classified by a 2-classifier is similarly reduced to a study over the objects
that form a dense generator. We then apply our results to the cases of
prestacks and stacks, where we can thus look just at the representables. We
produce a 2-classifier in prestacks that classifies all discrete opfibrations
with small fibres. Finally, we restrict such 2-classifier to a 2-classifier in
stacks. This is the main ingredient of a proof that Grothendieck 2-topoi are
elementary 2-topoi. Our results also solve a problem posed by Hofmann and
Streicher when attempting to lift Grothendieck universes to sheaves.
<p>The combination of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and
intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) is foreseen as a critical enabler of
beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G. In this work, two different approaches are considered
for the joint optimization of the IRS phase-shift matrix and MIMO precoders of
an IRS-assisted multi-stream (MS) multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) system. Both
approaches aim to maximize the system sum-rate for every channel realization.
The first proposed solution is a novel contextual bandit (CB) framework with
continuous state and action spaces called deep contextual bandit-oriented deep
deterministic policy gradient (DCB-DDPG). The second is an innovative deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) formulation where the states, actions, and rewards
are selected such that the Markov decision process (MDP) property of
reinforcement learning (RL) is appropriately met. Both proposals perform
remarkably better than state-of-the-art heuristic methods in scenarios with
high multi-user interference.
<p>We study the stable dynamics of non-polynomial automorphisms of
$\mathbb{C}^2$ of the form $F(z,w)=(e^{-z^m}+ \delta e^{\frac{2 \pi}{m}i}\,
w\,,\,z)$, with $m\ge 2$ a natural number and $\mathbb{R}\ni\delta>2$.
<p>If $m$ is even, there are $\frac{m}{2}$ cycles of escaping Fatou components,
all of period $2m$. If $m$ is odd there are $\frac{m-1}{2}$ cycles of escaping
Fatou components of period $2m$ and just one cycle of escaping Fatou components
of period $m$.
<p>These maps have two distinct limit functions on each cycle, both of which
have generic rank 1. Each Fatou component in each cycle has two disjoint and
hyperbolic limit sets on the line at infinity, except for the Fatou components
that belong to the unique cycle of period $m$: the latter in fact have the same
hyperbolic limit set on the line at infinity.
<p>An innovative approach to hybrid analog-digital precoding for the downlink of
wideband massive MIMO systems is developed. The proposed solution, termed
Rank-Constrained Coordinate Ascent (RCCA), starts seeking the full-digital
precoder that maximizes the achievable sum-rate over all the frequency
subcarriers while constraining the rank of the overall transmit covariance
matrix. The frequency-flat constraint on the analog part of the hybrid precoder
and the non-convex nature of the rank constraint are circumvented by
transforming the original problem into a more suitable one, where a convenient
structure for the transmit covariance matrix is imposed. Such structure makes
the resulting full-digital precoder particularly adequate for its posterior
analog-digital factorization. An additional problem formulation to determine an
appropriate power allocation policy according to the rank constraint is also
provided. The numerical results show that the proposed method outperforms
baseline solutions even for practical scenarios with high spatial diversity.
<p>In [2] we show how to construct information sets for Reed-Muller codes only
in terms of their basic parameters. In this work we deal with the corresponding
problem for q-ary Generalized Reed-Muller codes of first and second order. We
see that for first-order codes the result for binary Reed-Muller codes is also
valid, while for second-order codes, with q > 2, we have to manage more complex
defining sets and we show that we get different information sets. We also
present some examples and associated open problems.
<p>In this article we obtain new rigidity results for spacelike submanifolds of
arbitrary codimension in Generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes. Namely, under
appropriate assumptions such as parabolicity we prove by means of some maximum
principles that they must be contained in a spacelike slice. This enables us to
characterize extremal and weakly trapped submanifolds in these ambient
<p>We tackle the problem of Byzantine errors in distributed gradient descent
within the Byzantine-resilient gradient coding framework. Our proposed solution
can recover the exact full gradient in the presence of $s$ malicious workers
with a data replication factor of only $s+1$. It generalizes previous solutions
to any data assignment scheme that has a regular replication over all data
samples. The scheme detects malicious workers through additional interactive
communication and a small number of local computations at the main node,
leveraging group-wise comparisons between workers with a provably optimal
grouping strategy. The scheme requires at most $s$ interactive rounds that
incur a total communication cost logarithmic in the number of data samples.
<p>In this paper we determine a sufficient condition for the quasinilpotency of
a commutator of compact operators via block-tridiagonal matrix form associated
with a compact operator. We also prove that every compact operator is unitarily
equivalent to the sum of a compact quasinilpotent operator and a
triangularizable compact operator.
<p>We show that (central) Cowling-Haagerup constant of discrete quantum groups
is multiplicative, which extends the result of Freslon to general (not
necesarilly unimodular) discrete quantum groups. The crucial feature of our
approach is considering algebras $\mathrm{C}(\mathbb{G}),
\operatorname{L}^{\infty}(\mathbb{G})$ as operator modules over
<p>Providing closed form estimates of the decoding failure rate of iterative
decoder for low- and moderate-density parity check codes has attracted
significant interest in the research community over the years. This interest
has raised recently due to the use of iterative decoders in post-quantum
cryptosystems, where the desired decoding failure rates are impossible to
estimate via Monte Carlo simulations. In this work, we propose a new technique
to provide accurate estimates of the DFR of a two-iterations (parallel) bit
flipping decoder, which is also employable for cryptographic purposes. In doing
so, we successfully tackle the estimation of the bit flipping probabilities at
the second decoder iteration, and provide a fitting estimate for the syndrome
weight distribution at the first iteration. We numerically validate our
results, providing comparisons of the modeled and simulated weight of the
syndrome, incorrectly-guessed error bit distribution at the end of the first
iteration, and two-iteration Decoding Failure Rates (DFR), both in the floor
and waterfall regime for simulatable codes. Finally, we apply our method to
estimate the DFR of LEDAcrypt parameters, showing improvements by factors
larger than $2^{70}$ (for NIST category $1$) with respect to the previous
estimation techniques. This allows for a $\approx 20$% shortening in public key
and ciphertext sizes, at no security loss, making the smallest ciphertext for
NIST category $1$ only $6$% larger than the one of BIKE. We note that the
analyzed two-iterations decoder is applicable in BIKE, where swapping it with
the current black-gray decoder (and adjusting the parameters) would provide
strong IND-CCA$2$ guarantees.
<p>We develop a framework for learning properties of quantum states beyond the
assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) input states. We
prove that, given any learning problem (under reasonable assumptions), an
algorithm designed for i.i.d. input states can be adapted to handle input
states of any nature, albeit at the expense of a polynomial increase in copy
complexity. Furthermore, we establish that algorithms which perform
non-adaptive incoherent measurements can be extended to encompass non-i.i.d.
input states while maintaining comparable error probabilities. This allows us,
among others applications, to generalize the classical shadows of Huang, Kueng,
and Preskill to the non-i.i.d. setting at the cost of a small loss in
efficiency. Additionally, we can efficiently verify any pure state using
Clifford measurements, in a way that is independent of the ideal state. Our
main techniques are based on de Finetti-style theorems supported by tools from
information theory. In particular, we prove a new randomized local de Finetti
theorem that can be of independent interest.
<p>The controllability issue of control-affine systems on smooth manifolds is
one of the main problems in the theory, and it is recently known [Jouan P.
Equivalence of control systems with linear systems on Lie groups and
homogeneous spaces. ESAIM: Control Optim. Calc. Var. 2010, 16, 956-973] that it
might be connected to that of a particular class of systems called linear
control systems on (a homogeneous manifold of) a Lie group. Note that it may
become very complicated to establish the controllability property of systems
evolving on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups whose dynamics are induced by
those of systems in the Lie group under consideration. In fact, even in
low-dimensional certain homogeneous spaces, this is quite a challenging task,
and for this reason, we have classified in [Da Silva, A., Kizil, E., Duman, O.
Linear Control Systems on Homogeneous Spaces of the Heisenberg Group. J. Dyn.
Control Syst. 2023, 29, 2065-2086] as a first goal all linear control systems
on the homogeneous spaces of the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group $\mathbb{H}$
through its closed subgroups $L$ and, in particular, the controllability and
the control sets have been studied for one of the homogeneous spaces
$L\setminus \mathbb{H}$.
<p>In this paper, we study the controllability and control sets of the induced
linear control systems in the homogeneous spaces left. In particular, we focus
on the singularity of the induced drift vector fields that results in many
cases and subcases to reveal control sets after quite a technical analysis. We
give some nice illustrations to better understand what is going on
<p>We investigate the Witsenhausen counterexample in a continuous vector-valued
context with a causal encoder and noncausal decoder. Our main result is the
optimal single-letter condition that characterizes the set of achievable
Witsenhausen power costs and estimation costs, leveraging a modified weak
typicality approach. In particular, we accommodate our power analysis to the
causal encoder constraint, and provide an improved distortion error analysis
for the challenging estimation of the interim state. Interestingly, the idea of
dual role of control is explicitly captured by the two auxiliary random
<p>Let $H \subseteq G$ be connected reductive linear algebraic groups defined
over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p> 0$. In our first
principal theorem we show that if a closed subgroup $K$ of $H$ is
$H$-completely reducible, then it is also $G$-completely reducible in the sense
of Serre, under some restrictions on $p$, generalising the known case for $G =
GL(V)$. Our second main theorem shows that if $K$ is $H$-completely reducible,
then the saturation of $K$ in $G$ is completely reducible in the saturation of
$H$ in $G$ (which is again a connected reductive subgroup of $G$), under
suitable restrictions on $p$, again generalising the known instance for $G =
GL(V)$. We also study saturation of finite subgroups of Lie type in $G$. Here
we generalise a result due to Nori from 1987 in case $G = GL(V)$.
<p>In this article, we investigate the geometry of compact quasi-Einstein
manifolds with boundary. We establish the possible values for the constant
scalar curvature of a compact quasi-Einstein manifold with boundary. Moreover,
we show that a $3$-dimensional simply connected compact $m$-quasi-Einstein
manifold with boundary and constant scalar curvature must be isometric, up to
scaling, to either the standard hemisphere $\mathbb{S}^{3}_{+}$, or the
$\left[0,\frac{\sqrt{m}}{\sqrt{\lambda}}\,\pi\right]\times\mathbb{S}^2$ with
the product metric. For dimension $n=4,$ we prove that a $4$-dimensional simply
connected compact $m$-quasi-Einstein manifold $M^4$ with boundary and constant
scalar curvature is isometric, up to scaling, to either the standard hemisphere
$\mathbb{S}^{4}_{+},$ or the cylinder
$\left[0,\frac{\sqrt{m}}{\sqrt{\lambda}}\,\pi\right]\times\mathbb{S}^3$ with
the product metric, or the product space $\mathbb{S}^{2}_{+}\times\mathbb{S}^2$
with the doubly warped product metric. Other related results for arbitrary
dimensions are also discussed.
<p>Let $F$ be a non-archimedean local field. For the symplectic group
$Sp_{4}(F),$ let $P$ and $Q$ denote respectively its Siegel and Klingen
parabolic subgroups with respective Levi decompositions $P=MN$ and $Q=LU.$ For
a non-trivial character $\psi$ of the unipotent radical $N$ of $P,$ let
$M_{\psi}$ denote the stabilizer of the character $\psi$ in $M$ under the
conjugation action of $M$ on characters of $N.$ For an irreducible
representation of the Levi subgroups $M$ or $L,$ let $\pi$ denote the
respective representation of $Sp_{4}(F)$ parabolically induced either from $P$
or from $Q.$ Let $\psi$ be a character of the group $N$ given by a rank one
quadratic form. In this article, we determine the structure of the twisted
Jacquet module $r_{N,\psi}(\pi)$ as an $M_{\psi}$-module. We also deduce the
analogous results in the case where $F$ is a finite field of order $q.$
<p>Here, we investigate the linear spatial stability of a parallel
two-dimensional compressible boundary layer on an adiabatic plate by
considering 2D and 3D disturbances. We employ the Compound Matrix Method for
the first time for compressible flows, which, unlike other conventional
techniques, can efficiently eliminate the stiffness of the original equation.
Our study explores flow Mach numbers ranging from low subsonic to supersonic
cases, to investigate the effects of flow compressibility and spanwise
variation of disturbances. We get some interesting results depending on the
flow Mach number. Mack (AGARD Report No. 709, 1984) reported the existence of
two unstable modes for Mach number greater than 3 from viscous calculations
(the so-called second mode) that subsequently fuse to create only one unstable
zone when Mach number increases. Our calculations show a series of unstable
modes for a Mach number greater than 3. The number of such modes is much more
than two (unlike what Mack reports). The number and the frequency extent of the
corresponding unstable zones increase with an increase in M, which is
significantly higher than subsonic or low-supersonic cases. While the shape of
the neutral curves for the second unstable mode for a Mach number greater than
4 is similar to the fused neutral curve shown by Mack for a Mach number of 4.8,
the characteristics of higher-order spatially unstable modes considering the
viscous stability of supersonic boundary layers remain unreported to the best
of our knowledge. The last one is the most novel element in the reported
<p>Let $ L((T^{-1}))$ be the space of (inverse) Laurent serieswith coefficients
in some field $L$. It has a standard degree map and the induced topology. With
its usual addition and a new product on this space which is continuous and
preserves the standard degree map, it will be a complete topological division
ring, and called a deformed Laurent series ring. Under mild restrictions, we
give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a product on $ L((T^{-1}))$ to
make it a deformed Laurent series ring. Then we apply the above theory to
construct the completions of the Weyl division ring $D_1$, over some field of
characteristic 0, with respect to a class of discrete valuations on it. Such
completions are topological division rings with nice properties. For instance,
their valuation rings are non-commutative Henselian rings; the centralizer of
each element not in the center is commutative.
<p>We propose a novel algorithm for online resource allocation with
non-stationary customer arrivals and unknown click-through rates. We assume
multiple types of customers arrive in a nonstationary stochastic fashion, with
unknown arrival rates in each period, and that customers' click-through rates
are unknown and can only be learned online. By leveraging results from the
stochastic contextual bandit with knapsack and online matching with adversarial
arrivals, we develop an online scheme to allocate the resources to
nonstationary customers. We prove that under mild conditions, our scheme
achieves a ``best-of-both-world'' result: the scheme has a sublinear regret
when the customer arrivals are near-stationary, and enjoys an optimal
competitive ratio under general (non-stationary) customer arrival
distributions. Finally, we conduct extensive numerical experiments to show our
approach generates near-optimal revenues for all different customer scenarios.
<p>We consider the transmission of spatially correlated analog information in a
wireless sensor network (WSN) through fading single-input and multiple-output
(SIMO) multiple access channels (MACs) with low-latency requirements. A
lattice-based analog joint source-channel coding (JSCC) approach is considered
where vectors of consecutive source symbols are encoded at each sensor using an
n-dimensional lattice and then transmitted to a multiantenna central node. We
derive a minimum mean square error (MMSE) decoder that accounts for both the
multidimensional structure of the encoding lattices and the spatial
correlation. In addition, a sphere decoder is considered to simplify the
required searches over the multidimensional lattices. Different lattice-based
mappings are approached and the impact of their size and density on performance
and latency is analyzed. Results show that, while meeting low-latency
constraints, lattice-based analog JSCC provides performance gains and higher
reliability with respect to the state-of-the-art JSCC schemes.
<p>For $N \ge 1, s\in (0,1)$, and $p \in (1, N/s)$ we find a positive solution
to the following class of semipositone problems associated with the fractional
$p$-Laplace operator: \begin{equation}\tag{SP}
<p>(-\Delta)_{p}^{s}u = g(x)f_a(u) \text{ in } \mathbb{R}^N, \end{equation}
where $g \in L^1(\mathbb{R}^N) \cap L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^N)$ is a positive
function, $a>0$ is a parameter and $f_a \in \mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R})$ is defined
as $f_a(t) = f(t)-a$ for $t \ge 0$, $f_a(t) = -a(t+1)$ for $t \in [-1, 0]$, and
$f_a(t) = 0$ for $t \le -1$, where $f \in \mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R}^+)$ satisfies
$f(0)=0$ with subcritical and Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type growth. Depending on
the range of $a$, we obtain the existence of a mountain pass solution to (SP)
in $\mathcal{D}^{s,p}(\mathbb{R}^N)$. Then, we prove mountain pass solutions
are uniformly bounded with respect to $a$, over $L^r(\mathbb{R}^N)$ for every
$r \in [Np/N-sp, \infty]$. In addition, if $p>2N/N+2s$, we establish that (SP)
admits a non-negative mountain pass solution for each $a$ near zero. Finally,
under the assumption $g(x) \leq B/|x|^{\beta(p-1)+sp}$ for $B>0, x \neq 0$, and
$ \beta \in (N-sp/p-1, N/p-1)$, we derive an explicit positive subsolution to
(SP) and show that the non-negative solution is positive a.e. in
<p>We use the Hardy spaces for Fourier integral operators to obtain bounds for
spherical maximal functions in $L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$, $n\geq2$, where the
radii of the spheres are restricted to a compact subset of $(0,\infty)$. These
bounds extend to general hypersurfaces with non-vanishing Gaussian curvature,
and to geodesic spheres on compact manifolds. We also obtain improved maximal
function bounds, and pointwise convergence statements, for wave propagators.
<p>This paper answers a fundamental question about the exact distribution of the
signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) under matched-filter (MF)
precoding. Specifically, we derive the exact expressions for the cumulative
distribution function (CDF) and the probability density function (PDF) of SINR
under MF precoding over Rayleigh fading channels. Based on the exact analysis,
we then rigorously prove that the SINR converges to some specific distributions
separately in high SNR and in massive MIMO. To simplify the exact result in
general cases, we develop a good approximation by modelling the interference as
a Beta distribution. We then shift to the exact analysis of the transmit rate,
and answer the fundamental question: How does the exact rate converge to the
well-known asymptotic rate in massive MIMO? After that, we propose a novel
approximation for the ergodic rate, which performs better than various existing
approximations. Finally, we present some numerical results to demonstrate the
accuracy of the derived analytical models.
<p>In this paper we introduce a notion of Poincar\'e exponent for isometric
representations of discrete groups on Hilbert spaces. Similarly as growth
exponents control the geometry this exponent is shown to control the size of
spectral gaps. Following similar ideas as Patterson and Sullivan it is used in
the case of negatively curved groups to construct weakly contained boundary
representations reflecting the spectral properties of the original
representation analogously as complementary series representations in the case
of semi-simple Lie groups. This is exploited to deduced sharp estimates on
spectral invariants. A quantitive property (T) \'a la Cowling is also
established proving uniform bound on the mixing rate of representations of
hyperbolic groups with property (T). Along the way some properties of boundary
representations are discussed. A original characterisation of the positivity of
the so-called Knapp-Stein operators and certain fusion rules on the boundary
complementary series representations are established.
<p>The Finite Fourier Series (FFS) Shape-Based (SB) trajectory approximation
method has been used to rapidly generate initial trajectories that satisfy the
dynamics, trajectory boundary conditions, and limitation on maximum thrust
acceleration. The FFS SB approach solves a nonlinear programming problem (NLP)
in searching for feasible trajectories. This paper extends the development of
the FFS SB approach to generate sub optimal solutions. Specifically, the
objective function of the NLP problem is modified to include also a measure for
the time of flight. Numerical results presented in this paper show several
solutions that differ from those of the original FFS SB ones. The sub-optimal
trajectories generated using a time of flight minimization are shown to be
physically feasible trajectories and potential candidates for direct solvers.
<p>The aim of this paper is to develop hybrid non-orthogonal multiple access
(NOMA) assisted downlink transmission. First, for the single-input
single-output (SISO) scenario, i.e., each node is equipped with a single
antenna, a novel hybrid NOMA scheme is introduced, where NOMA is implemented as
an add-on of a legacy time division multiple access (TDMA) network. Because of
the simplicity of the SISO scenario, analytical results can be developed to
reveal important properties of downlink hybrid NOMA. For example, in the case
that the users' channel gains are ordered and the durations of their time slots
are the same, downlink hybrid NOMA is shown to always outperform TDMA, which is
different from the existing conclusion for uplink hybrid NOMA. Second, the
proposed downlink SISO hybrid NOMA scheme is extended to the multiple-input
single-output (MISO) scenario, i.e., the base station has multiple antennas.
For the MISO scenario, near-field communication is considered to illustrate how
NOMA can be used as an add-on in legacy networks based on space division
multiple access and TDMA. Simulation results verify the developed analytical
results and demonstrate the superior performance of downlink hybrid NOMA
compared to conventional orthogonal multiple access.
<p>In this paper, a direct finite element method is proposed for solving
interface problems on simple unfitted meshes. The fact that the two interface
conditions form a $H^{\frac12}(\Gamma)\times H^{-\frac12}(\Gamma)$ pair leads
to a simple and direct weak formulation with an integral term for the mutual
interaction over the interface, and the well-posedness of this weak formulation
is proved. Based on this formulation, a direct finite element method is
proposed to solve the problem on two adjacent subdomains separated by the
interface by conforming finite element and conforming mixed finite element,
respectively. The well-posedness and an optimal a priori analysis are proved
for this direct finite element method under some reasonable assumptions. A
simple lowest order direct finite element method by using the linear element
method and the lowest order Raviart-Thomas element method is proposed and
analyzed to admit the optimal a priori error estimate by verifying the
aforementioned assumptions. Numerical tests are also conducted to verify the
theoretical results and the effectiveness of the direct finite element method.
<p>In this paper, we establish the partial correlation graph for multivariate
continuous-time stochastic processes, assuming only that the underlying process
is stationary and mean-square continuous with expectation zero and spectral
density function. In the partial correlation graph, the vertices are the
components of the process and the undirected edges represent partial
correlations between the vertices. To define this graph, we therefore first
introduce the partial correlation relation for continuous-time processes and
provide several equivalent characterisations. In particular, we establish that
the partial correlation relation defines a graphoid. The partial correlation
graph additionally satisfies the usual Markov properties and the edges can be
determined very easily via the inverse of the spectral density function.
Throughout the paper, we compare and relate the partial correlation graph to
the mixed (local) causality graph of Fasen-Hartmann and Schenk (2023a).
Finally, as an example, we explicitly characterise and interpret the edges in
the partial correlation graph for the popular multivariate continuous-time AR
(MCAR) processes.
<p>This paper investigates the theoretical analysis of intrinsic message passing
decoding for generalized product codes (GPCs) with irregular degree
distributions, a generalization of product codes that allows every code bit to
be protected by a minimum of two and potentially more component codes. We
derive a random hypergraph-based asymptotic performance analysis for GPCs,
extending previous work that considered the case where every bit is protected
by exactly two component codes. The analysis offers a new tool to guide the
code design of GPCs by providing insights into the influence of degree
distributions on the performance of GPCs.
<p>We prove that the conjugacy relation of transitive homeomorphisms on the
Hilbert cube (resp. on the Cantor space) is Borel bireducible with the
universal orbit relation induced by a Polish group (resp. by the group
$S_\infty$). We also prove that conjugacy relation of minimal homeomorphisms on
tame cantoroids (excluding the Cantor space) is Borel and thus this class of
spaces is not suitable for identifying the complexity of conjugacy of minimal
<p>We establish the Fa\`a di Bruno formula, in the sense of almost everywhere
equality, for derivatives of the composed function $f \circ g$, for all
function $f : R \rightarrow R$ such that $f$ acts on $W^m_p(R^n)$ by
composition, and all $g \in W^m_p(R^n)$, possibly modified on a set of measure
<p>In this paper we deal with a weighted eigenvalue problem for the anisotropic
$(p,q)$-Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We study the main
properties of the first eigenvalue and prove a reverse H\"older type inequality
for the corresponding eigenfunctions.
<p>This article bridges the gap between two topics used in sharing an encryption
key: (i) Key Consolidation, i.e., extracting two identical strings of bits from
two information sources with similarities (common randomness). (ii)
Quantum-safe Key Encapsulation by incorporating randomness in Public/Private
Key pairs. In the context of Key Consolidation, the proposed scheme adds to the
complexity Eve faces in extracting useful data from leaked information. In this
context, it is applied to the method proposed in [1] for establishing common
randomness from round-trip travel times in a packet data network. The proposed
method allows adapting the secrecy level to the amount of similarity in common
randomness. It can even encapsulate a Quantum-safe encryption key in the
extreme case that no common randomness is available. In the latter case, it is
shown that the proposed scheme offers improvements with respect to the McEliece
cryptosystem which currently forms the foundation for Quantum safe key
<p>[1] A. K. Khandani, "Looping for Encryption Key Generation Over the Internet:
A New Frontier in Physical Layer Security," 2023 Biennial Symposium on
Communications (BSC), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023, pp. 59-64
<p>Let $V$ be quadratic space of even dimension and of signature $(p, q)$ with
$p \geq q > 0$. We show that the Kudla-Millson lift of toric cycles - attached
to algebraic tori - is a cusp form that is the diagonal restriction of a
Hilbert modular form of parallel weight one. We deduce a formula relating the
dimension of the span of such diagonal restrictions and the dimension of the
span of toric and special cycles.
<p>In this paper, we introduce two metrics, namely, age of actuation (AoA) and
age of actuated information (AoAI), within a discrete-time system model that
integrates data caching and energy harvesting (EH). AoA evaluates the
timeliness of actions irrespective of the age of the information, while AoAI
considers the freshness of the utilized data packet. We use Markov Chain
analysis to model the system's evolution. Furthermore, we employ
three-dimensional Markov Chain analysis to characterize the stationary
distributions for AoA and AoAI and calculate their average values. Our findings
from the analysis, validated by simulations, show that while AoAI consistently
decreases with increased data and energy packet arrival rates, AoA presents a
more complex behavior, with potential increases under conditions of limited
data or energy resources. These metrics go towards the semantics of information
and goal-oriented communications since they consider the timeliness of
utilizing the information to perform an action.
<p>This paper belongs to a group of work in the intersection of symbolic
computation and group analysis aiming for the symbolic analysis of differential
equations. The goal is to extract important properties without finding the
explicit general solution. In this contribution, we introduce the algorithmic
verification of nonlinear superposition properties and its implementation. More
exactly, for a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations of first
order with a polynomial right-hand side, we check if the differential system
admits a general solution by means of a superposition rule and a certain number
of particular solutions. It is based on the theory of Newton polytopes and
associated symbolic computation. The developed method provides the basis for
the identification of nonlinear superpositions within a given system and for
the construction of numerical methods which preserve important algebraic
properties at the numerical level.
<p>Extremely large aperture array (ELAA) is anticipated to serve as a pivotal
feature of future multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in 6G.
Near-field (NF) fading channel models are essential for reliable link-level
simulation and ELAA system design. In this article, we propose a framework
designed to generate NF fading channels for both communication and integrated
sensing and communication (ISAC) applications. The framework allows a mixed of
line of sight (LoS) and non-LoS (NLoS) links. It also considers spherical wave
model and spatially non-stationary shadow fading. Based on this framework, we
propose a three-dimensional (3D) fading channel model for ELAA systems deployed
with a uniform rectangular array (URA). It can capture the impact of sensing
object for ISAC applications. Moreover, all parameters involved in the
framework are based on specifications or measurements from the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) documents. Therefore, the proposed framework and
channel model have the potential to contribute to the standard in various
aspects, including ISAC, extra-large (XL-) MIMO, and reconfigurable intelligent
surface (RIS) aided MIMO systems. Finally, future directions for ELAA are
presented, including not only NF channel modeling but also the design of
next-generation transceivers.
<p>We prove a synthetic Bonnet-Myers rigidity theorem for globally hyperbolic
Lorentzian length spaces with global curvature bounded below by $K<0$ and an
open distance realizer of length $L=\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{|K|}}$. In the course of
the proof, we show that the space necessarily is a warped product with warping
function $\cos:(-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2})\to\mathbb{R}_+$.
<p>We consider a flow of non-Newtonian incompressible heat conducting fluids
with dissipative heating. Such system can be obtained by scaling the classical
Navier--Stokes--Fourier problem. As one possible singular limit may be obtained
the so-called Oberbeck--Boussinesq system. However, this model is not suitable
for studying the systems with high temperature gradient. These systems are
described in much better way by completing the Oberbeck--Boussinesq system by
an additional dissipative heating. The satisfactory existence result for such
system was however not available. In this paper we show the large-data and the
long-time existence of dissipative and suitable weak solution. This is the
starting point for further analysis of the stability properties of such
<p>We consider continuous-time mean-field stochastic games with strategic
complementarities. The interaction between the representative productive firm
and the population of rivals comes through the price at which the produced good
is sold and the intensity of interaction is measured by a so-called "strenght
parameter" $\xi$. Via lattice-theoretic arguments we first prove existence of
equilibria and provide comparative statics results when varying $\xi$. A
careful numerical study based on iterative schemes converging to suitable
maximal and minimal equilibria allows then to study in relevant financial
examples how the emergence of multiple equilibria is related to the strenght of
the strategic interaction.
<p>This paper studies Bayesian optimization with noise-free observations. We
introduce new algorithms rooted in scattered data approximation that rely on a
random exploration step to ensure that the fill-distance of query points decays
at a near-optimal rate. Our algorithms retain the ease of implementation of the
classical GP-UCB algorithm and satisfy cumulative regret bounds that nearly
match those conjectured in <a href="/abs/2002.05096">arXiv:2002.05096</a>, hence solving a COLT open problem.
Furthermore, the new algorithms outperform GP-UCB and other popular Bayesian
optimization strategies in several examples.
<p>Movable antenna (MA) provides an innovative way to arrange antennas that can
contribute to improved signal quality and more effective interference
management. This method is especially beneficial for full-duplex (FD) wireless,
which struggles with self-interference (SI) that usually overpowers the desired
incoming signals. By dynamically repositioning transmit/receive antennas, we
can mitigate the SI and enhance the reception of incoming signals. Thus, this
paper proposes a novel MA-enabled point-to-point FD wireless system and
formulates the minimum achievable rate of two FD terminals. To maximize the
minimum achievable rate and determine the near-optimal positions of the MAs, we
introduce a solution based on projected particle swarm optimization (PPSO),
which can circumvent common suboptimal positioning issues. Moreover, numerical
results reveal that the PPSO method leads to a better performance compared to
the conventional alternating position optimization (APO). The results also
demonstrate that an MA-enabled FD system outperforms the one using
fixed-position antennas (FPAs).
<p>This paper investigates the link between the null controllability property
for some abstract parabolic problems and an inequality that can be seen as a
quantified Fattorini-Hautus test. Depending on the hypotheses made on the
abstract setting considered we prove that this inequality either gives the
exact minimal null control time or at least gives the qualitative property of
existence of such a minimal time. We also prove that for many known examples of
minimal time in the parabolic setting, this inequality recovers the value of
this minimal time.
<p>We leverage the Gibbs inequality and its natural generalization to R\'enyi
entropies to derive closed-form parametric expressions of the optimal lower
bounds of $\rho$th-order guessing entropy (guessing moment) of a secret taking
values on a finite set, in terms of the R\'enyi-Arimoto $\alpha$-entropy. This
is carried out in an non-asymptotic regime when side information may be
available. The resulting bounds yield a theoretical solution to a fundamental
problem in side-channel analysis: Ensure that an adversary will not gain much
guessing advantage when the leakage information is sufficiently weakened by
proper countermeasures in a given cryptographic implementation. Practical
evaluation for classical leakage models show that the proposed bounds greatly
improve previous ones for analyzing the capability of an adversary to perform
side-channel attacks.
<p>Finite rank perturbations of diagonalizable normal operators acting boundedly
on infinite dimensional, separable, complex Hilbert spaces are considered from
the standpoint of view of the existence of invariant subspaces. In particular,
if $T=D_\Lambda+u\otimes v$ is a rank-one perturbation of a diagonalizable
normal operator $D_\Lambda$ with respect to a basis $\mathcal{E}=\{e_n\}_{n\geq
1}$ and the vectors $u$ and $v$ have Fourier coefficients $\{\alpha_n\}_{n\geq
1}$ and $\{\beta_n\}_{n\geq 1}$ with respect to $\mathcal{E}$ respectively, it
is shown that $T$ has non trivial closed invariant subspaces provided that
either $u$ or $v$ have a Fourier coefficient which is zero or $u$ and $v$ have
non zero Fourier coefficients and
<p>$$ \sum_{n\geq 1} |\alpha_n|^2 \log \frac{1}{|\alpha_n|} + |\beta_n|^2 \log
\frac{1}{|\beta_n|} < \infty.$$
<p>As a consequence, if $(p,q)\in (0,2]\times (0,2]$ are such $\sum_{n\geq 1}
(|\alpha_n|^p + |\beta_n|^q )< \infty,$ it is shown the existence of non
trivial closed invariant subspaces of $T$ whenever
<p>$$(p,q)\in (0,2]\times (0,2]\setminus \{(2, r), (r, 2):\; r\in(1,2]\}.$$
<p>Moreover, such operators $T$ have non trivial closed hyperinvariant subspaces
whenever they are not a scalar multiple of the identity. Likewise, analogous
results hold for finite rank perturbations of $D_\Lambda$. This improves
considerably previous theorems of Foia\c{s}, Jung, Ko and Pearcy, Fang and Xia
and the authors on an open question explicitly posed by Pearcy in the
<p>In this paper, we present some controllability results for linear and
nonlinear phase-field systems of Caginalp type considered in a bounded interval
of $\mathbb R$ when the scalar control force acts on the temperature equation
of the system by means of the Dirichlet condition on one of the endpoints of
the interval. In order to prove the linear result we use the moment method
providing an estimate of the cost of fast controls. Using this estimate and
following the methodology developed in~\cite{tucsnack}, we prove a local exact
boundary controllability result to constant trajectories of the nonlinear
phase-field system. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first nonlinear
boundary controllability result in the framework of non-scalar parabolic
systems, framework in which some ``hyperbolic'' behaviors could arise.
<p>We propose a class of new cutting planes to strengthen the Lov\'asz theta
function, a well-known semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation for the stable
set and the graph coloring problems. For both problems, we introduce two new
cutting planes that are derived from odd-cycle constraints and triangle
inequalities and are valid for certain subgraphs induced by odd cycles.
Computational experiments on graphs from the literature show that for each
problem, one of the proposed cutting planes gives very good bounds.
<p>A result of Balogh, Csaba, Jing and Pluh\'ar yields the minimum degree
threshold that ensures a $2$-coloured graph contains a perfect matching of
significant colour-bias (i.e., a perfect matching that contains significantly
more than half of its edges in one colour). In this note we prove an analogous
result for perfect matchings in $k$-uniform hypergraphs. More precisely, for
each $2\leq \ell <k$ and $r\geq 2$ we determine the minimum $\ell$-degree
threshold for forcing a perfect matching of significant colour-bias in an
$r$-coloured $k$-uniform hypergraph.
<p>Colimits are a fundamental construction in category theory. They provide a
way to construct new objects by gluing together existing objects that are
related in some way. We introduce a complementary notion of anticolimits, which
provide a way to decompose an object into a colimit of other objects. While
anticolimits are not unique in general, we establish that in the presence of
pullbacks, there is a "canonical" anticolimit which characterises the existence
of other anticolimits. We also provide convenient techniques for computing
anticolimits, by changing either the shape or ambient category.
<p>The main motivation for this work is the development of a new method, known
as anticontraction, for constructing homotopies in the proof assistant
homotopy.io for finitely presented $n$-categories. Anticontraction complements
the existing contraction method and facilitates the construction of homotopies
increasing the complexity of a term, enhancing the usability of the proof
assistant. For example, it simplifies the naturality move and third
Reidemeister move.
<p>Solar oscillations can be modeled by Galbrun's equation which describes
Lagrangian wave displacement in a self-gravitating stratified medium. For
spherically symmetric backgrounds, we construct an algorithm to compute
efficiently and accurately the coefficients of the Green's tensor of the
time-harmonic equation in vector spherical harmonic basis. With only two
resolutions, our algorithm provides values of the kernels for all heights of
source and receiver, and prescribes analytically the singularities of the
kernels. We also derive absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) to model wave
propagation in the atmosphere above the cut-off frequency. The construction of
ABC, which contains varying gravity terms, is rendered difficult by the complex
behavior of the solar potential in low atmosphere and for frequencies below the
Lamb frequency. We carry out extensive numerical investigations to compare and
evaluate the efficiency of the ABCs in capturing outgoing solutions. Finally,
as an application towards helioseismology, we compute synthetic solar power
spectra that contain pressure modes as well as internal-gravity (g-) and
surface-gravity (f-) ridges which are missing in simpler approximations of the
wave equation. For purpose of validation, the location of the ridges in the
synthetic power spectra are compared with observed solar modes.
<p>A multi-input multi-output (MIMO) Gaussian channel with two transmit antennas
and two receive antennas is studied that is subject to an input peak-power
constraint. The capacity and the capacity-achieving input distribution are
unknown in general. The problem is shown to be equivalent to a channel with an
identity matrix but where the input lies inside and on an ellipse with
principal axis length $r_p$ and minor axis length $r_m$. If $r_p \le \sqrt{2}$,
then the capacity-achieving input has support on the ellipse. A sufficient
condition is derived under which a two-point distribution is optimal. Finally,
if $r_m < r_p \le \sqrt{2}$, then the capacity-achieving distribution is
<p>The present paper is concerned with the well-posedness theory for
non-homogeneous incompressible fluids exhibiting odd (non-dissipative)
viscosity effects. Differently from previous works, we consider here the full
odd viscosity tensor. Similarly to the work of Bresch and Desjardins in
compressible fluid mechanics, we identify the presence of an effective velocity
in the system, linking the velocity field of the fluid and the gradient of a
suitable function of the density. By use of this effective velocity, we propose
a new formulation of the original system of equations, thus highlighting a
strong similarity with the equations of the ideal magnetohydrodynamics. By
taking advantage of the new formulation of the equations, we establish a local
in time well-posedness theory in Besov spaces based on $L^\infty$ and prove a
lower bound for the lifespan of the solutions implying ``asymptotically
global'' existence: in the regime of small initial density variations,
$\rho_0-1= O(\varepsilon)$ for small $\varepsilon>0$, the corresponding
solution is defined up to some time $T_\varepsilon>0$ satisfying the property
$T_\varepsilon\,\longrightarrow\,+\infty$ when $\varepsilon\to0^+$.
<p>We present a new method to estimate the rate-distortion-perception function
in the perfect realism regime (PR-RDPF), for multivariate continuous sources
subject to a single-letter average distortion constraint. The proposed approach
is not only able to solve the specific problem but also two related problems:
the entropic optimal transport (EOT) and the output-constrained rate-distortion
function (OC-RDF), of which the PR-RDPF represents a special case. Using copula
distributions, we show that the OC-RDF can be cast as an I-projection problem
on a convex set, based on which we develop a parametric solution of the optimal
projection proving that its parameters can be estimated, up to an arbitrary
precision, via the solution of a convex program. Subsequently, we propose an
iterative scheme via gradient methods to estimate the convex program. Lastly,
we characterize a Shannon lower bound (SLB) for the PR-RDPF under a mean
squared error (MSE) distortion constraint. We support our theoretical findings
with numerical examples by assessing the estimation performance of our
iterative scheme using the PR-RDPF with the obtained SLB for various sources.
<p>Adaptive dynamics describes a deterministic approximation of the evolution of
scalar- and function-valued traits. Applying it to the team game developed by
Menden-Deuer and Rowlett [Menden-Deuer & Rowlett 2019], we constructed an
evolutionary process in the game. We also refined the adaptive dynamics
framework itself to a new level of mathamatical rigor. In our analysis, we
demonstrated the existence of solutions to the adaptive dynamics for the team
game and determined their regularity. Moreover, we identified all stationary
solutions and proved that these are precisely the Nash equilibria of the team
game. Numerical examples are provided to highlight the main characteristics of
the dynamics. The linearity of the team game results in unstable dynamics;
non-stationary solutions oscillate and perturbations of the stationary
solutions do not shrink. Instead, a linear type of branching may occur. We
finally discuss how to experimentally validate these results. Due to the
abstract nature of the team game, our results could be applied to derive
implications and predictions in several fields including biology, sports, and
<p>In the literature, there are many results about permutation polynomials over
finite fields. However, very few permutations of vector spaces are constructed
although it has been shown that permutations of vector spaces have many
applications in cryptography, especially in constructing permutations with low
differential and boomerang uniformities.
<p>In this paper, motivated by the butterfly structure
\cite{perrin2016cryptanalysis} and the work of Qu and Li \cite{qu2023}, we
investigate rotatable permutations from $\gf_{2^m}^3$ to itself with
$d$-homogenous functions.
<p>Based on the theory of equations of low degree, the resultant of polynomials,
and some skills of exponential sums, we construct five infinite classes of
$3$-homogeneous rotatable permutations from $\gf_{2^m}^3$ to itself, where $m$
is odd. Moreover, we demonstrate that the corresponding permutation polynomials
of $\gf_{2^{3m}}$ of our newly constructed permutations of $\gf_{2^m}^3$ are
QM-inequivalent to the known ones.
<p>We prove that there exist K\"{a}hler manifolds that are not homotopy
equivalent to a quotient of complex hyperbolic space but which admit a
Riemannian metric with nonpositive curvature operator. This shows that
K\"{a}hler manifolds do not satisfy the same type of rigidity with respect to
the curvature operator as quaternionic hyperbolic and Cayley hyperbolic
manifolds and are thus more similar to real hyperbolic manifolds in this
setting. Along the way we also calculate explicit values for the eigenvalues of
the curvature operator with respect to the standard complex hyperbolic metric.
<p>This paper is concerned with the linear stability analysis for the Couette
flow of the Euler-Poisson system for both ionic fluid and electronic fluid in
the domain $\bb{T}\times\bb{R}$. We establish the upper and lower bounds of the
linearized solutions of the Euler-Poisson system near Couette flow. In
particular, the inviscid damping for the solenoidal component of the velocity
is obtained.
<p>This paper investigates the secure resource allocation for a downlink
integrated sensing and communication system with multiple legal users and
potential eavesdroppers. In the considered model, the base station (BS)
simultaneously transmits sensing and communication signals through beamforming
design, where the sensing signals can be viewed as artificial noise to enhance
the security of communication signals. To further enhance the security in the
semantic layer, the semantic information is extracted from the original
information before transmission. The user side can only successfully recover
the received information with the help of the knowledge base shared with the
BS, which is stored in advance. Our aim is to maximize the sum semantic secrecy
rate of all users while maintaining the minimum quality of service for each
user and guaranteeing overall sensing performance. To solve this sum semantic
secrecy rate maximization problem, an iterative algorithm is proposed using the
alternating optimization method. The simulation results demonstrate the
superiority of the proposed algorithm in terms of secure semantic communication
and reliable detection.
<p>This note presents an upper bound of $1.252 n$ on the size of a set system
that satisfies the mod-6 town rules. Under these rules the sizes of the sets
are not congruent to $0\bmod 6$ while the sizes of all pairwise intersections
are congruent to $ 0\bmod 6$.
<p>R.Pavlov and S.Schmieding provided recently some synthetic results about
generic $\mathbb{Z}$-shifts, which rely mainly on an original theorem stating
that isolated points form a residual set in the space of $\mathbb{Z}$-shifts
such that all other residual set must contain it. As a direction for further
research, they pointed towards genericity in the space of $\mathbb{G}$-shifts,
where $\mathbb{G}$ is a finitely generated group. In the present text, we
approach this for the case of $\mathbb{Z}^d$-shifts, where $d \ge 2$. As it is
usual, multidimensional dynamical systems are much more difficult to
understand. Provided the result of R.Pavlov and S.Schmieding, it is natural to
begin with a better understanding of isolated points. We prove here a
characterization of such points in the space of $\mathbb{Z}^d$-shifts, in terms
of the natural notion of maximal subsystems which we also introduce in this
article. From this characterization we recover the one of R.Pavlov and
S.Schmieding's. We also prove a series of results which exploit this notion. In
particular some transitivity-like properties can be related to the number of
maximal subsystems. Furthermore, on the contrary of dimension one, the set of
isolated shifts is not residual. We also prove that the Cantor-Bendixson rank
of the space of $\mathbb{Z}^d$-shifts is infinite when $d > 1$, while it is
equal to one when $d=1$.
<p>The general goal of this work is to obtain upper and lower bounds for the
$L^2$-norm of biorthogonal families to complex exponential functions associated
to sequences $\{ \Lambda_k \}_{k \ge 1} \subset \mathbb C$ which satisfy
appropriate assumptions but without imposing a gap condition on the elements of
the sequence. As a consequence, we also present new results on the cost of the
boundary null controllability of two parabolic systems at time $T > 0$: a
phase-field system and a parabolic system whose generator has eigenvalues that
accumulate. In the latter case, the behavior of the control cost when $T$ goes
to zero depends strongly on the accumulation parameter of the eigenvalue
<p>We indulge in what mathematicians call frivolous activities. In Arithmetic
Billiards, a ball is bouncing around in a rectangle. In Parity Checkers we
place checkers on a checkerboard under certain parity constraints. Both
activities turn out to capture the division of congruence classes modulo a
prime into squares and non-squares, allowing fairly simple proofs of the
celebrated Law of Quadratic Reciprocity. Since the activities are analyzed
somewhat in parallel we don't obtain two independent proofs. But Franz
Lemmermeyer's online list of reciprocity proofs already contains well over
three hundred items, which seems enough anyway.
<p>Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural
language processing, extending their strong capabilities into multi-modal
domains. Thus, it is vital to define proper and diversified metrics for the
evaluation of LLMs.
<p>In this paper, we introduce matrix entropy, a novel metric rooted in
information theory and geometry principles to quantify the data compression
proficiency in LLMs. It reflects the model's ability to extract relevant
information and eliminate unnecessary elements, thereby providing insight into
the language model's intrinsic capability. Specifically, we demonstrate its
applicability in both single-modal (language) and multi-modal settings. For
language models, our findings reveal that the matrix entropy of representations
follows a scaling law type reduction when the model scales up, serving as a
complement to the traditional loss scaling law. For the multi-modal setting, we
also propose an evaluation method based on matrix entropy for assessing
alignment quality and we find that modern large multi-modal models exhibit
great alignment performance.
<p>This paper builds on our previous work in which we showed that, for all
connected semisimple linear Lie groups $G$ acting on a non-compactly causal
symmetric space $M = G/H$, every irreducible unitary representation of $G$ can
be realized by boundary value maps of holomorphic extensions in distributional
sections of a vector bundle over $M$. In the present paper we discuss this
procedure for the connected Lorentz group $G = SO_{1,d}(R)_e$ acting on de
Sitter space $M = dS^d$. We show in particular that the previously constructed
nets of real subspaces satisfy the locality condition. Following ideas of Bros
and Moschella from the 1990's, we show that the matrix-valued spherical
function that corresponds to our extension process extends analytically to a
large domain $G_C^{cut}$ in the complexified group $G_C = \SO_{1,d}(C)$, which
for $d = 1$ specializes to the complex cut plane $C \setminus (-\infinity, 0]$.
A number of special situations is discussed specifically: (a) The case $d = 1$,
which closely corresponds to standard subspaces in Hilbert spaces, (b) the case
of scalar-valued functions, which for $d > 2$ is the case of spherical
representations, for which we also describe the jump singularities of the
holomorphic extensions on the cut in de Sitter space, (c) the case $d = 3$,
where we obtain rather explicit formulas for the matrix-valued spherical
<p>In this paper, we propose a novel approach to test the equality of
high-dimensional mean vectors of several populations via the weighted
$L_2$-norm. We establish the asymptotic normality of the test statistics under
the null hypothesis. We also explain theoretically why our test statistics can
be highly useful in weakly dense cases when the nonzero signal in mean vectors
is present. Furthermore, we compare the proposed test with existing tests using
simulation results, demonstrating that the weighted $L_2$-norm-based test
statistic exhibits favorable properties in terms of both size and power.
<p>We study the existence of strong solutions to the initial value problem for
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in $\mathbb{R}^N, N\geq 3$. Our
investigation shows that local in-time classical solutions do not develop
singularity as long as the initial velocity lies in $(L^2(\mathbb{R}^N))^N\cap
<p>We study Markov chains with non-negative sectional curvature on finite metric
spaces. Neither reversibility, nor the restriction to a particular
combinatorial distance are imposed. In this level of generality, we prove that
a 1-step contraction in the Wasserstein distance implies a 1-step contraction
in relative entropy, by the same amount. Our result substantially strengthens a
recent breakthrough of the second author, and has the advantage of being
applicable to arbitrary scales. This leads to a time-varying refinement of the
standard Modified Log-Sobolev Inequality (MLSI), which allows us to leverage
the well-acknowledged fact that curvature improves at large scales. We
illustrate this principle with several applications, including birth and death
chains, colored exclusion processes, permutation walks, and attractive
zero-range dynamics. In particular, we prove a MLSI with constant equal to the
minimal rate increment for the mean-field zero-range process, thereby answering
a long-standing question.
<p>We deal with the class of Hausdorff spaces having a $\pi$-base whose elements
have an H-closed closure. Carlson proved that $|X|\leq 2^{wL(X)\psi_c(X)t(X)}$
for every quasiregular space $X$ with a $\pi$-base whose elements have an
H-closed closure. We provide an example of a space $X$ having a $\pi$-base
whose elements have an H-closed closure which is not quasiregular (neither
Urysohn) such that $|X|> 2^{wL(X)\chi(X)}$ (then $|X|>
2^{wL(X)\psi_c(X)t(X)}$). Still in the class of spaces with a $\pi$-base whose
elements have an H-closed closure, we establish the bound
$|X|\leq2^{wL(X)k(X)}$ for Urysohn spaces and we give an example of an Urysohn
space $Z$ such that $k(Z)<\chi(Z)$. Lastly, we present some equivalent
conditions to the Martin's Axiom involving spaces with a $\pi$-base whose
elements have an H-closed closure and, additionally, we prove that if a
quasiregular space has a $\pi$-base whose elements have an H-closed closure
then such space is Baire.
<p>Green's function characterizes a partial differential equation (PDE) and maps
its solution in the entire domain as integrals. Finding the analytical form of
Green's function is a non-trivial exercise, especially for a PDE defined on a
complex domain or a PDE with variable coefficients. In this paper, we propose a
novel boundary integral network to learn the domain-independent Green's
function, referred to as BIN-G. We evaluate the Green's function in the BIN-G
using a radial basis function (RBF) kernel-based neural network. We train the
BIN-G by minimizing the residual of the PDE and the mean squared errors of the
solutions to the boundary integral equations for prescribed test functions. By
leveraging the symmetry of the Green's function and controlling refinements of
the RBF kernel near the singularity of the Green function, we demonstrate that
our numerical scheme enables fast training and accurate evaluation of the
Green's function for PDEs with variable coefficients. The learned Green's
function is independent of the domain geometries, forcing terms, and boundary
conditions in the boundary integral formulation. Numerical experiments verify
the desired properties of the method and the expected accuracy for the
two-dimensional Poisson and Helmholtz equations with variable coefficients.
<p>Highly concentrated patterns have been observed in a spatially heterogeneous,
nonlocal, model of BGK type implementing a velocity-jump process.
<p>We study both a linear and a nonlinear case and describe the concentration
profile. In particular, we analyse a hyperbolic (or high frequency) regime that
can be interpreted both as a local (microscopic) or as a nonlocal (macroscopic)
rescaling. We consider a Hopf-Cole transform and derive a Hamilton-Jacobi
equation. The concentrations are then explained as a consequence of the
stationary points of the Hamiltonian that is spatially heterogeneous like the
velocity-jump process. After revising the classical hydrodynamic limits for the
aggregate quantities and the eikonal equation that can be derived from those
with a Hopf-Cole transform, we find that the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is a
second order approximation of the eikonal equation in the limit of small
diffusivity. For nonlinear turning kernels, the Hopf-Cole transform allows to
study the stability of the possible homogeneous configurations and of patterns
and the results of a linear stability analysis previously obtained are found
and extended to a nonlinear regime. In particular, it is shown that instability
(pattern formation) occurs when the Hamiltonian is convex-concave.
<p>In this work, we present an adjoint-based method for discovering the
underlying governing partial differential equations (PDEs) given data. The idea
is to consider a parameterized PDE in a general form, and formulate the
optimization problem that minimizes the error of PDE solution from data. Using
variational calculus, we obtain an evolution equation for the Lagrange
multipliers (adjoint equations) allowing us to compute the gradient of the
objective function with respect to the parameters of PDEs given data in a
straightforward manner. In particular, for a family of parameterized and
nonlinear PDEs, we show how the corresponding adjoint equations can be derived.
Here, we show that given smooth data set, the proposed adjoint method can
recover the true PDE up to machine accuracy. However, in the presence of noise,
the accuracy of the adjoint method becomes comparable to the famous PDE
Functional Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics method known as PDE-FIND (Rudy
et al., 2017). Even though the presented adjoint method relies on
forward/backward solvers, it outperforms PDE-FIND for large data sets thanks to
the analytic expressions for gradients of the cost function with respect to
each PDE parameter.
<p>Total variation gradient flows are important in several applied fields,
including image analysis and materials science. In this paper, we review a few
basic topics including definition of a solution, explicit examples and the
notion of calibrability, finite time extinction, and some regularity properties
of solutions. We focus on the second-order flow (possibly with weights) and the
fourth-order flow. We also discuss the fractional cases.
<p>We reiterate the contribution made by Harrow, Hassidim, and Llyod to the
quantum matrix equation solver with the emphasis on the algorithm description
and the error analysis derivation details. Moreover, the behavior of the
amplitudes of the phase register on the completion of the Quantum Phase
Estimation is studied. This study is beneficial for the comprehension of the
choice of the phase register size and its interrelation with the Hamiltonian
simulation duration in the algorithm setup phase.
<p>Logarithmic Number Systems (LNS) hold considerable promise in helping reduce
the number of bits needed to represent a high dynamic range of real-numbers
with finite precision, and also efficiently support multiplication and
division. However, under LNS, addition and subtraction turn into non-linear
functions that must be approximated - typically using precomputed table-based
functions. Additionally, multiple layers of error correction are typically
needed to improve result accuracy. Unfortunately, previous efforts have not
characterized the resulting error bound. We provide the first rigorous analysis
of LNS, covering detailed techniques such as co-transformation that are crucial
to implementing subtraction with reasonable accuracy. We provide theorems
capturing the error due to table interpolations, the finite precision of
pre-computed values in the tables, and the error introduced by fix-point
multiplications involved in LNS implementations. We empirically validate our
analysis using a Python implementation, showing that our analytical bounds are
tight, and that our testing campaign generates inputs diverse-enough to almost
match (but not exceed) the analytical bounds. We close with discussions on how
to adapt our analysis to LNS systems with different bases and also discuss many
pragmatic ramifications of our work in the broader arena of scientific
computing and machine learning.
<p>Tailoring polar code construction for decoding algorithms beyond successive
cancellation has remained a topic of significant interest in the field.
However, despite the inherent nested structure of polar codes, the use of
sequence models in polar code construction is understudied. In this work, we
propose using a sequence modeling framework to iteratively construct a polar
code for any given length and rate under various channel conditions.
Simulations show that polar codes designed via sequential modeling using
transformers outperform both 5G-NR sequence and Density Evolution based
approaches for both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.
<p>Motivated by the structure of the Swanson oscillator, which is a well-known
example of a non-hermitian quantum system consisting of a general
representation of a quadratic Hamiltonian, we propose a fermionic extension of
such a scheme which incorporates two fermionic oscillators, together with
bilinear-coupling terms that do not conserve particle number. We determine the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and expose the appearance of exceptional points
where two of the eigenstates coalesce with the corresponding eigenvectors
exhibiting the self-orthogonality relation. The model exhibits a quantum phase
transition due to the presence of a ground-state crossing. We compute the
entanglement spectrum and entanglement entropy of the ground state.
<p>In this paper, we define invariants of links in terms of colorings of link
diagrams and prove that these invariants coincide with various notions of
widths of links with respect to the standard Morse function. Our formulations
are advantageous because they are algorithmic and suitable for program
implementations. As an application, we calculate the max-width of over 10000
links up to 14 crossings from the link table.
<p>Given an open, bounded and connected set $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{3}$ and
its rescaling $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$ of size $\varepsilon\ll 1$, we consider
the solutions of the Cauchy problem for the inhomogeneous wave equation $$
u+f $$ with initial data and source supported outside $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$;
here, $\chi_{S}$ denotes the characteristic function of a set $S$. We provide
the first-order $\varepsilon$-corrections with respect to the solutions of the
inhomogeneous free wave equation and give space-time estimates on the
remainders in the $L^{\infty}((0,1/\varepsilon^{\tau}),L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{3}))
$-norm. Such corrections are explicitly expressed in terms of the eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of the Newton potential operator in $L^{2}(\Omega)$ and
provide an effective dynamics describing a legitimate point scatterer
approximation in the time domain.
<p>We show that transformation formulas of multiple $q$-hypergeometric series
agree with wall-crossing formulas of $K$-theoretic vortex partition functions
obtained by Hwang, Yi and the author \cite{Hwang:2017kmk}. For the vortex
partition function in 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theory, we show that the
wall-crossing formula agrees with the Kajihara transformation
\cite{kajihara2004euler}. For the vortex partition function in 3d
$\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theory, we show that the wall-crossing formula agrees
with the transformation formula by Halln\"as, Langmann, Noumi and Rosengren
\cite{Halln_s_2022}. Since the $K$-theoretic vortex partition functions are
related with indices such as the $\chi_t$-genus of the handsaw quiver variety,
we discuss geometric interpretation of Euler transformations in terms of
wall-crossing formulas of handsaw quiver variety.
<p>Given a lattice path $\nu$, the alt $\nu$-Tamari lattice is a partial order
recently introduced by Ceballos and Chenevi\`ere, which generalizes the
$\nu$-Tamari lattice and the $\nu$-Dyck lattice. All these posets are defined
on the set of lattice paths that lie weakly above $\nu$, and posses a rich
combinatorial structure. In this paper, we study the geometric structure of
these posets. We show that their Hasse diagram is the edge graph of a polytopal
complex induced by a tropical hyperplane arrangement, which we call the alt
$\nu$-associahedron. This generalizes the realization of $\nu$-associahedra by
Ceballos, Padrol and Sarmiento. Our approach leads to an elegant construction,
in terms of areas below lattice paths, which we call the canonical realization.
Surprisingly, in the case of the classical associahedron, our canonical
realization magically recovers Loday's ubiquitous realization, via a simple
affine transformation.
<p>In this work, we study inequalities and enumerative formulas for flags of
Pfaff systems on $\mathbb{P}^n_{\mathbb{C}}$. More specifically, we find the
number of independent Pfaff systems that leave invariant a one-dimensional
holomorphic foliation and deduce inequalities relating the degrees in the
flags, which can be interpreted as the Poincar\'e problem for flags. Moreover,
restricting to a flag of specific holomorphic foliations/distributions, we
obtain inequalities involving the degrees. As a consequence, we prove stability
results for the tangent sheaf of some rank two holomorphic
<p>The umbral restyling of hypergeometric functions is shown to be a useful and
efficient approach in simplifying the associated computational technicalities.
In this article, the authors provide a general introduction to the umbral
version of Gauss hypergeometric functions and extend the formalism to certain
generalized forms of these functions. It is shown that suggested approach is
particularly efficient for evaluating integrals involving hypergeometric
functions and their combination with other special functions.
<p>A tournament is an orientation of a graph. Vertices are players and edges are
games, directed away from the winner. Kannan, Tetali and Vempala and McShine
showed that tournaments with given score sequence can be rapidly sampled, via
simple random walks on the interchange graphs of Brualdi and Li. These graphs
are generated by the cyclically directed triangle, in the sense that traversing
an edge corresponds to the reversal of such a triangle in a tournament.
<p>We study Coxeter tournaments on Zaslavsky's signed graphs. These tournaments
involve collaborative and solitaire games, as well as the usual competitive
games. The interchange graphs are richer in complexity, as a variety of other
generators are involved. We prove rapid mixing by an intricate application of
Bubley and Dyer's method of path coupling, using a delicate re-weighting of the
graph metric. Geometric connections with the Coxeter permutahedra introduced by
Ardila, Castillo, Eur and Postnikov are discussed.
<p>We define a (non-decreasing) sequence $\{\text{dTC}_m(X)\}_{m\ge 2}$ of
higher versions of distributional topological complexity ($\text{dTC}$) of a
space $X$ introduced by Dranishnikov and Jauhari. This sequence generalizes
$\text{dTC}(X)$ in the sense that $\text{dTC}_2(X) = \text{dTC}(X)$, and is a
direct analog to the classical sequence $\{\text{TC}_m(X)\}_{m\ge 2}$. We show
that like $\text{TC}_m$ and $\text{dTC}$, the sequential versions
$\text{dTC}_m$ are also homotopy invariants. Also, $\text{dTC}_m(X)$ relates
with the distributional LS-category ($d\text{cat}$) of products of $X$ in the
same way as $\text{TC}_m(X)$ relates with the classical LS-category
($\text{cat}$) of products of $X$. We show that in general, $\text{dTC}_m$ is a
different concept than $\text{TC}_m$ for each $m \ge 2$, but we also provide
various examples of spaces $X$ for which the sequences
$\{\text{TC}_m(X)\}_{m\ge 2}$ and $\{\text{dTC}_m(X)\}_{m\ge 2}$ coincide.
<p>The classical Andr\'{a}sfai-Erd\H{o}s-S\'{o}s Theorem states that for
$\ell\ge 2$, every $n$-vertex $K_{\ell+1}$-free graph with minimum degree
greater than $\frac{3\ell-4}{3\ell-1}n$ must be $\ell$-partite. We establish a
simple criterion for $r$-graphs, $r \geq 2$, to exhibit an
Andr\'{a}sfai-Erd\H{o}s-S\'{o}s-type property (AES), leading to a
classification of most previously studied hypergraph families with this
<p>For every AES $r$-graph $F$, we present a simple algorithm to decide the
$F$-freeness of an $n$-vertex $r$-graph with minimum degree greater than
$(\pi(F) - \varepsilon_F)\binom{n}{r-1}$ in time $O(n^r)$, where $\varepsilon_F
>0$ is a constant. In particular, for the complete graph $K_{\ell+1}$, we can
take $\varepsilon_{K_{\ell+1}} = (3\ell^2-\ell)^{-1}$. Based on a result by
Chen-Huang-Kanj-Xia, we show that for every fixed $C > 0$, this problem cannot
be solved in time $n^{o(\ell)}$ if we replace $\varepsilon_{K_{\ell+1}}$ with
$(C\ell)^{-1}$ unless ETH fails. Furthermore, we establish an algorithm to
decide the $K_{\ell+1}$-freeness of an $n$-vertex graph with
$\mathrm{ex}(n,K_{\ell+1})-k$ edges in time $(\ell+1)n^2$ for $k \le n/30\ell$
and $\ell \le \sqrt{n/6}$, partially improving upon the recently provided
running time of $2.49^k n^{O(1)}$ by Fomin--Golovach--Sagunov--Simonov.
Moreover, we show that for every fixed $\delta > 0$, this problem cannot be
solved in time $n^{o(\ell)}$ if $k$ is of order $n^{1+\delta}$ unless ETH
<p>As an intermediate step, we show that for a specific class of $r$-graphs $F$,
the (surjective) $F$-coloring problem can be solved in time $O(n^r)$, provided
the input $r$-graph has $n$ vertices and a large minimum degree, refining
several previous results.
<p>It is a standard result that the Hankel determinants for a sequence stay
invariant after performing the binomial transform on this sequence. In this
work, we extend the scenario to $q$-binomial transforms and study the behavior
of the leading coefficient in such Hankel determinants. We also investigate the
leading coefficient in the Hankel determinants for even-indexed Bernoulli
polynomials with recourse to a curious binomial transform. In particular, the
degrees of these Hankel determinants share the same nature as those in one of
the $q$-binomial cases.
<p>We give a compact tableau formula for the symmetric Macdonald polynomials
$P_{\lambda}(X;q,t)$ in terms of a queue inversion statistic on certain sorted
non-attacking tableaux. Our tableaux are in bijection with the multiline queues
defined by Martin, from which we obtain an alternative multiline queue formula
for $P_{\lambda}$.
<p>Solving high dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs) has
historically posed a considerable challenge when utilizing conventional
numerical methods, such as those involving domain meshes. Recent advancements
in the field have seen the emergence of neural PDE solvers, leveraging deep
networks to effectively tackle high dimensional PDE problems. This study
introduces Inf-SupNet, a model-based unsupervised learning approach designed to
acquire solutions for a specific category of elliptic PDEs. The fundamental
concept behind Inf-SupNet involves incorporating the inf-sup formulation of the
underlying PDE into the loss function. The analysis reveals that the global
solution error can be bounded by the sum of three distinct errors: the
numerical integration error, the duality gap of the loss function (training
error), and the neural network approximation error for functions within Sobolev
spaces. To validate the efficacy of the proposed method, numerical experiments
conducted in high dimensions demonstrate its stability and accuracy across
various boundary conditions, as well as for both semi-linear and nonlinear
<p>The Ulam distance of two permutations on $[n]$ is $n$ minus the length of
their longest common subsequence. In this paper, we show that for every
$\varepsilon>0$, there exists some $\alpha>0$, and an infinite set
$\Gamma\subseteq \mathbb{N}$, such that for all $n\in\Gamma$, there is an
explicit set $C_n$ of $(n!)^{\alpha}$ many permutations on $[n]$, such that
every pair of permutations in $C_n$ has pairwise Ulam distance at least
$(1-\varepsilon)\cdot n$. Moreover, we can compute the $i^{\text{th}}$
permutation in $C_n$ in poly$(n)$ time and can also decode in poly$(n)$ time, a
permutation $\pi$ on $[n]$ to its closest permutation $\pi^*$ in $C_n$, if the
Ulam distance of $\pi$ and $\pi^*$ is less than $ \frac{(1-\varepsilon)\cdot
n}{4} $.
<p>Previously, it was implicitly known by combining works of Goldreich and
Wigderson [Israel Journal of Mathematics'23] and Farnoud, Skachek, and
Milenkovic [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory'13] in a black-box manner,
that it is possible to explicitly construct $(n!)^{\Omega(1)}$ many
permutations on $[n]$, such that every pair of them have pairwise Ulam distance
at least $\frac{n}{6}\cdot (1-\varepsilon)$, for any $\varepsilon>0$, and the
bound on the distance can be improved to $\frac{n}{4}\cdot (1-\varepsilon)$ if
the construction of Goldreich and Wigderson is directly analyzed in the Ulam
<p>We consider goal-oriented adaptive space-time finite-element discretizations
of the parabolic heat equation on completely unstructured simplicial space-time
meshes. In some applications, we are interested in an accurate computation of
some possibly nonlinear functionals at the solution, so called goal
functionals. This motivates the use of adaptive mesh refinements driven by the
dual-weighted residual (DWR) method. The DWR method requires the numerical
solution of a linear adjoint problem that provides the sensitivities for the
mesh refinement. This can be done by means of the same full space-time finite
element discretization as used for the primal linear problem. The numerical
experiment presented demonstrates that this goal-oriented, full space-time
finite element solver efficiently provides accurate numerical results for a
model problem with moving domains and a linear goal functional, where we know
the exact value.
<p>We consider the Boussinesq-Peregrine (BP) system as described by Lannes
[Lannes, D. (2013). The water waves problem: mathematical analysis and
asymptotics (Vol. 188). American Mathematical Soc.], within the shallow water
regime, and study the inverse problem of determining the time and space
variations of the channel bottom profile, from measurements of the wave profile
and its velocity on the free surface. A well-posedness result within a Sobolev
framework for (BP), considering a time dependent bottom, is presented. Then,
the inverse problem is reformulated as a nonlinear PDEconstrained optimization
one. An existence result of the minimum, under constraints on the admissible
set of bottoms, is presented. Moreover, an implementation of the gradient
descent approach, via the adjoint method, is considered. For solving
numerically both, the forward (BP) and its adjoint system, we derive a
universal and low-dissipation scheme, which contains non-conservative products.
The scheme is based on the FORCE-{\alpha} method proposed in [Toro, E. F.,
Saggiorato, B., Tokareva, S., and Hidalgo, A. (2020). Low-dissipation centred
schemes for hyperbolic equations in conservative and non-conservative form.
Journal of Computational Physics, 416, 109545]. Finally, we implement this
methodology to recover three different bottom profiles; a smooth bottom, a
discontinuous one, and a continuous profile with a large gradient. We compare
with two classical discretizations for (BP) and the adjoint system. These
results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology to recover
bottom profiles.
<p>We prove that for torsion-free amenable ample groupoids, an isomorphism in
groupoid homology induced by an \'etale correspondence yields an isomorphism in
the K-theory of the associated $\mathrm{C}^\ast$-algebras. We apply this to
extend X. Li's K-theory formula for left regular inverse semigroup
$\mathrm{C}^\ast$-algebras. These results are obtained by developing the
functoriality of the ABC spectral sequence.
<p>Motivated by a balanced ternary representation of the Collatz map we define
the map $C_\mathbb{R}$ on the positive real numbers by setting
$C_\mathbb{R}(x)=\frac{1}{2}x$ if $[x]$ is even and
$C_\mathbb{R}(x)=\frac{3}{2}x$ if $[x]$ is odd, where $[x]$ is defined by
$[x]\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $x-[x]\in(-\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}]$. We show that there
exists a constant $K>0$ such that the set of $x$ fulfilling
$\liminf_{n\in\mathbb{N}}C_\mathbb{R}^n(x)\leq K$ is Lebesgue-co-null. We also
show that for any $\epsilon>0$ the set of $x$ for which $
(\frac{3^{\frac{1}{2}}}{2})^kx^{1-\epsilon}\leq C_\mathbb{R}^k(x)\leq
(\frac{3^{\frac{1}{2}}}{2})^kx^{1+\epsilon}$ for all $0\leq k\leq
\frac{1}{1-\frac{\log_23}{2}}\log_2x$ is large for a suitable notion of
<p>To represent the two-dimensional $N$-body delta-Bose gas for any integer
$N\geq 2$, we construct an It\^{o} diffusion satisfying the strong Markov
property and establish an associated Feynman-Kac-type formula. Among several
properties, the diffusion is singular to the Brownian motion for showing almost
sure contacts of particles and has a supercritical drift coefficient in the
sense of a Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin-type condition. Despite the
supercriticality, the construction of the diffusion process and the relevant
distributional properties for the Feynman-Kac-type formula are obtained by
locally transforming the relative motions in two-body interactions and the
necessary free motions. The central mechanism making this reduction to two-body
interaction possible is the "no triple contacts" of particles, observed earlier
in the functional integrals of the two-dimensional delta-Bose gas and now
extended to the stochastic process level.
<p>We construct geometrically a {\bf \em universal ADO link invariant} as a
limit of {invariants given by graded intersections in configuration spaces}.
The question of providing a link invariant that recovers the coloured Alexander
invariants for coloured links (which are non-semisimple invariants) was an open
problem. A parallel question about semi-simple invariants is the subject of
Habiro's famous universal invariants \cite{H3}.
<p>First, for a fixed level $\mathcal N$, we construct a link invariant
globalising topologically all coloured Alexander link invariants at level less
than $\mathcal N$ via the {\bf \em set of intersection points between
Lagrangian submanifolds} supported on {\bf \em arcs and ovals} in the disc.
Then, based on the naturality of these models when changing the colour, we
construct the universal ADO invariant. The purely {\bf \em geometrical origin}
of this universal invariant provides a {\bf \em new topological perspective}
for the study of the asymptotics of these non-semisimple invariants, for which
a purely topological $3$-dimensional description is a deep problem in quantum
<p>We finish with a conjecture that our universal invariant has a lift in a
module over an extended version of the Habiro ring, which we construct. This
paper has a sequel, showing that Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev and
Costantino-Geer-Patureau invariants can both be read off from a fixed set of
submanifolds in a configuration space.
<p>We consider cooperative semantic text communications facilitated by a relay
node. We propose two types of semantic forwarding: semantic lossy forwarding
(SLF) and semantic predict-and-forward (SPF). Both are machine learning aided
approaches, and, in particular, utilize attention mechanisms at the relay to
establish a dynamic semantic state, updated upon receiving a new source signal.
In the SLF model, the semantic state is used to decode the received source
signal; whereas in the SPF model, it is used to predict the next source signal,
enabling proactive forwarding. Our proposed forwarding schemes do not need any
channel state information and exhibit consistent performance regardless of the
relay's position. Our results demonstrate that the proposed semantic forwarding
techniques outperform conventional semantic-agnostic baselines.
<p>The paper deals with the two-dimensional stochastic incompressible
Navier-Stokes equation set in a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary
conditions. We consider an additive noise in the form of a cylindrical Wiener
process regularized by a term $A^{-\gamma}$, where $A$ is the Stokes operator,
and $\gamma\in(1/4,1/2)$. We prove uniqueness, ergodicity, and a strong mixing
property for the invariant measure of the Markov semigroup. While previous
results require $\gamma > 3/8$, we uncover the range $\gamma \in (1/4, 3/8]$ by
adapting the so called Sobolevskii-Kato-Fujita approach to stochastic
Navier-Stokes equations. By means of the mild formulation, this method gives a
new \textit{a priori} estimate for the trajectories of the solution, which
entails H\"older continuity in time and regularity $D\big(A^{\gamma'}\big)$ in
space, where $\gamma'<\gamma$.
<p>Delta lenses are functors equipped with a suitable choice of lifts,
generalising the notion of split opfibration. In recent work, delta lenses were
characterised as the right class of an algebraic weak factorisation system. In
this paper, we show that this algebraic weak factorisation system is
cofibrantly generated by a small double category, and characterise the left
class as split coreflections with a certain property; we call these twisted
coreflections. We demonstrate that every twisted coreflection arises as a
pushout of an initial functor from a discrete category along a
bijective-on-objects functor. Throughout the article, we take advantage of a
reformulation of algebraic weak factorisation systems, due to Bourke, based on
double-categorical lifting operations.
<p>We consider the problems arising from the presence of Byzantine servers in a
quantum private information retrieval (QPIR) setting. This is the first work to
precisely define what the capabilities of Byzantine servers could be in a QPIR
context. We show that quantum Byzantine servers have more capabilities than
their classical counterparts due to the possibilities created by the quantum
encoding procedure. We focus on quantum Byzantine servers that can apply any
reversible operations on their individual qudits. In this case, the Byzantine
servers can generate any error, i.e., this covers \emph{all} possible single
qudit operations that can be done by the Byzantine servers on their qudits. We
design a scheme that is resilient to these kinds of manipulations. We show that
the scheme designed achieves superdense coding gain in all cases, i.e., $R_Q=
\max \left\{0,\min\left\{1,2\left(1-\frac{X+T+2B}{N}\right)\right\}\right\}$.
<p>We study $|A + A|$ as a random variable, where $A \subseteq \{0, \dots, N\}$
is a random subset such that each $0 \le n \le N$ is included with probability
$0 < p < 1$, and where $A + A$ is the set of sums $a + b$ for $a,b$ in $A$.
Lazarev, Miller, and O'Bryant studied the distribution of $2N + 1 - |A + A|$,
the number of summands not represented in $A + A$ when $p = 1/2$. A recent
paper by Chu, King, Luntzlara, Martinez, Miller, Shao, Sun, and Xu generalizes
this to all $p\in (0,1)$, calculating the first and second moments of the
number of missing summands and establishing exponential upper and lower bounds
on the probability of missing exactly $n$ summands, mostly working in the limit
of large $N$. We provide exponential bounds on the probability of missing at
least $n$ summands, find another expression for the second moment of the number
of missing summands, extract its leading-order behavior in the limit of small
$p$, and show that the variance grows asymptotically slower than the mean,
proving that for small $p$, the number of missing summands is very likely to be
near its expected value.
<p>Space missions that use low-thrust propulsion technology are becoming
increasingly popular since they utilize propellant more efficiently and thus
reduce mission costs. However, optimizing continuous-thrust trajectories is
complex, time-consuming, and extremely sensitive to initial guesses. Hence,
generating approximate trajectories that can be used as reliable initial
guesses in trajectory generators is essential. This paper presents a
semi-analytic approach for designing planar and three-dimensional trajectories
using Hills equations. The spacecraft is assumed to be acted upon by a constant
thrust acceleration magnitude. The proposed equations are employed in a
Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP) solver to obtain the thrust directions.
Their applicability is tested for various design scenarios like orbit raising,
orbit insertion, and rendezvous. The trajectory solutions are then validated as
initial guesses in high-fidelity optimal control tools. The usefulness of this
method lies in the preliminary stages of low-thrust mission design, where speed
and reliability are key.
<p>We give a quantum version of the Danilov-Jurkiewicz presentation of the
cohomology of a compact toric orbifold with projective coarse moduli space.
More precisely, we construct a canonical isomorphism from a formal version of
the Batyrev ring to the quantum orbifold cohomology at a canonical bulk
deformation. This isomorphism generalizes results of Givental, Iritani, and
Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono for toric manifolds and Coates-Lee-Corti-Tseng for weighted
projective spaces. The proof uses a quantum version of Kirwan surjectivity and
an equality of dimensions deduced using a toric minimal model program (tmmp).
We show that there is a natural decomposition of the quantum cohomology where
summands correspond to singularities in the tmmp, each giving rise to a
collection of Hamiltonian non-displaceable tori.
<p>We prove that every compact K\"ahler threefold has arbitrarily small
deformations to some projective manifolds, thereby solving the Kodaira problem
in dimension 3.
<p>We provide constructive versions of Hilbert's syzygy theorem for Z and Z/nZ
following Schreyer's method. Moreover, we extend these results to arbitrary
coherent strict B\'ezout rings with a divisibility test for the case of
finitely generated modules whose module of leading terms is finitely generated.
<p>We construct extended Weil representations of unitary groups over finite
fields geometrically, and show that they are Shintani lifts for Weil
<p>Over $d$-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay rings with a canonical module,
$d$-cotilting classes containing the maximal and balanced big Cohen-Macaulay
modules are classified. Particular emphasis is paid to the direct limit closure
of the balanced big Cohen-Macaulay modules, and the class of modules of depth
$d$, which are shown to respectively be the smallest and largest such cotilting
classes. Considerations are then given to the interplay between local
cohomology, canonical duality and cotilting modules for the class of Gorenstein
flat modules over Gorenstein local rings.
<p>In the first part of the paper, we solve the boundary and monodromy problems
for the isomonodromy equation of the $n\times n$ meromorphic linear system of
ordinary differential equations with Poncar\'{e} rank $1$. In particular, we
derive an explicit expression of the Stokes matrices of the linear system, via
the boundary value of the solutions of the isomonodromy equation at a critical
point. Motivated by this result, we then describe the regularized limits of
Stokes matrices as the irregular data $u={\rm diag}(u_1,...,u_n)$ in the linear
system degenerates, i.e., as some $u_i, u_j,...,u_k$ collapse. The prescription
of the regularized limit is controlled by the geometry of the De
Concini-Procesi wonderful compactification space. As applications, many
analysis problems about higher rank Painlev\'e transcendents can be solved.
<p>In the second part of the paper, we show some important applications of the
above analysis results in representation theory and Poisson geometry: we obtain
the first transcendental realization of crystals in representations of
$\frak{gl}_n$ via the Stokes phenomenon in the WKB approximation; we develop a
wall-crossing formula that characterizes the discontinuous jump of the
regularized limits of Stokes matrices as crossing walls in the compactification
space, and interpret the known cactus group actions on crystals arising from
representation theory as a wall-crossing phenomenon; and we find the first
explicit linearization of the standard dual Poisson Lie group for $U(n)$.
<p>For $n \geq 1$ let $ p_n $ denote the $n^{\rm th}$ prime number. Let $$S=
\{1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 \},$$ the set of positive integers which are both less
than and relatively prime to $30.$ For $ x \geq 0,$ let $T_x := \{ 30x+i \; |
\; i \in S\}.$ For each $ x,$ $T_x$ contains at most seven primes.
<p>Let $[ \; ]$ denote the floor or greatest integer function.
<p>For each integer $s \geq 30$ let $\pi_7(s)$ denote the number of integers $x,
\; 0 \leq x < [\frac {s}{30}]$ for which $T_x$ contains seven primes. In this
paper we show that there are infinitely many values of $x$ for which $T_x$
contains seven primes. This in turn proves several cases of Alphonse de
Polignac's conjecture that for every even number $k,$ there are infinitely many
pairs of prime numbers
<p>$p$ and $p'$ for which $p-p' = k.$
<p>We investigate the algebraicity of compact K\"ahler manifolds admitting a
positive rational Hodge class of bidimension $(1,1)$. We prove that if the dual
K\"ahler cone of a compact K\"ahler manifold $X$ contains a rational class as
an interior point, then its Albanese variety is projective. As a consequence,
we answer the Oguiso--Peternell problem for Ricci-flat compact K\"ahler
manifolds. We also study related algebraicity problems for threefolds.
<p>We obtain some new results on the unimodal sequences of the real values of
rational functions by polynomials with positive integer coefficients. Thus, we
introduce the notion of merged-log-concavity of rational functions. Roughly
speaking, the notion extends Stanley's $q$-log-concavity of polynomials.
<p>We construct explicit merged-log-concave rational functions by $q$-binomial
coefficients, Hadamard products, and convolutions, extending the Cauchy-Binet
formula. Then, we obtain the unimodal sequences of rational functions by Young
diagrams. Moreover, we consider the variation of unimodal sequences by critical
points that separate strictly increasing, strictly decreasing, and hill-shape
sequences among almost strictly unimodal sequences. Also, the critical points
are zeros of polynomials in a suitable setting.
<p>The study above extends the $t$-power series of $(\pm t;q)_{\infty}^{\mp 1}$
to some extent by polynomials with positive integer coefficients and the
variation of unimodal sequences. We then obtain the golden ratio of quantum
dilogarithms ($q$-exponentials) as a critical point. Additionally, we consider
eta products, generalized Narayana numbers, and weighted $q$-multinomial
coefficients, which we introduce.
<p>In statistical mechanics, we discuss the grand canonical partition functions
of some ideal boson-fermion gases with or without Casimir energies (Ramanujan
summation). The merged-log-concavity gives phase transitions on Helmholtz free
energies by critical points of the metallic ratios including the golden ratio.
In particular, the phase transitions implies non-zero particle vacua from zero
particle vacua as the temperature rises.
<p>Specimens are collected from $N$ different sources. Each specimen has
probability $p$ of being contaminated (e.g., in the case of an infectious
disease, $p$ is the prevalence rate), independently of the other specimens. In
many cases group testing is applicable, namely one can take small portions from
several specimens, mix them together and test the mixture for contamination, so
that if the test turns positive, then at least one of the samples in the
mixture is contaminated.
<p>In this paper we give a detailed probabilistic analysis of a binary search
scheme, we propose, for determining all contaminated specimens. More precisely,
we study the number $T(N)$ of tests required in order to find all the
contaminated specimens, if this search scheme is applied. We derive recursive
and, in some cases, explicit formulas for the expectation, the variance, and
the characteristic function of $T(N)$. Also, we determine the asymptotic
behavior of the moments of $T(N)$ as $N \to \infty$ and from that we obtain the
limiting distribution of $T(N)$ (appropriately normalized), which turns out to
be normal.
<p>We study completeness properties of reparametrization invariant Sobolev
metrics of order $n\ge 2$ on the space of manifold valued open and closed
immersed curves. In particular, for several important cases of metrics, we show
that Sobolev immersions are metrically and geodesically complete (thus the
geodesic equation is globally well-posed). These results were previously known
only for closed curves with values in Euclidean space. For the class of
constant coefficient Sobolev metrics on open curves, we show that they are
metrically incomplete, and that this incompleteness only arises from curves
that vanish completely (unlike "local" failures that occur in lower order
<p>We investigate when a linear functional $L$ defined on a linear subspace $B$
of a unital commutative real algebra $A$ admits an integral representation
w.r.t. a positive Radon measure supported on a closed subset $K$ of the
character space of $A$. We provide a criterion for the existence of such a
representation for $L$ when $A$ is equipped with a submultiplicative seminorm.
We then build on this result to prove our main theorem for $A$ not necessarily
equipped with a topology. This allows us to extend well-known classical results
on truncated moment problems.
<p>In this work, several convergence results are established for nearly critical
self-excited systems in which event arrivals are described by multivariate
marked Hawkes point processes. Under some mild high-frequency assumptions, the
rescaled density process behaves asymptotically like a multi-type
continuous-state branching process with immigration, which is the unique
solution to a multi-dimensional stochastic differential equation with dynamical
mechanism similar to that of multivariate Hawkes processes. To illustrate the
strength of these limit results, we further establish diffusion approximations
for multi-type Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes counted with various
characteristics by linking them to marked Hawkes shot noise processes. In
particular, an interesting phenomenon in queueing theory, well-known as state
space collapse, is observed in the behavior of the population structure at a
large time scale. This phenomenon reveals that the rescaled complex biological
system can be recovered from its population process by a lifting map.
<p>We define a new family of commuting operators $F_k$ in Khovanov-Rozansky link
homology, similar to the action of tautological classes in cohomology of
character varieties. We prove that $F_2$ satisfies ``hard Lefshetz property"
and hence exhibits the symmetry in Khovanov-Rozansky homology conjectured by
Dunfield, Gukov and Rasmussen.
<p>We prove that the linear syzygy spaces of a general canonical curve are
spanned by syzygies of minimal rank.
<p>This paper is concerned with the evolution dynamics of local times of a
spectrally positive stable process in the spatial direction. The main results
state that conditioned on the finiteness of the first time at which the local
time at zero exceeds a given value, the local times at positive half line are
equal in distribution to the unique solution of a stochastic Volterra equation
driven by a Poisson random measure whose intensity coincides with the L\'evy
measure. This helps us to provide not only a simple proof for the H\"older
regularity, but also a uniform upper bound for all moments of the H\"older
coefficient as well as a maximal inequality for the local times. Moreover,
based on this stochastic Volterra equation, we extend the method of duality to
establish an exponential-affine representation of the Laplace functional in
terms of the unique solution of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation
associated with the Laplace exponent of the stable process.
<p>We prove that a random group, in Gromov's density model with $d<1/16$,
satisfies a universal sentence $\sigma$ (in the language of groups) if and only
if $\sigma$ is true in a nonabelian free group.
<p>We provide a deformation quantization, in the sense of Rieffel, for
\textit{all} globally hyperbolic spacetimes with a Poisson structure. The
Poisson structures have to satisfy Fedosov type requirements in order for the
deformed product to be associative. We apply the novel deformation to quantum
field theories and their respective states and we prove that the deformed state
(i.e.\ a state in non-commutative spacetime) has a singularity structure
resembling Minkowski, i.e.\ is \textit{Hadamard}, if the undeformed state is
Hadamard. This proves that the Hadamard condition, and hence the quantum field
theoretical implementation of the equivalence principle is a general concept
that holds in spacetimes with quantum features (i.e. a non-commutative
<p>In the regression framework, the empirical measure based on the responses
resulting from the nearest neighbors, among the covariates, to a given point
$x$ is introduced and studied as a central statistical quantity. First, the
associated empirical process is shown to satisfy a uniform central limit
theorem under a local bracketing entropy condition on the underlying class of
functions reflecting the localizing nature of the nearest neighbor algorithm.
Second a uniform non-asymptotic bound is established under a well-known
condition, often referred to as Vapnik-Chervonenkis, on the uniform entropy
numbers. The covariance of the Gaussian limit obtained in the uniform central
limit theorem is simply equal to the conditional covariance operator given the
covariate value. This suggests the possibility of using standard formulas to
estimate the variance by using only the nearest neighbors instead of the full
data. This is illustrated on two problems: the estimation of the conditional
cumulative distribution function and local linear regression.
<p>In large-scale applications including medical imaging, collocation
differential equation solvers, and estimation with differential privacy, the
underlying linear inverse problem can be reformulated as a streaming problem.
In theory, the streaming problem can be effectively solved using
memory-efficient, exponentially-converging streaming solvers. In practice, a
streaming solver's effectiveness is undermined if it is stopped before, or
well-after, the desired accuracy is achieved. In special cases when the
underlying linear inverse problem is finite-dimensional, streaming solvers can
periodically evaluate the residual norm at a substantial computational cost.
When the underlying system is infinite dimensional, streaming solver can only
access noisy estimates of the residual. While such noisy estimates are
computationally efficient, they are useful only when their accuracy is known.
In this work, we rigorously develop a general family of
computationally-practical residual estimators and their uncertainty sets for
streaming solvers, and we demonstrate the accuracy of our methods on a number
of large-scale linear problems. Thus, we further enable the practical use of
streaming solvers for important classes of linear inverse problems.
<p>Let $f : X \rightarrow C$ be a genus 1 fibration from a smooth projective
surface, i.e. its generic fiber $X_{\eta}$ is a genus 1 curve. Let $j : J
\rightarrow C$ be the Jacobian fibration of $f$. The smooth locus of $j$ is the
N\'eron model of the Jacobian variety of $X_{\eta}$. In this paper, we prove
that the Chow motives of $X$ and $J$ are isomorphic. As an application, we
prove Kimura finite-dimensionality for smooth projective surfaces not of
general type with geometric genus 0. This can be regarded as a generalization
of Bloch-Kas-Lieberman's result to arbitrary characteristic.
<p>Decentralized optimization is gaining increased traction due to its
widespread applications in large-scale machine learning and multi-agent
systems. The same mechanism that enables its success, i.e., information sharing
among participating agents, however, also leads to the disclosure of individual
agents' private information, which is unacceptable when sensitive data are
involved. As differential privacy is becoming a de facto standard for privacy
preservation, recently results have emerged integrating differential privacy
with distributed optimization. However, directly incorporating differential
privacy design in existing distributed optimization approaches significantly
compromises optimization accuracy. In this paper, we propose to redesign and
tailor gradient methods for differentially-private distributed optimization,
and propose two differential-privacy oriented gradient methods that can ensure
both rigorous epsilon-differential privacy and optimality. The first algorithm
is based on static-consensus based gradient methods, and the second algorithm
is based on dynamic-consensus (gradient-tracking) based distributed
optimization methods and, hence, is applicable to general directed interaction
graph topologies. Both algorithms can simultaneously ensure almost sure
convergence to an optimal solution and a finite privacy budget, even when the
number of iterations goes to infinity. To our knowledge, this is the first time
that both goals are achieved simultaneously. Numerical simulations using a
distributed estimation problem and experimental results on a benchmark dataset
confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
<p>We consider the dynamics of an elastic continuum under large deformation but
small strain. Such systems can be described by the equations of geometrically
nonlinear elastodynamics in combination with the St. Venant-Kirchhoff material
law. The velocity-stress formulation of the problem turns out to have a formal
port-Hamiltonian structure. In contrast to the linear case, the operators of
the problem are modulated by the displacement field which can be handled as a
passive variable and integrated along with the velocities. A weak formulation
of the problem is derived and essential boundary conditions are incorporated
via Lagrange multipliers. This variational formulation explicitly encodes the
transfer between kinetic and potential energy in the interior as well as across
the boundary, thus leading to a global power balance and ensuring passivity of
the system. The particular geometric structure of the weak formulation can be
preserved under Galerkin approximation via appropriate mixed finite elements.
In addition, a fully discrete power balance can be obtained by appropriate time
discretization. The main properties of the system and its discretization are
shown theoretically and demonstrated by numerical tests.
<p>This paper focuses on the classification of classes of topological
equivalence of finite group actions on Riemann surfaces. By the Riemann-Hurwitz
bound, there are just finitely many groups that act conformally on a closed
orientable surface $\mathcal{S}_g$ of genus $g\geq 2$. With each such action of
a group $\mathrm{G}$ on $\mathcal{S}_g$ one can associate the fundamental group
$\Gamma=\pi(\mathcal{O})$ of the quotient orbifold
$\mathcal{O}=\mathcal{S}_g/\mathrm{G}$, isomorphic to a Fuchsian group
determined completely by orbifold's signature. The Riemann existence theorem
reduces the problem of the existence of an action of $\mathrm{G}$ on
$\mathcal{S}_g$ to a purely group-theoretical problem of deciding whether there
is an smooth epimorphism mapping the Fuchsian group $\Gamma$ onto the group
$\mathrm{G}$. Using computer algebra systems such as \textsc{Magma} or GAP,
together with the library of small groups, the generation of all finite group
actions on a surface of fixed small genus $g\geq 2$ becomes almost a routine
procedure. The difficult part is to determine the classes of these actions with
respect to topological equivalence. To achieve this, one needs to investigate
the action of the automorphism group of a Fuchsian group on the set of finite
group actions on $\mathcal{S}_g$ with the corresponding signature. In this
paper we derive several results on the topological equivalence of finite group
actions on Riemann surfaces. As an application, we derive complete lists of
finite group actions of genus $g\leq 9$ distinguished up to the topological
equivalence. A summary of the actions can be found in Appendix, the reader
interested in more details is referred to the web page [22]. It is expected
that we will be able to extend the list to higher genera, refreshed partial
results are available on the web page. The following text is an extended
version of the paper [23].
<p>We investigate the modularity constraints on the generating series
$h_r(\tau)$ of BPS indices counting D4-D2-D0 bound states with fixed D4-brane
charge $r$ in type IIA string theory compactified on complete intersection
Calabi-Yau threefolds with $b_2 = 1$. For unit D4-brane, $h_1$ transforms as a
(vector-valued) modular form under the action of $SL(2,Z)$ and thus is
completely determined by its polar terms. We propose an Ansatz for these terms
in terms of rank 1 Donaldson-Thomas invariants, which incorporates
contributions from a single D6-anti-D6 pair. Using an explicit overcomplete
basis of the relevant space of weakly holomorphic modular forms (valid for any
$r$), we find that for 10 of the 13 allowed threefolds, the Ansatz leads to a
solution for $h_1$ with integer Fourier coefficients, thereby predicting an
infinite series of DT invariants.For $r > 1$, $h_r$ is mock modular and
determined by its polar part together with its shadow. Restricting to $r = 2$,
we use the generating series of Hurwitz class numbers to construct a series
$h^{an}_2$ with exactly the same modular anomaly as $h_2$, so that the
difference $h_{2}-h^{an}_2$ is an ordinary modular form fixed by its polar
terms. For lack of a satisfactory Ansatz, we leave the determination of these
polar terms as an open problem.
<p>We consider first-passage percolation on $\mathbb Z^2$ with independent and
identically distributed weights whose common distribution is absolutely
continuous with a finite exponential moment. Under the assumption that the
limit shape has more than 32 extreme points, we prove that geodesics with
nearby starting and ending points have significant overlap, coalescing on all
but small portions near their endpoints. The statement is quantified, with
power-law dependence of the involved quantities on the length of the geodesics.
<p>The result leads to a quantitative resolution of the
Benjamini--Kalai--Schramm midpoint problem. It is shown that the probability
that the geodesic between two given points passes through a given edge is
smaller than a power of the distance between the points and the edge.
<p>We further prove that the limit shape assumption is satisfied for a specific
family of distributions.
<p>Lastly, related to the 1965 Hammersley--Welsh highways and byways problem, we
prove that the expected fraction of the square $\{-n,\dots ,n\}^2$ which is
covered by infinite geodesics starting at the origin is at most an inverse
power of $n$. This result is obtained without explicit limit shape assumptions.
<p>This paper explores optimal service resource management strategy, a
continuous challenge for health information service to enhance service
performance, optimise service resource utilisation and deliver interactive
health information service. An adaptive optimal service resource management
strategy was developed considering a value co-creation model in health
information service with a focus on collaborative and interactive with users.
The deep reinforcement learning algorithm was embedded in the Internet of
Things (IoT)-based health information service system (I-HISS) to allocate
service resources by controlling service provision and service adaptation based
on user engagement behaviour. The simulation experiments were conducted to
evaluate the significance of the proposed algorithm under different user
reactions to the health information service.
<p>We establish the non-commutative analogue of Grothendieck's standard
conjecture D for the differential graded category of $G$-equivariant matrix
factorizations associated to an isolated hypersurface singularity where $G$ is
a finite group.
<p>We investigate the observability of a general class of linear dispersive
equations on the torus $\mathbb{T}$. We take one line segment or two line
segments in space-time region as the observable set. We give the characteristic
on the slopes of the line segments to guarantee the qualitative observability
and quantitative observability respectively. The one line segment case, is
simple, follows directly from the Ingham's inequality. However, the two line
segments case is difficult, the statement of results and the proof rely heavily
on the language of graph theory. We also apply our results to (higher order)
Schr\"{o}dinger equations and the linear KdV equation.
<p>Given tuples of properly normalized independent $N\times N$ G.U.E. matrices
$(X_N^{(1)},\dots,X_N^{(r_1)})$ and $(Y_N^{(1)},\dots,Y_N^{(r_2)})$, we show
that the tuple $(X_N^{(1)}\otimes I_N,\dots,X_N^{(r_1)}\otimes I_N,I_N\otimes
Y_N^{(1)},\dots,I_N\otimes Y_N^{(r_2)})$ of $N^2\times N^2$ random matrices
converges strongly as $N$ tends to infinity. It was shown by Ben Hayes that
this result implies that the Peterson-Thom conjecture is true.
<p>Let $p \geq 5$ be a prime, $N$ be an integer not divisible by $p$,
$\bar\rho_0$ be a reducible, odd and semi-simple representation of
$G_{\mathbb{Q},Np}$ of dimension $2$ and $\{\ell_1,\cdots,\ell_r\}$ be a set of
primes not dividing $Np$. After assuming that a certain Selmer group has
dimension at most $1$, we find sufficient conditions for the existence of a
cuspidal eigenform $f$ of level $N\prod_{i=1}^{r}\ell_i$ and appropriate weight
lifting $\bar\rho_0$ such that $f$ is new at every $\ell_i$. Moreover, suppose
$p \mid \ell_{i_0}+1$ for some $1 \leq i_0 \leq r$. Then, after assuming that a
certain Selmer group vanishes, we find sufficient conditions for the existence
of a cuspidal eigenform of level $N\ell_{i_0}^2 \prod_{j \neq i_0} \ell_j$ and
appropriate weight which is new at every $\ell_i$ and which lifts $\bar\rho_0$.
As a consequence, we prove a conjecture of Billerey--Menares in many cases.
<p>In this paper, we consider random iterations of polynomial maps $z^2 +c_n$
where $c_n$ are complex-valued independent random variables following the
uniform distribution on the closed disk with center $c$ and radius $r$. The aim
of this paper is twofold. First, we study the (dis)connectedness of random
Julia sets. Here, we reveal the relationships between the bifurcation radius
and connectedness of random Julia sets. Second, we investigate the bifurcation
of our random iterations and give quantitative estimates of bifurcation
parameters. In particular, we prove that for the central parameter $c = -1$,
almost every random Julia set is totally disconnected with much smaller radial
parameters $r$ than expected. We also introduce several open questions worth
<p>In this paper, we present a review of three widely-used practical square root
algorithms. We then describe a unifying framework where each of these
well-known algorithms can be seen as a special case of it. The framework with
singular curves offers a broad perspective to compare and further improve the
existing methods in addition to offering a new avenue for square root
computation algorithms in finite fields.
<p>We define essential commutative Cartan pairs of $C^*$-algebras generalising
the definition of Renault and show that such pairs are given by essential
twisted groupoid $C^*$-algebras as defined by Kwa\'sniewski and Meyer. We show
that the underlying twisted groupoid is effective, and is unique up to
isomorphism among twists over effective groupoids giving rise to the essential
commutative Cartan pair. We also show that for twists over effective groupoids
giving rise to such pairs, the automorphism group of the twist is isomorphic to
the automorphism group of the induced essential Cartan pair via explicit
<p>We discuss the quantitative ergodicity of quantum Markov semigroups in terms
of the trace distance from the stationary state, providing a general criterion
based on the spectral decomposition of the Lindblad generator. We then apply
this criterion to the bosonic and fermionic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups and
to a family of quantum Markov semigroups parametrized by semisimple Lie
algebras and their irreducible representations, in which the Lindblad generator
is given by the adjoint action of the Casimir element.
<p>We study equidistribution problem of zeros in relation to a sequence of
$Z$-asymptotically Chebyshev polynomials(which might not be orthonormal) in
$\mathbb{C}^{m}$. We use certain results obtained in a very recent work of
Bayraktar, Bloom and Levenberg and have an equidistribution result in a more
general probabilistic setting than what the paper of Bayraktar, Bloom and
Levenberg considers even though the basis polynomials they use are more general
than $Z$-asymptotically Chebyshev polynomials. Our equidistribution result is
based on the expected distribution and the variance estimate of random zero
currents corresponding to the zero sets of polynomials. This equidistribution
result of general nature shows that equidistribution result turns out to be
true without the random coefficients that come from the basis representation
being i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed), which also means that
there is no need to use any probability distribution function for these random
coefficients. In the last section, unlike from the $1$-codimensional case, we
study the orthogonal polynomials with respect to the $L^{2}$-inner product
defined by the weighted asymptotically Bernstein-Markov measures on a given
locally regular compact set, and with a well-studied more general probability
distribution including the Gaussian and the Fubini-Study probability
distributions as special cases, we have an equidistribution result for
codimensions bigger than $1$.
<p>In this article, we introduce a class of invariants of cubic fields termed
generalized discriminants. We then obtain asymptotics for the families of cubic
fields ordered by these invariants. In addition, we determine which of these
families satisfy the Malle--Bhargava heuristic.
<p>Buryak, Feigin and Nakajima computed a generating function for a family of
partition statistics by using the geometry of the $Z/cZ$ fixed point sets in
the Hilbert scheme of points on $C^2$. Loehr and Warrington had already shown
how a similar observation by Haiman using the geometry of the Hilbert scheme of
points on $C^2$ could be made purely combinatorial. We extend the techniques of
Loehr and Warrington to also account for cores and quotients. In particular, we
construct a multigraph $M_{r,s,c}$ that is a direct refinement of Loehr and
Warrington's multigraphs $M_{r,s}$, retains the relevant partition data, and is
preserved by an involution $I_{r,s,c}$ which we use to prove the
equidistribution of a family of partition statistics.
<p>As a consequence, we obtain a purely combinatorial proof of a result of
Buryak, Feigin, and Nakajima. More precisely, we define a family of partition
statistics $\{h_{x,c}^+, x\in [0,\infty)\}$ and give a combinatorial proof that
for all $x$ and all positive integers $c$,
<p>\sum q^{|\lambda|}t^{h_{x,c}^+(\lambda)}=q^{|\mu|}\prod_{i\geq
1}\frac{1}{(1-q^{ic})^{c-1}}\prod_{j\geq 1}\frac{1}{1-q^{jc}t},
<p>where the sum ranges over all partitions $\lambda$ with $c$-core $\mu$.
<p>Section 2 recalls background on partitions, cores and quotients and is
written with those new to the subject in mind.
<p>The co-optimization of behind-the-meter distributed energy resources is
considered for prosumers under the net energy metering tariff. The distributed
energy resources considered include renewable generations, flexible demands,
and battery energy storage systems. An energy management system co-schedules
the consumptions and battery storage based on locally available stochastic
renewables by maximizing the expected operation surplus. A stochastic dynamic
programming formulation is introduced for which structural properties of the
dynamic optimization are derived. A closed-form myopic co-optimization
algorithm is proposed, which achieves optimality when the storage capacity
constraints are nonbinding. The proposed co-optimization algorithm has linear
computation complexity and can be implemented in a decentralized fashion. The
myopic co-optimization algorithm's performance and the economic benefits of the
co-optimization policy to prosumers and grid operations are evaluated in
numerical simulations.
<p>We review recent results on adiabatic theory for ground states of extended
gapped fermionic lattice systems under several different assumptions. More
precisely, we present generalized super-adiabatic theorems for extended but
finite as well as infinite systems, assuming either a uniform gap or a gap in
the bulk above the unperturbed ground state. The goal of this note is to
provide an overview of these adiabatic theorems and briefly outline the main
ideas and techniques required in their proofs.
<p>We withdraw this note because our calculation of the A(3,3) example, which
initially contradicted one of the results of a 2005 paper by
Fomin-Fulton-Li-Poon, was incorrect. In the second version of the
prepublication <a href="/abs/2303.11653">arXiv:2303.11653</a>, we explain how the description of the cone
A(p,q) obtained by Fomin-Fulton-Li-Poon refines that obtained using the
O'Shea-Sjamaar theorem.
<p>In this article, it is proved that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta
function must lie on the critical line, known as the Riemann hypothesis. This
is achieved by revealing some interesting characteristics of the zero-level
curves of some functions related to the the alternating zeta function.
<p>We study the extended Bogomolny equations with gauge group $SU(2)$ on
$\mathbb {R}^2 \times \mathbb {R}^+$ with generalized Nahm pole boundary
conditions and nilpotent Higgs field. We completely classify solutions by
relating them to certain holomorphic data through a Kobayashi-Hitchin
<p>Inspired by work of Fr\"oberg (1990), and Eagon and Reiner (1998), we define
the \emph{total $k$-cut complex} of a graph $G$ to be the simplicial complex
whose facets are the complements of independent sets of size $k$ in $G$. We
study the homotopy types and combinatorial properties of total cut complexes
for various families of graphs, including chordal graphs, cycles, bipartite
graphs, the prism $K_n \times K_2$, and grid graphs, using techniques from
algebraic topology and discrete Morse theory.
<p>Energy market designs with non-merchant storage have been proposed in recent
years, with the aim of achieving optimal market integration of storage. In
order to handle the time-linking constraints that are introduced in such
markets, existing works commonly make simplifying assumptions about the
end-of-horizon storage level, e.g., by imposing an exogenous level for the
amount of energy to be left for the next time horizon. This work analyzes
market properties under such assumptions, as well as in their absence. We find
that, although they ensure cost recovery for all market participants, these
assumptions generally lead to market inefficiencies. Therefore we consider the
design of markets with non-merchant storage without such simplifying
assumptions. Using illustrative examples, as well as detailed proofs, we
provide conditions under which market prices in subsequent market horizons fail
to reflect the value of stored energy. We show that this problem is essential
to address in order to preserve market efficiency and cost recovery. Finally,
we propose a method for restoring these market properties in a
perfect-foresight setting.
<p>The classical homomorphism preservation theorem, due to {\L}o\'s, Lyndon and
Tarski, states that a first-order sentence $\phi$ is preserved under
homomorphisms between structures if, and only if, it is equivalent to an
existential positive sentence $\psi$. Given a notion of (syntactic) complexity
of sentences, an "equi-resource" homomorphism preservation theorem improves on
the classical result by ensuring that $\psi$ can be chosen so that its
complexity does not exceed that of $\phi$.
<p>We describe an axiomatic approach to equi-resource homomorphism preservation
theorems based on the notion of arboreal category. This framework is then
employed to establish novel homomorphism preservation results, and improve on
known ones, for various logic fragments, including first-order, guarded and
modal logics.
<p>This note initiates an investigation of packing links into a region of
Euclidean space to achieve a maximal density subject to geometric constraints.
The upper bounds obtained apply only to the class of homotopically essential
links and even there seem extravagantly large, leaving much working room for
the interested reader.
<p>We study the endomorphism algebra and automorphism groups of complex tori,
whose second rational cohomology group enjoys a certain Hodge property
introduced by
<p>F. Campana.
<p>We prove that in the limit of large dimension, the distribution of the
logarithm of the characteristic polynomial of a generalized Wigner matrix
converges to a log-correlated field. In particular, this shows that the
limiting joint fluctuations of the eigenvalues are also log-correlated. Our
argument mirrors that of \cite{BouMod2019}, which is in turn based on the
three-step argument of \cite{ErdPecRmSchYau2010,ErdSchYau2011Uni}, but applies
to a wider class of models, and at the edge of the spectrum. We rely on (i) the
results in the Gaussian cases, special cases of the results in
\cite{BouModPai2021}, (ii) the local laws of \cite{ErdYauYin2012}(iii) the
observable \cite{Bou2020} introduced and its analysis of the stochastic
advection equation this observable satisfies, and (iv) the argument for a
central limit theorem on mesoscopic scales in \cite{LanLopSos2021}. For the
proof, we also establish a Wegner estimate and local law down to the
microscopic scale, both at the edge of the spectrum.
<p>Let $A$ be a Noetherian domain and $R$ be a finitely generated $A$-algebra.
We study several features regarding the generic freeness over $A$ of an
$R$-module. For an ideal $I \subset R$, we show that the local cohomology
modules ${\rm H}_I^i(R)$ are generically free over $A$ under certain settings
where $R$ is a smooth $A$-algebra. By utilizing the theory of Gr\"obner bases
over arbitrary Noetherian rings, we provide an effective method to make
explicit the generic freeness over $A$ of a finitely generated $R$-module.
<p>In this paper we adapt previous work on rewriting string diagrams using
hypergraphs to the case where the underlying category has a traced comonoid
structure, in which wires can be forked and the outputs of a morphism can be
connected to its input. Such a structure is particularly interesting because
any traced Cartesian (dataflow) category has an underlying traced comonoid
structure. We show that certain subclasses of hypergraphs are fully complete
for traced comonoid categories: that is to say, every term in such a category
has a unique corresponding hypergraph up to isomorphism, and from every
hypergraph with the desired properties, a unique term in the category can be
retrieved up to the axioms of traced comonoid categories. We also show how the
framework of double pushout rewriting (DPO) can be adapted for traced comonoid
categories by characterising the valid pushout complements for rewriting in our
setting. We conclude by presenting a case study in the form of recent work on
an equational theory for sequential circuits: circuits built from primitive
logic gates with delay and feedback. The graph rewriting framework allows for
the definition of an operational semantics for sequential circuits.
<p>This paper demonstrates the optimality of an interpolation set employed in
derivative-free trust-region methods. This set is optimal in the sense that it
minimizes the constant of well-poisedness in a ball centred at the starting
point. It is chosen as the default initial interpolation set by many
derivative-free trust-region methods based on underdetermined quadratic
interpolation, including NEWUOA, BOBYQA, LINCOA, and COBYQA. Our analysis
provides a theoretical justification for this choice.
<p>Let $G$ be an undirected graph. We say that $G$ contains a ladder of length
$k$ if the $2 \times (k+1)$ grid graph is an induced subgraph of $G$ that is
only connected to the rest of $G$ via its four cornerpoints. We prove that if
all the ladders contained in $G$ are reduced to length 4, the treewidth remains
unchanged (and that this bound is tight). Our result indicates that, when
computing the treewidth of a graph, long ladders can simply be reduced, and
that minimal forbidden minors for bounded treewidth graphs cannot contain long
ladders. Our result also settles an open problem from algorithmic
phylogenetics: the common chain reduction rule, used to simplify the comparison
of two evolutionary trees, is treewidth-preserving in the display graph of the
two trees.
<p>Tennenbaum's theorem states that the only countable model of Peano arithmetic
(PA) with computable arithmetical operations is the standard model of natural
numbers. In this paper, we use constructive type theory as a framework to
revisit, analyze and generalize this result. The chosen framework allows for a
synthetic approach to computability theory, exploiting that, externally, all
functions definable in constructive type theory can be shown computable. We
then build on this viewpoint and furthermore internalize it by assuming a
version of Church's thesis, which expresses that any function on natural
numbers is representable by a formula in PA. This assumption provides for a
conveniently abstract setup to carry out rigorous computability arguments, even
in the theorem's mechanization. Concretely, we constructivize several classical
proofs and present one inherently constructive rendering of Tennenbaum's
theorem, all following arguments from the literature. Concerning the classical
proofs in particular, the constructive setting allows us to highlight
differences in their assumptions and conclusions which are not visible
classically. All versions are accompanied by a unified mechanization in the Coq
proof assistant.
<p>We show that the Lipschitz-free space with the Radon--Nikod\'{y}m property
and a Daugavet point recently constructed by Veeorg is in fact a dual space
isomorphic to $\ell_1$. Furthermore, we answer an open problem from the
literature by showing that there exists a superreflexive space, in the form of
a renorming of $\ell_2$, with a $\Delta$-point. Building on these two results,
we are able to renorm every infinite-dimensional Banach space with a
<p>Next, we establish powerful relations between existence of $\Delta$-points in
Banach spaces and their duals. As an application, we obtain sharp results about
the influence of $\Delta$-points for the asymptotic geometry of Banach spaces.
In addition, we prove that if $X$ is a Banach space with a shrinking
$k$-unconditional basis with $k < 2$, or if $X$ is a Hahn--Banach smooth space
with a dual satisfying the Kadets--Klee property, then $X$ and its dual $X^*$
fail to contain $\Delta$-points. In particular, we get that no Lipschitz-free
space with a Hahn--Banach smooth predual contains $\Delta$-points.
<p>Finally we present a purely metric characterization of the molecules in
Lipschitz-free spaces that are $\Delta$-points, and we solve an open problem
about representation of finitely supported $\Delta$-points in Lipschitz-free
<p>We review the status of a program, outlined and motivated in the
introduction, for the study of correspondences between spectral invariants of
partially hyperbolic flows on locally symmetric spaces and their quantizations.
Further we formulate a number of concrete problems which may be viewed as
possible further steps to be taken in order to complete the program.
<p>In this paper, we establish novel data-dependent upper bounds on the
generalization error through the lens of a "variable-size compressibility"
framework that we introduce newly here. In this framework, the generalization
error of an algorithm is linked to a variable-size 'compression rate' of its
input data. This is shown to yield bounds that depend on the empirical measure
of the given input data at hand, rather than its unknown distribution. Our new
generalization bounds that we establish are tail bounds, tail bounds on the
expectation, and in-expectations bounds. Moreover, it is shown that our
framework also allows to derive general bounds on any function of the input
data and output hypothesis random variables. In particular, these general
bounds are shown to subsume and possibly improve over several existing
PAC-Bayes and data-dependent intrinsic dimension-based bounds that are
recovered as special cases, thus unveiling a unifying character of our
approach. For instance, a new data-dependent intrinsic dimension-based bound is
established, which connects the generalization error to the optimization
trajectories and reveals various interesting connections with the
rate-distortion dimension of a process, the R\'enyi information dimension of a
process, and the metric mean dimension.
<p>Tempered stable distributions are frequently used in financial applications
(e.g., for option pricing) in which the tails of stable distributions would be
too heavy. Given the non-explicit form of the probability density function,
estimation relies on numerical algorithms which typically are time-consuming.
We compare several parametric estimation methods such as the maximum likelihood
method and different generalized method of moment approaches. We study large
sample properties and derive consistency, asymptotic normality, and asymptotic
efficiency results for our estimators. Additionally, we conduct simulation
studies to analyze finite sample properties measured by the empirical bias,
precision, and asymptotic confidence interval coverage rates and compare
computational costs. We cover relevant subclasses of tempered stable
distributions such as the classical tempered stable distribution and the
tempered stable subordinator. Moreover, we discuss the normal tempered stable
distribution which arises by subordinating a Brownian motion with a tempered
stable subordinator. Our financial applications to log returns of asset indices
and to energy spot prices illustrate the benefits of tempered stable models.
<p>By providing mathematical estimates, this paper answers a fundamental
question -- "what leads to Stokes drift"? Although overwhelmingly understood
for water waves, Stokes drift is a generic mechanism that stems from kinematics
and occurs in any non-transverse wave in fluids. To showcase its generality, we
undertake a comparative study of the pathline equation of sound (1D) and
intermediate-depth water (2D) waves. Although we obtain a closed-form solution
$\mathbf{x}(t)$ for the specific case of linear sound waves, a more generic and
meaningful approach involves the application of asymptotic methods and
expressing variables in terms of the Lagrangian phase $\theta$. We show that
the latter reduces the 2D pathline equation of water waves to 1D. Using
asymptotic methods, we solve the respective pathline equation for sound and
water waves, and for each case, we obtain a parametric representation of
particle position $\mathbf{x}(\theta)$ and elapsed time $t(\theta)$. Such a
parametric description has allowed us to obtain second-order-accurate
expressions for the time duration, horizontal displacement, and average
horizontal velocity of a particle in the crest and trough phases. All these
quantities are of higher magnitude in the crest phase in comparison to the
trough, leading to a forward drift, i.e. Stokes drift. We also explore particle
trajectory due to second-order Stokes waves and compare it with linear waves.
While finite amplitude waves modify the estimates obtained from linear waves,
the understanding acquired from linear waves is generally found to be valid.
<p>The main focus of this work is the study of several cones relating the
eigenvalues or singular values of a matrix to those of its off-diagonal blocks.
<p>In many occurrences of fluid-structure interaction time-periodic motions are
observed. We consider the interaction between a fluid driven by the three
dimensional Navier-Stokes equation and a two dimensional linearized elastic
Koiter shell situated at the boundary. The fluid-domain is a part of the
solution and as such changing in time periodically. On a steady part of the
boundary we allow for the physically relevant case of dynamic pressure boundary
values, prominent to model inflow/outflow. We provide the existence of at least
one weak time-periodic solution for given periodic external forces that are not
too large. For that we introduce new approximation techniques and a-priori
<p>The axioms of a quandle imply that the columns of its Cayley table are
permutations. This paper studies quandles with exactly one non-trivially
permuted column. Their automorphism groups, quandle polynomials, (symmetric)
cohomology groups, and $Hom$ quandles are studied. The quiver and cocycle
invariant of links using these quandles are shown to relate to linking number.
<p>We classify linearly normal surfaces $S \subset \mathbf{P}^{r+1}$ of degree
$d$ such that $4g-4 \leq d \leq 4g+4$, where $g>1$ is the sectional genus (it
is a classical result that for larger $d$ there are only cones). We apply this
to the study of the extension theory of pluricanonical curves and genus $3$
curves, whenever they verify Property $N_2$, using and slightly expanding the
theory of integration of ribbons of the authors and E.~Sernesi. We compute the
corank of the relevant Gaussian maps, and we show that all ribbons over such
curves are integrable, and thus there exists a universal extension.
<p>We carry out a similar program for linearly normal hyperelliptic curves of
degree $d\geq 2g+3$. We classify surfaces having such a curve $C$ as a
hyperplane section, compute the corank of the relevant Gaussian maps, and prove
that all ribbons over $C$ are integrable if and only if $d=2g+3$. In the latter
case we obtain the existence of a universal extension.
<p>This paper presents a fully multidimensional kernel-based reconstruction
scheme for finite volume methods applied to systems of hyperbolic conservation
laws, with a particular emphasis on the compressible Euler equations.
Non-oscillatory reconstruction is achieved through an adaptive order weighted
essentially non-oscillatory (WENO-AO) method cast into a form suited to
multidimensional stencils and reconstruction. A kernel-based approach inspired
by Gaussian process (GP) modeling is presented here. This approach allows the
creation of a scheme of arbitrary order with simply defined multidimensional
stencils and substencils. Furthermore, the fully multidimensional nature of the
reconstruction allows a more straightforward extension to higher spatial
dimensions and removes the need for complicated boundary conditions on
intermediate quantities in modified dimension-by-dimension methods. In
addition, a new simple-yet-effective set of reconstruction variables is
introduced, as well as an easy-to-implement effective limiter for positivity
preservation, both of which could be useful in existing schemes with little
modification. The proposed scheme is applied to a suite of stringent and
informative benchmark problems to demonstrate its efficacy and utility.
<p>In this paper, we investigate to the existence and uniqueness of periodic
solutions for the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system on whole spaces
detailized by Euclid space $\mathbb{R}^n\,\,(n \geqslant 4)$ and real
hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n\,\, (n \geqslant 2)$. We work in framework of
scritical spaces such as on weak-Lorentz space
$L^{\frac{n}{2},\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n)$ to obtain the results for Keller-Segel
system on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and on $L^{\frac{p}{2}}(\mathbb{H}^n)\, (p>n)$ to
obtain the ones on $\mathbb{H}^n$. Our method is based on the dispersive and
smoothing estimates of the heat semiroup and fixed point arguments. This work
provides also a fully comparison between the asymptotic behaviours of periodic
mild solutions of Keller-Segel system obtained in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the one in
<p>In the context of Sobolev spaces with variable exponents,
Poincar\'e--Wirtinger inequalities are possible as soon as Luxemburg norms are
considered. On the other hand, modular versions of the inequalities in the
expected form \begin{equation*}
<p>\int_\Omega \left|f(x)-\langle f\rangle_{\Omega}\right|^{p(x)} \ {\mathrm{d}
<p>\leqslant C \int_\Omega|\nabla f(x)|^{p(x)}{\mathrm{d} x},
<p>\end{equation*} are known to be \emph{false}. As a result, all available
modular versions of the Poincar\'e- Wirtinger inequality in the
variable-exponent setting always contain extra terms that do not disappear in
the constant exponent case, preventing such inequalities from reducing to the
classical ones in the constant exponent setting. Our contribution is threefold.
First, we establish that a modular Poincar\'e--Wirtinger inequality
particularizing to the classical one in the constant exponent case is indeed
conceivable. We show that if $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is a bounded
Lipschitz domain, and if $p\in L^\infty(\Omega)$, $p \geq 1$, then for every
$f\in C^\infty(\bar\Omega)$ the following generalized Poincar\'e--Wirtinger
inequality holds
<p>\int_\Omega \left|f(x)-\langle f\rangle_{\Omega}\right|^{p(x)} \ {\mathrm{d}
<p>\leq C \int_\Omega\int_\Omega \frac{|\nabla f(z)|^{p(x)}}{|z-x|^{n-1}}\
{\mathrm{d} z}{\mathrm{d} x},
<p>where $\langle f\rangle_{\Omega}$ denotes the mean of $f$ over $\Omega$, and
$C>0$ is a positive constant depending only on $\Omega$ and
$\|p\|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}$. Second, our argument is concise and constructive
and does not rely on compactness results. Third, we additionally provide
geometric information on the best Poincar\'e--Wirtinger constant on Lipschitz
<p>Dynamical fluctuations or rare events associated with atypical trajectories
in chaotic maps due to specific initial conditions can crucially determine
their fate, as the may lead to stability islands or regions in phase space
otherwise displaying unusual behavior. Yet, finding such initial conditions is
a daunting task precisely because of the chaotic nature of the system. In this
work, we circumvent this problem by proposing a framework for finding an
effective topologically-conjugate map whose typical trajectories correspond to
atypical ones of the original map. This is illustrated by means of examples
which focus on counterbalancing the instability of fixed points and periodic
orbits, as well as on the characterization of a dynamical phase transition
involving the finite-time Lyapunov exponent. The procedure parallels that of
the application of the generalized Doob transform in the stochastic dynamics of
Markov chains, diffusive processes and open quantum systems, which in each case
results in a new process having the prescribed statistics in its stationary
state. This work thus brings chaotic maps into the growing family of systems
whose rare fluctuations -- sustaining prescribed statistics of dynamical
observables -- can be characterized and controlled by means of a
large-deviation formalism.
<p>Orbit recovery problems are a class of problems that often arise in practice
and various forms. In these problems, we aim to estimate an unknown function
after being distorted by a group action and observed via a known operator.
Typically, the observations are contaminated with a non-trivial level of noise.
Two particular orbit recovery problems of interest in this paper are
multireference alignment and single-particle cryo-EM modelling. In order to
suppress the noise, we suggest using the method of moments approach for both
problems while introducing deep neural network priors. In particular, our
neural networks should output the signals and the distribution of group
elements, with moments being the input. In the multireference alignment case,
we demonstrate the advantage of using the NN to accelerate the convergence for
the reconstruction of signals from the moments. Finally, we use our method to
reconstruct simulated and biological volumes in the cryo-EM setting.
<p>We relate two different proposals to extend the \'etale topology into
homotopy theory, namely via the notion of finite cover introduced by Mathew and
via the notion of separable commutative algebra introduced by Balmer. We show
that finite covers are precisely those separable commutative algebras with
underlying dualizable module, which have a locally constant and finite degree
function. We then use Galois theory to classify separable commutative algebras
in numerous categories of interest. Examples include the category of modules
over a connective $\mathbb{E}_\infty$-ring $R$ which is either connective or
even periodic with $\pi_0(R)$ regular Noetherian in which $2$ acts invertibly,
the stable module category of a finite group of $p$-rank one and the derived
category of a qcqs scheme.
<p>This paper proposes a new easy-to-implement parameter-free gradient-based
optimizer: DoWG (Distance over Weighted Gradients). We prove that DoWG is
efficient -- matching the convergence rate of optimally tuned gradient descent
in convex optimization up to a logarithmic factor without tuning any
parameters, and universal -- automatically adapting to both smooth and
nonsmooth problems. While popular algorithms following the AdaGrad framework
compute a running average of the squared gradients to use for normalization,
DoWG maintains a new distance-based weighted version of the running average,
which is crucial to achieve the desired properties. To complement our theory,
we also show empirically that DoWG trains at the edge of stability, and
validate its effectiveness on practical machine learning tasks.
<p>We study partitions of complex numbers as sums of non-negative powers of a
fixed algebraic number $\beta$. We prove that if $\beta$ is real quadratic,
then the number of partitions is always finite if and only if some conjugate of
$\beta$ is larger than 1. Further, we show that for $\beta$ satisfying a
certain condition, the partition function attains all non-negative integers as
<p>This work proposes a Momentum-Enabled Kronecker-Factor-Based Optimizer Using
Rank-1 updates, called MKOR, that improves the training time and convergence
properties of deep neural networks (DNNs). Second-order techniques, while
enjoying higher convergence rates vs first-order counterparts, have cubic
complexity with respect to either the model size and/or the training batch
size. Hence they exhibit poor scalability and performance in transformer
models, e.g. large language models (LLMs), because the batch sizes in these
models scale by the attention mechanism sequence length, leading to large model
size and batch sizes. MKOR's complexity is quadratic with respect to the model
size, alleviating the computation bottlenecks in second-order methods. Because
of their high computation complexity, state-of-the-art implementations of
second-order methods can only afford to update the second order information
infrequently, and thus do not fully exploit the promise of better convergence
from these updates. By reducing the communication complexity of the
second-order updates as well as achieving a linear communication complexity,
MKOR increases the frequency of second order updates. We also propose a hybrid
version of MKOR (called MKOR-H) that mid-training falls backs to a first order
optimizer if the second order updates no longer accelerate convergence. Our
experiments show that MKOR outperforms state -of-the-art first order methods,
e.g. the LAMB optimizer, and best implementations of second-order methods, i.e.
KAISA/KFAC, up to 2.57x and 1.85x respectively on BERT-Large-Uncased on 64
<p>We show that the $p$-adic Siegel Eisenstein series of general degree attached
to two kind of number sequences are both linear combinations of genus theta
series of level $p$, by applying the theory of mod $p$-power singular forms. As
special cases of this result, we derive the result of Nagaoka and
<p>Assume that $(L,v)$ is a finite Galois extension of a valued field $(K,v)$.
We give an explicit construction of the valuation ring $\mathcal O_L$ of $L$ as
an $\mathcal O_K$-algebra, and an explicit description of the module of
relative K\"ahler differentials $\Omega_{\mathcal O_L|\mathcal O_K}$ when $L|K$
is a Kummer extension of prime degree or an Artin-Schreier extension, in terms
of invariants of the valuation and field extension. The case when this
extension has nontrivial defect was solved in a recent paper by the authors
with Anna Rzepka. The present paper deals with the complementary (defectless)
case. The results are known classically for (rank 1) discrete valuations, but
our systematic approach to non-discrete valuations (even of rank 1) is new. We
also show that the annihilator of $\Omega_{\mathcal O_L|\mathcal O_K}$ can only
be equal to the maximal ideal $\mathcal M_L$ of $\mathcal O_L$ if the extension
is defectless and $\mathcal M_L$ is principal.
<p>Using our results from the prime degree case, we characterize when
$\Omega_{\mathcal O_L|\mathcal O_K}=0$ holds for an arbitrary finite Galois
extension of valued fields. As an application of these results, we give a
simple proof of a theorem of Gabber and Ramero, which characterizes when a
valued field is deeply ramified. We further give a simple characterization of
deeply ramified fields with residue fields of characteristic $p>0$ in terms of
the K\"ahler differentials of Galois extensions of degree $p$.
<p>The standard methods for calculating Khovanov homology rely either on long
exact/spectral sequences or on the algorithmic "divide and conquer" approach
developed by Bar-Natan. In this paper, we employ an alternative and arguably
simpler tool, discrete Morse theory, which is new in the context of knot
homologies. The method is applied for 2- and 3-torus braids in Bar-Natan's
dotted cobordism category, where Khovanov complexes of tangles live. This
grants a recursive description of the complexes of 2- and 3-torus braids
yielding an inductive result on integral Khovanov homology of links containing
those braids. The result, accompanied with some computer data, advances the
recent progress on a conjecture by Przytycki and Sazdanovi\'c which claims that
closures of 3-braids only have 2-torsion in their Khovanov homology.
<p>We study corrections to the scaling limit of subcritical long-range Ising
models with (super)-summable interactions on $\mathbb{Z}^d$. For a wide class
of models, the scaling limit is known to be white noise, as shown by Newman
(1980). In the specific case of couplings
$J_{x,y}=|x-y|^{-d-\boldsymbol{\alpha}}$, where $\boldsymbol{\alpha}>0$ and
$|\cdot|$ is the Euclidean norm, we find an emergence of fractional Gaussian
free field correlations in appropriately renormalised and rescaled observables.
The proof exploits the exact asymptotics of the two-point function, first
established by Newman and Spohn (1998), together with the rotational symmetry
of the interaction.
<p>One of the fundamental results in quantum foundations is the Kochen-Specker
(KS) theorem, which states that any theory whose predictions agree with quantum
mechanics must be contextual, i.e., a quantum observation cannot be understood
as revealing a pre-existing value. The theorem hinges on the existence of a
mathematical object called a KS vector system. While many KS vector systems are
known, the problem of finding the minimum KS vector system in three dimensions
(3D) has remained stubbornly open for over 55 years.
<p>To address the minimum KS problem, we present a new verifiable
proof-producing method based on a combination of a Boolean satisfiability (SAT)
solver and a computer algebra system (CAS) that uses an isomorph-free orderly
generation technique that is very effective in pruning away large parts of the
search space. Our method shows that a KS system in 3D must contain at least 24
vectors. We show that our sequential and parallel Cube-and-Conquer (CnC)
SAT+CAS methods are significantly faster than SAT-only, CAS-only, and a prior
CAS-based method of Uijlen and Westerbaan. Further, while our parallel pipeline
is somewhat slower than the parallel CnC version of the recently introduced
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMS) method, this is in part due to the
overhead of proof generation. Finally, we provide the first computer-verifiable
proof certificate of a lower bound to the KS problem with a size of 42.9 TiB in
order 23.
<p>We consider spectral projectors associated to the Euclidean Laplacian on the
two-dimensional torus, in the case where the spectral window is narrow. Bounds
for their L2 to Lp operator norm are derived, extending the classical result of
Sogge; a new question on the convolution kernel of the projector is introduced.
The methods employed include l2 decoupling, small cap decoupling, and estimates
of exponential sums.
<p>In a recent work of I. Dynnikov and M. Prasolov a new method of comparing
Legendrian knots with nontrivial symmetry group is proposed. Using this method
we confirm conjectures of Ng and Chongchitmate about Legendrian knots in
topological types $7_4$, $9_{48}$ and $10_{136}$. This completes the
classification of Legendrian types of rectangular diagrams of knots of
complexity up to 9.
<p>Matroidal entropy functions are entropy functions in the form $\mathbf{h} =
\log v \cdot \mathbf{r}_M$ , where $v \ge 2$ is an integer and $\mathbf{r}_M$
is the rank function of a matroid $M$. They can be applied into capacity
characterization and code construction of information theory problems such as
network coding, secret sharing, index coding and locally repairable code. In
this paper, by constructing the variable strength arrays of some matroid
operations, we characterized matroidal entropy functions induced by regular
matroids and some matroids with the same p-characteristic set as uniform
matroid $U_{2,4}$.
<p>Agent-based models (ABMs) provide an intuitive and powerful framework for
studying social dynamics by modeling the interactions of individuals from the
perspective of each individual. In addition to simulating and forecasting the
dynamics of ABMs, the demand to solve optimization problems to support, for
example, decision-making processes naturally arises. Most ABMs, however, are
non-deterministic, high-dimensional dynamical systems, so objectives defined in
terms of their behavior are computationally expensive. In particular, if the
number of agents is large, evaluating the objective functions often becomes
prohibitively time-consuming. We consider data-driven reduced models based on
the Koopman generator to enable the efficient solution of multi-objective
optimization problems involving ABMs. In a first step, we show how to obtain
data-driven reduced models of non-deterministic dynamical systems (such as
ABMs) that depend potentially nonlinearly on control inputs. We then use them
in the second step as surrogate models to solve multi-objective optimal control
problems. We first illustrate our approach using the example of a voter model,
where we compute optimal controls to steer the agents to a predetermined
majority, and then using the example of an epidemic ABM, where we compute
optimal containment strategies in a prototypical situation. We demonstrate that
the surrogate models effectively approximate the Pareto-optimal points of the
ABM dynamics by comparing the surrogate-based results with test points, where
the objectives are evaluated using the ABM. Our results show that when
objectives are defined by the dynamic behavior of ABMs, data-driven surrogate
models support or even enable the solution of multi-objective optimization
<p>We obtain some results about the spectrum and the upper semi-Fredholm
spectrum of weighted composition operators on uniform algebras, assuming that
the corresponding map maps the Shilov boundary onto itself. In particular, it
follows from our results that in the case of analytic uniform algebras the
spectrum is a connected rotation invariant subset of the complex plane, and
that the upper semi-Fredholm spectrum is rotation invariant as well.
<p>We provide two families of algorithms to compute characteristic polynomials
of endomorphisms and norms of isogenies of Drinfeld modules. Our algorithms
work for Drinfeld modules of any rank, defined over any base curve. When the
base curve is $\mathbb P^1_{\mathbb F_q}$, we do a thorough study of the
complexity, demonstrating that our algorithms are, in many cases, the most
asymptotically performant. The first family of algorithms relies on the
correspondence between Drinfeld modules and Anderson motives, reducing the
computation to linear algebra over a polynomial ring. The second family,
available only for the Frobenius endomorphism, is based on a formula expressing
the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius as a reduced norm in a central
simple algebra.
<p>In this paper, we provide a theoretical analysis of the recently introduced
weakly adversarial networks (WAN) method, used to approximate partial
differential equations in high dimensions. We address the existence and
stability of the solution, as well as approximation bounds. More precisely, we
prove the existence of discrete solutions, intended in a suitable weak sense,
for which we prove a quasi-best approximation estimate similar to Cea's lemma,
a result commonly found in finite element methods. We also propose two new
stabilized WAN-based formulas that avoid the need for direct normalization.
Furthermore, we analyze the method's effectiveness for the Dirichlet boundary
problem that employs the implicit representation of the geometry. The key
requirement for achieving the best approximation outcome is to ensure that the
space for the test network satisfies a specific condition, known as the inf-sup
condition, essentially requiring that the test network set is sufficiently
large when compared to the trial space. The method's accuracy, however, is only
determined by the space of the trial network. We also devise a pseudo-time
XNODE neural network class for static PDE problems, yielding significantly
faster convergence results than the classical DNN network.
<p>The paper deals with three evolution problems arising in the physical
modelling of acoustic phenomena of small amplitude in a fluid, bounded by a
surface of extended reaction. The first one is the widely studied wave equation
with acoustic boundary conditions, which derivation from the physical model is
not fully mathematically satisfactory. The other two models studied in the
paper, in the Lagrangian and Eulerian settings, are physically transparent. In
the paper the first model is derived from the other two in a rigorous way, also
for solutions merely belonging to the natural energy spaces. The paper also
gives several well-posedness and optimal regularity results for the three
problems considered, which are new for the Eulerian and Lagrangian models.
<p>In this article, we investigate three classes of equations: the McKean-Vlasov
stochastic differential equation (MVSDE), the MVSDE with a subdifferential
operator referred to as the McKean-Vlasov stochastic variational inequality
(MVSVI), and the coupled forward-backward MVSVI. The latter class encompasses
the FBSDE with reflection in a convex domain as a special case. We establish
the well-posedness, in terms of the existence and uniqueness of a strong
solution, for these three classes in their general forms. Importantly, we
consider stochastic coefficients with locally Holder continuity and employ
different strategies to achieve that for each class.
<p>Optimal Transport has sparked vivid interest in recent years, in particular
thanks to the Wasserstein distance, which provides a geometrically sensible and
intuitive way of comparing probability measures. For computational reasons, the
Sliced Wasserstein (SW) distance was introduced as an alternative to the
Wasserstein distance, and has seen uses for training generative Neural Networks
(NNs). While convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) has been observed
practically in such a setting, there is to our knowledge no theoretical
guarantee for this observation. Leveraging recent works on convergence of SGD
on non-smooth and non-convex functions by Bianchi et al. (2022), we aim to
bridge that knowledge gap, and provide a realistic context under which
fixed-step SGD trajectories for the SW loss on NN parameters converge. More
precisely, we show that the trajectories approach the set of (sub)-gradient
flow equations as the step decreases. Under stricter assumptions, we show a
much stronger convergence result for noised and projected SGD schemes, namely
that the long-run limits of the trajectories approach a set of generalised
critical points of the loss function.
<p>A geometric perspective of the Higgs Mechanism is presented. Using Thom's
Catastrophe Theory, we study the emergence of the Higgs Mechanism as a
discontinuous feature in a general family of Lagrangians obtained by varying
its parameters. We show that the Lagrangian that exhibits the Higgs Mechanism
arises as a first-order phase transition in this general family. We find that
the Higgs Mechanism (as well as Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking) need not occur
for a different choice of parameters of the Lagrangian, and further analysis of
these unconventional parameter choices may yield interesting implications for
beyond standard model physics.
<p>We consider locally isotropic Gaussian random fields on the $N$-dimensional
Euclidean space for fixed $N$. Using the so called Gaussian Orthogonally
Invariant matrices first studied by Mallows in 1961 which include the
celebrated Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), we establish the Kac--Rice
representation of expected number of critical points of non-isotropic Gaussian
fields, complementing the isotropic case obtained by Cheng and Schwartzman in
2018. In the limit $N=\infty$, we show that such a representation can be always
given by GOE matrices, as conjectured by Auffinger and Zeng in 2020.
<p>The paper is focused on the four-dimensional visualization of hypersurfaces
represented by implicit equations without their parametrization. We describe a
general method to find shadow boundaries in an arbitrary dimension and apply it
in a three- and four-dimensional space. Furthermore, we design a system of
polynomial equations to construct occluding contours of algebraic surfaces in a
4-D perspective. The method is presented on a composed 3-D scene and three 4-D
cases with gradual complexity. In general, our goal is to improve the
understanding of spatial properties in a four-dimensional space.
<p>Neuron models have attracted a lot of attention recently, both in mathematics
and neuroscience. We are interested in studying long-time and large-population
emerging properties in a simplified toy model. From a mathematical perspective,
this amounts to study the long-time behaviour of a degenerate reflected
diffusion process. Using coupling arguments, the flow is proven to be a
contraction of the Wasserstein distance for long times, which implies the
exponential relaxation toward a (non-explicit) unique globally attractive
equilibrium distribution. The result is extended to a McKean-Vlasov type
non-linear variation of the model, when the mean-field interaction is
sufficiently small. The ergodicity of the process results from a combination of
deterministic contraction properties and local diffusion, the noise being
sufficient to drive the system away from non-contractive domains.
<p>The notion of twisted sectors play a crucial role in orbifold Gromov-Witten
theory. We introduce the notion of dihedral twisted sectors in order to
construct Lagrangian Floer theory on symplectic orbifolds and discuss related
<p>Temporal correlation for randomly growing interfaces in the KPZ universality
class is a topic of recent interest. Most of the works so far have been
concentrated on the zero temperature model of exponential last passage
percolation, and three special initial conditions, namely droplet, flat and
stationary. We focus on studying the time correlation problem for generic
random initial conditions with diffusive growth. We formulate our results in
terms of the positive temperature exactly solvable model of the inverse-gamma
polymer and obtain up to constant upper and lower bounds for the correlation
between the free energy of two polymers whose endpoints are close together or
far apart. Our proofs apply almost verbatim to the zero temperature set-up of
exponential LPP and are valid for a broad class of initial conditions. Our work
complements and completes the partial results obtained in (Ferrari-Occelli'19),
following the conjectures of (Ferrari-Spohn'16). Moreover, our arguments rely
on the one-point moderate deviation estimates which have recently been obtained
using stationary polymer techniques and thus do not depend on complicated exact
<p>We consider the Macdonald group $\langle x,y\,|\, x^{[x,y]}=x^{1+2^m\ell},\,
y^{[y,x]}=y^{1+2^m\ell}\rangle$ and its Sylow 2-subgroup $J=\langle x,y\,|\,
x^{[x,y]}=x^{1+2^m\ell},\, y^{[y,x]}=y^{1+2^m\ell},
x^{2^{3m-1}}=y^{2^{3m-1}}=1\rangle$, where $m\geq 1$ and $\ell$ is odd. Then
$J$ has order $2^{7m-3}$, and nilpotency class 5 if $m>1$ and 3 if $m=1$. We
determine the automorphism group of the 2-groups $J$, $H=J/Z(J)$ and
$K=H/Z(H)$, where $|H|=2^{6m-3}$ and $|K|=2^{5m-3}$. Explicit multiplication,
power, and commutator formulas for $J$, $H$, and $K$ are given, and used in the
calculation of $\mathrm{Aut}(J)$, $\mathrm{Aut}(H)$, and $\mathrm{Aut}(K)$.
<p>We consider 9 infinite families of finite $p$-groups, for $p$ a prime, and we
settle the isomorphism problem that arises when the parameters that define
these groups are modified.
<p>In this paper we examine well-posedness for a class of fourth-order nonlinear
parabolic equation $\partial_t u + (-\Delta)^2 u = \nabla \cdot F(\nabla u)$,
where $F$ satisfies a cubic growth conditions. We establish existence and
uniqueness of the solution for small initial data in local BMO spaces. In the
cubic case $F(\xi) = \pm \lvert \xi \rvert^2 \xi$ we also examine the large
time behaivour and stability of global solutions for arbitrary and small
initial data in VMO, respectively.
<p>In this paper we establish the existence and uniqueness of global solutions
(in time), as well as the existence, regularity and stability (upper
semicontinuity) of the attractor for the semigroup generated by the solutions
of a two-dimensional nonlinear hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system with
fractional Laplacian. In addition, we also obtain the existence of an
exponential attractor and show that this attractor has a finite fractal
dimension in a space containing the phase space of the dynamical system.
<p>We study the quasinormal modes (QNM) of the charged C-metric, which
physically stands for a charged accelerating black hole, with the help of
Nekrasov's partition function of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field
theories (SCFTs). The QNM in the charged C-metric are classified into three
types: the photon-surface modes, the accelerating modes and the near-extremal
modes, and it is curious how the single quantization condition proposed in
<a href="/abs/2006.06111">arXiv:2006.06111</a> can reproduce all the different families. We show that the
connection formula encoded in terms of Nekrasov's partition function captures
all these families of QNM numerically and recovers the asymptotic behavior of
the accelerating and the near-extremal modes analytically. Using the connection
formulae of different 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs, one can solve both the radial
and the angular part of the scalar perturbation equation respectively. The same
algorithm can be applied to the de Sitter (dS) black holes to calculate both
the dS modes and the photon-sphere modes.
<p>Two CNF formulas are called ucp-equivalent, if they behave in the same way
with respect to the unit clause propagation (UCP). A formula is called
ucp-irredundant, if removing any clause leads to a formula which is not
ucp-equivalent to the original one. As a consequence of known results, the
ratio of the size of a ucp-irredundant formula and the size of a smallest
ucp-equivalent formula is at most $n^2$, where $n$ is the number of the
variables. We demonstrate an example of a ucp-irredundant formula for a
symmetric definite Horn function which is larger than a smallest ucp-equivalent
formula by a factor $\Omega(n/\ln n)$ and, hence, a general upper bound on the
above ratio cannot be smaller than this.
<p>We explore the impact of coarse quantization on low-rank matrix sensing in
the extreme scenario of dithered one-bit sampling, where the high-resolution
measurements are compared with random time-varying threshold levels. To recover
the low-rank matrix of interest from the highly-quantized collected data, we
offer an enhanced randomized Kaczmarz algorithm that efficiently solves the
emerging highly-overdetermined feasibility problem. Additionally, we provide
theoretical guarantees in terms of the convergence and sample size
requirements. Our numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed methodology.
<p>In this paper, the nonlinear (orbital) stability of static 180^\circ N\'eel
walls in ferromagnetic films, under the reduced wave-type dynamics for the
in-plane magnetization proposed by Capella, Melcher and Otto [CMO07], is
established. It is proved that the spectrum of the linearized operator around
the static N\'eel wall lies in the stable complex half plane with non-positive
real part. This information is used to show that small perturbations of the
static N\'eel wall converge to a translated orbit belonging to the manifold
generated by the static wall.
<p>The \emph{Ramsey multiplicity constant} of a graph $H$ is the limit as $n$
tends to infinity of the minimum density of monochromatic labeled copies of $H$
in a $2$-edge colouring of $K_n$. Fox and Wigderson recently identified a large
family of graphs whose Ramsey multiplicity constants are attained by sequences
of ``Tur\'an colourings''; i.e. colourings in which one of the colour classes
forms the edge set of a balanced complete multipartite graph. Each graph in
their family comes from taking a connected non-3-colourable graph with a
critical edge and adding many pendant edges. We extend their result to an
off-diagonal variant of the Ramsey multiplicity constant which involves
minimizing a weighted sum of red copies of one graph and blue copies of
<p>Using generalized hydrodynamics (GHD), we exactly evaluate the
finite-temperature spin Drude weight at zero magnetic field for the integrable
XXZ chain with arbitrary spin and easy-plane anisotropy. First, we construct
the fusion hierarchy of the quantum transfer matrices ($T$-functions) and
derive functional relations ($T$- and $Y$-systems) satisfied by the
$T$-functions and certain combinations of them ($Y$-functions). Through
analytical arguments, the $Y$-system is reduced to a set of non-linear integral
equations, equivalent to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations. Then,
employing GHD, we calculate the spin Drude weight at arbitrary finite
temperatures. As a result, a characteristic fractal-like structure of the Drude
weight is observed at arbitrary spin, similar to the spin-1/2 case. In our
approach, the solutions to the TBA equations (i.e., the $Y$-functions) can be
explicitly written in terms of the $T$-functions, thus allowing for a
systematic calculation of the high-temperature limit of the Drude weight.
<p>In this paper, we introduce the persistence transformation, a novel
methodology in Topological Data Analysis (TDA) for applications in time series
data which can be obtained in various areas such as science, politics, economy,
healthcare, engineering, and beyond. This approach captures the enduring
presence or `persistence' of signal peaks in time series data arising from
Morse functions while preserving their positional information. Through rigorous
analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed persistence transformation exhibits
stability and outperforms the persistent diagram of Morse functions (with
respect to filtration, e.g., the upper levelset filtration). Moreover, we
present a modified version of the persistence transformation, termed the
reduced persistence transformation, which retains stability while enjoying
dimensionality reduction in the data. Consequently, the reduced persistence
transformation yields faster computational results for subsequent tasks, such
as classification, albeit at the cost of reduced overall accuracy compared to
the persistence transformation. However, the reduced persistence transformation
finds relevance in specific domains, e.g., MALDI-Imaging, where positional
information is of greater significance than the overall signal height. Finally,
we provide a conceptual outline for extending the persistence diagram to
accommodate higher-dimensional input while assessing its stability under these
<p>We propose a geometric framework to describe and analyze a wide array of
operator splitting methods for solving monotone inclusion problems. The initial
inclusion problem, which typically involves several operators combined through
monotonicity-preserving operations, is seldom solvable in its original form. We
embed it in an auxiliary space, where it is associated with a surrogate
monotone inclusion problem with a more tractable structure and which allows for
easy recovery of solutions to the initial problem. The surrogate problem is
solved by successive projections onto half-spaces containing its solution set.
The outer approximation half-spaces are constructed by using the individual
operators present in the model separately. This geometric framework is shown to
encompass traditional methods as well as state-of-the-art asynchronous
block-iterative algorithms, and its flexible structure provides a pattern to
design new ones.
<p>A spectrum-sharing satellite-ground integrated network is conceived,
consisting of a pair of non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) constellations and
multiple terrestrial base stations, which impose the co-frequency interference
(CFI) on each other. The CFI may increase upon increasing the number of
satellites. To manage the potentially severe interference, we propose to rely
on joint multi-domain resource aided interference management (JMDR-IM).
Specifically, the coverage overlap of the constellations considered is
analyzed. Then, multi-domain resources - including both the beam-domain and
power-domain - are jointly utilized for managing the CFI in an overlapping
coverage region. This joint resource utilization is performed by relying on our
specifically designed beam-shut-off and switching based beam scheduling, as
well as on long short-term memory based joint autoregressive moving average
assisted deep Q network aided power scheduling. Moreover, the outage
probability (OP) of the proposed JMDR-IM scheme is derived, and the asymptotic
analysis of the OP is also provided. Our performance evaluations demonstrate
the superiority of the proposed JMDR-IM scheme in terms of its increased
throughput and reduced OP.
<p>In this paper, we characterize $\ell$-open and $\ell$-closed $C^*$-algebras
and deduce that $\ell$-open $C^*$-algebras are $\ell$-closed, as conjectured by
Blackadar. Moreover, we show that a commutative unital $C^*$-algebra is
$\ell$-open if and only if it is semiprojective.
<p>Following our reformulation of sheaf-theoretic Virasoro constraints with
applications to curves and surfaces joint with Lim-Moreira, I describe in the
present work the quiver analog. After phrasing a universal approach to Virasoro
constraints for moduli of quiver-representations, I prove them for any finite
quiver with relations, with frozen vertices, but without cycles. I use partial
flag varieties as a guiding example throughout, but the most exciting upshot is
a self-contained proof of Virasoro constraints for Gieseker (semi)stable
torsion-free sheaves on $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $\mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1$
relying on derived equivalences to quivers. In the case of Hilbert schemes of
points, this can be combined with an existing universality argument to give an
independent proof for any surface.
<p>The growing computing power over the years has enabled simulations to become
more complex and accurate. While immensely valuable for scientific discovery
and problem-solving, however, high-fidelity simulations come with significant
computational demands. As a result, it is common to run a low-fidelity model
with a subgrid-scale model to reduce the computational cost, but selecting the
appropriate subgrid-scale models and tuning them are challenging. We propose a
novel method for learning the subgrid-scale model effects when simulating
partial differential equations augmented by neural ordinary differential
operators in the context of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization.
Our approach learns the missing scales of the low-order DG solver at a
continuous level and hence improves the accuracy of the low-order DG
approximations as well as accelerates the filtered high-order DG simulations
with a certain degree of precision. We demonstrate the performance of our
approach through multidimensional Taylor-Green vortex examples at different
Reynolds numbers and times, which cover laminar, transitional, and turbulent
regimes. The proposed method not only reconstructs the subgrid-scale from the
low-order (1st-order) approximation but also speeds up the filtered high-order
DG (6th-order) simulation by two orders of magnitude.
<p>We consider Prandtl's 1933 model for calculating circulation distribution
function $\Gamma$ of a finite wing which minimizes induced drag, under the
constraints of prescribed total lift and moment of inertia. We prove existence
of a global minimizer of the problem without the restriction of nonnegativity
$\Gamma\geq 0$ in an appropriate function space. We also consider an improved
model, where the prescribed moment of inertia takes into account the bending
moment due to the weight of the wing itself, which leads to a more efficient
solution than Prandtl's 1933 result.
<p>We prove that the classification diagram functor from the category of marked
simplicial sets to the category of bisimplicial sets carries cartesian
equivalences to Rezk equivalences. As a corollary, we obtain Mazel-Gee's
theorem on localizations of relative $\infty$-categories.
<p>We construct finite energy foliations and transverse foliations of
neighbourhoods of the circular orbits in the rotating Kepler problem for all
negative energies. This paper would be a first step towards our ultimate goal
that is to recover and refine McGehee's results on homoclinics and to establish
a theoretical foundation to the numerical demonstration of the existence of a
homoclinic-heteroclinic chain in the planar circular restricted three-body
problem, using pseudoholomorphic curves.
<p>We propose a novel generalization of the conditional gradient (CG /
Frank-Wolfe) algorithm for minimizing a smooth function $f$ under an
intersection of compact convex sets, using a first-order oracle for $\nabla f$
and linear minimization oracles (LMOs) for the individual sets. Although this
computational framework presents many advantages, there are only a small number
of algorithms which require one LMO evaluation per set per iteration;
furthermore, these algorithms require $f$ to be convex. Our algorithm appears
to be the first in this class which is proven to also converge in the nonconvex
setting. Our approach combines a penalty method and a product-space relaxation.
We show that one conditional gradient step is a sufficient subroutine for our
penalty method to converge, and we provide several analytical results on the
product-space relaxation's properties and connections to other problems in
optimization. We prove that our average Frank-Wolfe gap converges at a rate of
$\mathcal{O}(\ln t/\sqrt{t})$, -- only a log factor worse than the vanilla CG
algorithm with one set.
<p>We find polynomial upper bounds on the number of isotopy classes of connected
essential surfaces embedded in many cusped 3-manifolds and their Dehn fillings.
Our bounds are universal, in the sense that we obtain the same explicit formula
for all 3-manifolds that we consider, with the formula dependent on the Euler
characteristic of the surface and similar numerical quantities encoding
topology of the ambient 3-manifold. Universal and polynomial bounds have been
obtained previously for classical alternating links in the 3-sphere and their
Dehn fillings, but only for surfaces that are closed or spanning. Here, we
consider much broader classes of 3-manifolds and all topological types of
surfaces. The 3-manifolds are called weakly generalized alternating links; they
include, for example, many links that are not classically alternating and/or do
not lie in the 3-sphere, many virtual links and toroidally alternating links.
<p>The random XXZ quantum spin chain manifests localization (in the form of
quasi-locality) in any fixed energy interval, as previously proved by the
authors. In this article it is shown that this property implies slow
propagation of information, one of the putative signatures of many-body
localization, in the same energy interval.
<p>In this paper, we explore optimal treatment allocation policies that target
distributional welfare. Most literature on treatment choice has considered
utilitarian welfare based on the conditional average treatment effect (ATE).
While average welfare is intuitive, it may yield undesirable allocations
especially when individuals are heterogeneous (e.g., with outliers) - the very
reason individualized treatments were introduced in the first place. This
observation motivates us to propose an optimal policy that allocates the
treatment based on the conditional quantile of individual treatment effects
(QoTE). Depending on the choice of the quantile probability, this criterion can
accommodate a policymaker who is either prudent or negligent. The challenge of
identifying the QoTE lies in its requirement for knowledge of the joint
distribution of the counterfactual outcomes, which is generally hard to recover
even with experimental data. Therefore, we introduce minimax policies that are
robust to model uncertainty. A range of identifying assumptions can be used to
yield more informative policies. For both stochastic and deterministic
policies, we establish the asymptotic bound on the regret of implementing the
proposed policies. In simulations and two empirical applications, we compare
optimal decisions based on the QoTE with decisions based on other criteria. The
framework can be generalized to any setting where welfare is defined as a
functional of the joint distribution of the potential outcomes.
<p>These are notes from a mini-course about the main results of
<a href="/abs/2206.03438">arXiv:2206.03438</a>: I explain how, using suitable valued fields, one obtains a
natural notion of canonical stratifications (of e.g. algebraic subsets of
$\mathbb{R}^n$). I also explain how the same techniques yield more invariants
of singularities, and I present an application to Poincar\'e series. While some
rudimentary knowledge of model theory is useful, the notes should also be
accessible without such knowledge. In particular, they contain an introduction
to the non-standard analysis needed for this approach.
<p>In this paper, we show that the existence of two sequences of Massey iterated
product containing zero in the cohomology of a 1-connected CW complex of finite
type $X$ directly bears on the unbounded growth of the Betti numbers of the
free loop space of $X$.
<p>Optimal resource allocation in wireless systems still stands as a rather
challenging task due to the inherent statistical characteristics of channel
fading. On the one hand, minimax/outage-optimal policies are often
overconservative and analytically intractable, despite advertising maximally
reliable system performance. On the other hand, ergodic-optimal resource
allocation policies are often susceptible to the statistical dispersion of
heavy-tailed fading channels, leading to relatively frequent drastic
performance drops. We investigate a new risk-aware formulation of the classical
stochastic resource allocation problem for point-to-point power-constrained
communication networks over fading channels with no cross-interference, by
leveraging the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CV@R) as a coherent measure of risk.
We rigorously derive closed-form expressions for the CV@R-optimal risk-aware
resource allocation policy, as well as the optimal associated quantiles of the
corresponding user rate functions by capitalizing on the underlying fading
distribution, parameterized by dual variables. We then develop a purely dual
tail waterfilling scheme, achieving significantly more rapid and assured
convergence of dual variables, as compared with the primal-dual tail
waterfilling algorithm, recently proposed in the literature. The effectiveness
of the proposed scheme is also readily confirmed via detailed numerical
<p>We consider the variation of two fundamental types of zeta functions that
arise in the study of both physical and analytical problems in geometric
settings involving conical singularities. These are the Barnes zeta functions
and the Bessel zeta functions. Although the series used to define them do not
converge at zero, using methods of complex analysis we are able to calculate
the derivatives of these zeta functions at zero. These zeta functions depend
critically on a certain parameter, and we calculate the variation of these
derivatives with respect to the parameter. For integer values of the parameter,
we obtain a new expression for the variation of the Barnes zeta function with
respect to the parameter in terms of special functions. For the Bessel zeta
functions, we obtain two different expressions for the variation via two
independent methods. Of course, the expressions should be equal, and we verify
this by demonstrating several identities for both special and elementary
functions. We encountered these zeta functions while working with determinants
of Laplace operators on cones and angular sectors.
<p>The Alperin weight conjecture has been reduced to simple groups by G. Navarro
and P. H. Tiep. In this paper, we investigate the Galois-Alperin weight
conjecture and give a reduction to simple groups.
<p>We prove that on any closed Riemannian three-manifold $(M,g)$ the
time-dependent Euler equations are non-mixing on the space of smooth
volume-preserving vector fields endowed with the $C^1$-topology, for any fixed
helicity and large enough energy, solving a problem posed by Khesin, Misiolek,
and Shnirelman. To prove this, we introduce a new framework that assigns
contact/symplectic geometry invariants to large sets of time-dependent
solutions to the Euler equations on any 3-manifold with an arbitrary fixed
metric. This greatly broadens the scope of contact topological methods in
hydrodynamics, which so far have had applications only for stationary solutions
and without fixing the ambient metric. We further use this framework to prove
that spectral invariants obtained from Floer theory, concretely embedded
contact homology, define new non-trivial continuous first integrals of the
Euler equations in certain regions of the phase space endowed with the
$C^{1,s}$-topology, producing countably many disjoint invariant open sets.
<p>In this paper, we deal with Diophantine equations $N = {F_k}^3 + {F_\ell }^3
= {F_m}^3 + {F_n}^3$ and $M = {L_k}^3 + {L_\ell }^3 = {L_m}^3 + {L_n}^3$. In
other words, we discover the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers that are also
Hardy-Ramanujan numbers.
<p>We consider the Maxwell-Bloch system which is a finite-dimensional
approximation of the coupled nonlinear Maxwell-Schr\"odinger equations. The
approximation consists of one-mode Maxwell field coupled to two-level molecule.
We construct time-periodic solutions to the factordynamics which is due to the
symmetry gauge group. For the corresponding solutions to the Maxwell--Bloch
system, the Maxwell field, current and the population inversion are
time-periodic, while the wave function acquires a unit factor in the period.
The proofs rely on high-amplitude asymptotics of the Maxwell field and a
development of suitable methods of differential topology: the transversality
and orientation arguments. We also prove the existence of the global compact
<p>We show that a Hodge class of a complex smooth projective hypersurface is an
analytic logarithmic De Rham class. On the other hand we show that for a
complex smooth projective variety an analytic logarithmic De Rham class of of
type $(d,d)$ is the class of codimension $d$ algebraic cycle. We deduce the
Hodge conjecture for smooth projective hypersurfaces.
<p>We study the freeness problem for subgroups of
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{C})$ generated by two parabolic matrices. For $q =
r/p \in \mathbb{Q} \cap (0,4)$, where $p$ is prime and $\gcd(r,p)=1$, we
initiate the study of the algebraic structure of the group $\Delta_q$ generated
by the two matrices \[ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}, \text{
and } Q_q = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & q \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}. \] We introduce the
conjecture that $\Delta_{r/p} = \overline{\Gamma}_1^{(p)}(r)$, the congruence
subgroup of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{p}])$ consisting of all
matrices with upper right entry congruent to $0$ mod $r$ and diagonal entries
congruent to $1$ mod $r$. We prove this conjecture when $r \leq 4$ and for some
cases when $r = 5$. Furthermore, conditional on a strong form of Artin's
conjecture on primitive roots, we also prove the conjecture when $r \in \{ p-1,
p+1, (p+1)/2 \}$. In all these cases, this gives information about the
algebraic structure of $\Delta_{r/p}$: it is isomorphic to the fundamental
group of a finite graph of virtually free groups, and has finite index $J_2(r)$
in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{p}])$, where $J_2(r)$ denotes the
Jordan totient function.
<p>In this paper, we investigate the existence of self-dual MRD codes $C\subset
L^n$, where $L/F$ is an arbitrary field extension of degree $m\geq n$. We then
apply our results to the case of finite fields, and prove that if $m=n$ and
$F=\mathbb{F}_q$, a self-dual MRD code exists if and only if $q\equiv n\equiv 3
\ [4].$
<p>For every partially ordered sets I, having a finite cofinal subset, and every
field K we build a unital, locally matricial and hence unit-regular K-algebra
B(I) such that the lattice of all its ideals is order isomorphic to the lattice
of all lower subsets of I. We show that the Grothendieck group of B(I), with
its natural partial order, is order isomorphic to the restricted Hahn power of
Z by I; this gives a contribution to solve the Realization Problem for
Dimension Groups with order-unit. Finally we show that the algebra B(I) has the
following features: (a) B(I) is prime if and only if I is lower directed; (b)
B(I) is primitive if and only if I has a coinitial chain; (c) B(I) is
semiartinian if and only if I is artinian, in which the case I is order
isomorphic to the primitive spectrum of B(I).
<p>We present a purely analytical inequality which is equivalent to the Riemann
hypothesis (RH). The proof of the equivalence is based on a representation of
the modulus of the Riemann xi-function. As the first step to analyze the
inequality, we consider polynomial approximations. We also show that the RH is
equivalent to the statement that some wave functions constructed using the
Brownian motion never evolve into perfectly distinguishable states.
<p>We consider the problem of approximating a function from $L^2$ by an element
of a given $m$-dimensional space $V_m$, associated with some feature map
$\varphi$, using evaluations of the function at random points $x_1,\dots,x_n$.
After recalling some results on optimal weighted least-squares using
independent and identically distributed points, we consider weighted
least-squares using projection determinantal point processes (DPP) or volume
sampling. These distributions introduce dependence between the points that
promotes diversity in the selected features $\varphi(x_i)$. We first provide a
generalized version of volume-rescaled sampling yielding quasi-optimality
results in expectation with a number of samples $n = O(m\log(m))$, that means
that the expected $L^2$ error is bounded by a constant times the best
approximation error in $L^2$. Also, further assuming that the function is in
some normed vector space $H$ continuously embedded in $L^2$, we further prove
that the approximation is almost surely bounded by the best approximation error
measured in the $H$-norm. This includes the cases of functions from $L^\infty$
or reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Finally, we present an alternative
strategy consisting in using independent repetitions of projection DPP (or
volume sampling), yielding similar error bounds as with i.i.d. or volume
sampling, but in practice with a much lower number of samples. Numerical
experiments illustrate the performance of the different strategies.
<p>This paper gives an algorithm to determine whether a number in a cyclic
quartic field is a sum of two squares, mainly based on local-global principle
of isotropy of quadratic forms.
<p>Recently, Hajdu and S\'{a}rk\"{o}zy studied the multiplicative decompositions
of polynomial sequences. In particular, they showed that when $k \geq 3$, each
infinite subset of $\{x^k+1: x \in \mathbb{N}\}$ is multiplicatively
irreducible. In this paper, we attempt to make their result effective by
building a connection between this problem and the bipartite generalization of
the well-studied Diophantine tuples. More precisely, given an integer $k \geq
3$ and a nonzero integer $n$, we call a pair of subsets of positive integers
$(A,B)$ \emph{a bipartite Diophantine tuple with property $BD_k(n)$} if
$|A|,|B| \geq 2$ and $AB+n \subset \{x^k: x \in \mathbb{N}\}$. We show that
$\min \{|A|, |B|\} \ll \log |n|$, extending a celebrated work of Bugeaud and
Dujella (where they considered the case $n=1$). We also provide an upper bound
on $|A||B|$ in terms of $n$ and $k$ under the assumption $\min \{|A|,|B|\}\geq
4$ and $k \geq 6$. Specializing our techniques to Diophantine tuples, we
significantly improve several results by B\'{e}rczes-Dujella-Hajdu-Luca,
Bhattacharjee-Dixit-Saikia, and Dixit-Kim-Murty.
<p>Based on the construction of polytope functions and several results about
them in [LP], we take a deep look on their mutation behaviors to find a link
between a face of a polytope and a sub-cluster algebra of the corresponding
cluster algebra. This find provides a way to induce a mutation sequence in a
sub-cluster algebra from that in the cluster algebra in totally
sign-skew-symmetric case analogous to that achieved via cluster scattering
diagram in skew-symmetrizable case by [GHKK] and [M].
<p>With this, we are able to generalize compatibility degree in [CL] and then
obtain an equivalent condition of compatibility which does not rely on clusters
and thus can be generalized for all polytope functions. Therefore, we could
regard compatibility as an intrinsic property of variables, which explains the
unistructurality of cluster algebras. According to such cluster structure of
polytope functions, we construct a fan $\mathcal{C}$ containing all cones in
the $g$-fan.
<p>On the other hand, we also find a realization of $G$-matrices and
$C$-matrices in polytopes by the mutation behaviors of polytopes, which helps
to generalize the dualities between $G$-matrices and $C$-matrices introduced in
[NZ] and leads to another polytope explanation of cluster structures. This
allows us to construct another fan $\mathcal{N}$ which also contains all cones
in the $g$-fan.
<p>For a class of reducible Hamiltonian partial differential equations (PDEs)
with arbitrary spatial dimensions, quantified by a quadratic polynomial with
time-dependent coefficients, we present a comprehensive classification of
long-term solution behaviors within Sobolev space. This classification is
achieved through the utilization of Metaplectic and Schr\"odinger
representations. Each pattern of Sobolev norm behavior corresponds to a
specific $n-$dimensional symplectic normal form, as detailed in Theorems 1.1
and 1.2.
<p>When applied to periodically or quasi-periodically forced $n-$dimensional
quantum harmonic oscillators, we identify novel growth rates for the
$\mathcal{H}^s-$norm as $t$ tends to infinity, such as $t^{(n-1)s}e^{\lambda
st}$ (with $\lambda>0$) and $t^{(2n-1)s}+ \iota t^{2ns}$ (with $\iota\geq 0$).
Notably, we demonstrate that stability in Sobolev space, defined as the
boundedness of the Sobolev norm, is essentially a unique characteristic of
one-dimensional scenarios, as outlined in Theorem 1.3.
<p>As a byproduct, we discover that the growth rate of the Sobolev norm for the
quantum Hamiltonian can be directly described by that of the solution to the
classical Hamiltonian which exhibits the ``fastest" growth, as articulated in
Theorem 1.4.
<p>It is believed that for metric-like models in the KPZ class the following
property holds: with probability one, starting from any point, there are at
most two semi-infinite geodesics with the same direction that do not coalesce.
Until now, such a result was only proved for one model - exponential LPP
(Coupier 11') using its inherent connection to the totally asymmetric exclusion
process. We prove that the above property holds for the directed landscape, the
universal scaling limit of models in the KPZ class. Our proof reduces the
problem to one on line ensembles and therefore paves the way to show similar
results for other metric-like models in the KPZ class. Finally, combining our
result with the ones in (Busani, Seppalainen,Sorensen 22', Bhatia 23') we
obtain the full qualitative geometric description of infinite geodesics in the
directed landscape.
<p>In this work we prove that certain entire $q$-functions have infinitely many
nonzero roots $\left\{ \rho_{n}\right\} _{n=1}^{\infty}$, as $n\to+\infty$ the
moduli $\left|\rho_{n}\right|$ grow at least exponentially. Applications to
entire $q$-functions defined by series expansions are provided. These functions
include the $q$-analogue of the plane wave function $\mathcal{E}_{q}(z,t)$.
<p>A Heron triangle is one that has all integer side lengths and integer area,
which takes its name from Heron of Alexandria's area formula. From a more
relaxed point of view, if rescaling is allowed, then one can define a Heron
triangle to be one whose side lengths and area are all rational numbers. A
perfect triangle is a Heron triangle with all three medians being rational.
According to a longstanding conjecture, no such triangle exists, so perfect
triangles are as rare as unicorns.
<p>However, if perfect is the enemy of good, then perhaps it is best to insist
on only two of the medians being rational. Buchholz and Rathbun found an
infinite family of Heron triangles with two rational medians, which they were
able to associate with the set of rational points on an elliptic curve
$E(\mathbb{Q})$. Here we describe a recently discovered explicit formula for
the sides, area and medians of these (almost perfect) triangles, expressed in
terms of a pair of integer sequences: these are Somos sequences, which first
became popular thanks to David Gale's column in Mathematical Intelligencer.
<p>In this paper, for any fixed integer $q>2$, we construct $q$-ary codes
correcting a burst of at most $t$ deletions with redundancy $\log n+8\log\log
n+o(\log\log n)+\gamma_{q,t}$ bits and near-linear encoding/decoding
complexity, where $n$ is the message length and $\gamma_{q,t}$ is a constant
that only depends on $q$ and $t$. In previous works there are constructions of
such codes with redundancy $\log n+O(\log q\log\log n)$ bits or $\log
n+O(t^2\log\log n)+O(t\log q)$. The redundancy of our new construction is
independent of $q$ and $t$ in the second term.
<p>We propose a connection between the newly formulated Virasoro minimal string
and the well-established $(2,2m-1)$ minimal string by deriving the string
equation of the Virasoro minimal string using the expansion of its density of
states in powers of $E^{m+1/2}$. This string equation is expressed as a power
series involving double-scaled multicritical matrix models, which are dual to
$(2,2m-1)$ minimal strings. This reformulation of Virasoro minimal strings
enables us to employ matrix theory tools to compute its $n$-boundary
correlators. We analyze the scaling behavior of $n$-boundary correlators and
quantum volumes $V^{(b)}_{0,n}(\ell_1,\dots,\ell_n)$ in the JT gravity limit.
<p>We introduce the notion of a categorical valuative invariant of polyhedra or
matroids, in which alternating sums of numerical invariants are replaced by
split exact sequences in an additive category. We provide categorical lifts of
a number of valuative invariants of matroids, including the Poincare
polynomial, the Chow and augmented Chow polynomials, and certain two-variable
extensions of the Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomial and Z-polynomial. These lifts
allow us to perform calculations equivariantly with respect to automorphism
groups of matroids.
<p>Based on supermodularity ordering properties, we show that convex risk
measures of credit losses are nondecreasing w.r.t. credit-credit and, in a
wrong-way risk setup, credit-market, covariances of elliptically distributed
latent factors. These results support the use of such setups for computing
credit provisions and economic capital or for conducting stress test exercises
and risk management analysis.
<p>We give complete presentations for the dagger-compact props of affine
Lagrangian and coisotropic relations over an arbitrary field. This provides a
unified family of graphical languages for both affinely constrained classical
mechanical systems, as well as odd-prime-dimensional stabiliser quantum
circuits. To this end, we present affine Lagrangian relations by a particular
class of undirected coloured graphs. In order to reason about composite
systems, we introduce a powerful scalable notation where the vertices of these
graphs are themselves coloured by graphs. In the setting of stabiliser quantum
mechanics, this scalable notation gives an extremely concise description of
graph states, which can be composed via ``phased spider fusion.'' Likewise, in
the classical mechanical setting of electrical circuits, we show that impedance
matrices for reciprocal networks are presented in essentially the same way.
<p>Time-uniform log-Sobolev inequalities (LSI) satisfied by solutions of
semi-linear mean-field equations have recently appeared to be a key tool to
obtain time-uniform propagation of chaos estimates. This work addresses the
more general settings of time-inhomogeneous Fokker-Planck equations.
Time-uniform LSI are obtained in two cases, either with the bounded-Lipschitz
perturbation argument with respect to a reference measure, or with a coupling
approach at high temperature. These arguments are then applied to mean-field
equations, where, on the one hand, sharp marginal propagation of chaos
estimates are obtained in smooth cases and, on the other hand, time-uniform
global propagation of chaos is shown in the case of vortex interactions with
quadratic confinement potential on the whole space. In this second case, an
important point is to establish global gradient and Hessian estimates, which is
of independent interest. We prove these bounds in the more general situation of
non-attractive logarithmic and Riesz singular interactions.
<p>In this chapter, we investigate the mathematical foundation of the modeling
and design of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) in both the far- and
near-field regimes. More specifically, we first present RIS-assisted wireless
channel models for the far- and near-field regimes, discussing relevant
phenomena, such as line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS links, rich and poor
scattering, channel correlation, and array manifold. Subsequently, we introduce
two general approaches for the RIS reflective beam design, namely
optimization-based and analytical, which offer different degrees of design
flexibility and computational complexity. Furthermore, we provide a
comprehensive set of simulation results for the performance evaluation of the
studied RIS beam designs and the investigation of the impact of the system
<p>This paper gives an algorithm to determine whether a number in a biquadratic
field is a sum of two squares, based on local-global principle of isotropy of
quadratic forms.
<p>In this research paper, we examine an optimal control problem involving a
dynamical system governed by a nonlinear Caputo fractional time-delay state
equation. The primary objective of this study is to obtain the necessary
conditions for optimality, both the first and second order, for the Caputo
fractional time-delay optimal control problem. We derive the first-order
necessary condition for optimality for the given fractional time-delay optimal
control problem. Moreover, we focus on a case where the Pontryagin maximum
principle degenerates, meaning that it is satisfied in a tivial manner.
Consequently, we proceed to derive the second order optimality conditions
specific to the problem under investigation. At the end illustrative examples
are provided.
<p>This work considers an asynchronous $\textsf{K}_\text{a}$-active-user
unsourced multiple access channel (AUMAC) with the worst-case asynchronicity.
The transmitted messages must be decoded within $n$ channel uses, while some
codewords are not completely received due to asynchronicities. We consider a
constraint of the largest allowed delay of the transmission. The AUMAC lacks
the permutation-invariant property of the synchronous UMAC since different
permutations of the same codewords with a fixed asynchronicity are
distinguishable. Hence, the analyses require calculating all
$2^{\textsf{K}_\text{a}}-1$ combinations of erroneously decoded messages.
Moreover, transmitters cannot adapt the corresponding codebooks according to
asynchronicity due to a lack of information on asynchronicities. To overcome
this challenge, a uniform bound of the per-user probability of error (PUPE) is
derived by investigating the worst-case of the asynchronous patterns with the
delay constraint. Numerical results show the trade-off between the
energy-per-bit and the number of active users for different delay constraints.
In addition, although the asynchronous transmission reduces interference, the
required energy-per-bit increases as the receiver decodes with incompletely
received codewords, compared to the synchronous case.
<p>The Alexander polynomial (1928) is the first polynomial invariant of links
devised to help distinguish links up to isotopy. In recent work of the authors,
Fox's conjecture (1962) -- stating that the absolute values of the coefficients
of the Alexander polynomial for any alternating link are unimodal -- was
settled for special alternating links. The present paper is a study of the
special combinatorial and discrete geometric properties that Alexander
polynomials of special alternating links possess along with a generalization to
all Eulerian graphs, introduced by Murasugi and Stoimenow (2003). We prove that
the Murasugi and Stoimenow generalized Alexander polynomials can be expressed
in terms of volumes of root polytopes of unimodular matrices, building on the
beautiful works of Li and Postnikov (2013) and T\'othm\'er\'esz (2022). We
conjecture a generalization of Fox's conjecture to the Eulerian graph setting.
We also bijectively relate two longstanding combinatorial models for the
Alexander polynomials of special alternating links: Crowell's state model
(1959) and Kauffman's state model (1982, 2006).
<p>We compute the signature of the Milnor fiber of certain type of non-isolated
complex surface singularities, namely, images of finitely determined
holomorphic germs. An explicit formula is given in algebraic terms. As a
corollary we show that the signature of the Milnor fiber is a topological
invariant for these singularities. The proof combines complex analytic and
smooth topological techniques. The main tools are Thom-Mather theory of map
germs and the Ekholm-Sz\H{u}cs-Takase-Saeki formula for immersions. We give a
table with many examples for which the signature is computed using our formula.
<p>In this paper, we consider multi-robot localization problems with focus on
cooperative localization and observability analysis of relative pose
estimation. For cooperative localization, there is extra information available
to each robot via communication network and message passing. If odometry data
of a target robot can be transmitted to the ego-robot then the observability of
their relative pose estimation can be achieved by range-only or bearing-only
measurements provided both of their linear velocities are non-zero. If odometry
data of a target robot is not directly transmitted but estimated by the
ego-robot then there must be both range and bearing measurements to guarantee
the observability of relative pose estimation. For ROS/Gazebo simulations, we
consider four different sensing and communication structures in which extended
Kalman filtering (EKF) and pose graph optimization (PGO) estimation with
different robust loss functions (filtering and smoothing with different batch
sizes of sliding window) are compared in terms of estimation accuracy. For
hardware experiments, two Turtlebot3 equipped with UWB modules are used for
real-world inter-robot relative pose estimation, in which both EKF and PGO are
applied and compared.
<p>Solving feedback Stackelberg games with nonlinear dynamics and coupled
constraints, a common scenario in practice, presents significant challenges.
This work introduces an efficient method for computing local feedback
Stackelberg policies in multi-player general-sum dynamic games, with continuous
state and action spaces. Different from existing (approximate) dynamic
programming solutions that are primarily designed for unconstrained problems,
our approach involves reformulating a feedback Stackelberg dynamic game into a
sequence of nested optimization problems, enabling the derivation of
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions and the establishment of a second-order
sufficient condition for local feedback Stackelberg policies. We propose a
Newton-style primal-dual interior point method for solving constrained linear
quadratic (LQ) feedback Stackelberg games, offering provable convergence
guarantees. Our method is further extended to compute local feedback
Stackelberg policies for more general nonlinear games by iteratively
approximating them using LQ games, ensuring that their KKT conditions are
locally aligned with those of the original nonlinear games. We prove the
exponential convergence of our algorithm in constrained nonlinear games. In a
feedback Stackelberg game with nonlinear dynamics and (nonconvex) coupled costs
and constraints, our experimental results reveal the algorithm's ability to
handle infeasible initial conditions and achieve exponential convergence
towards an approximate local feedback Stackelberg equilibrium.
<p>In this paper, we study the sign-changing radial solutions of the following
coupled Schr\"odinger system \begin{equation}
<p>-{\Delta}u_j+\lambda_j u_j=\mu_j u_j^3+\sum_{i\neq j}\beta_{ij} u_i^2 u_j
\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \mbox{in }B_1 ,\nonumber
<p>u_j\in H_{0,r}^1(B_1)\mbox{ for }j=1,\cdots,N.\nonumber
<p>\right. \end{equation} Here, $\lambda_j,\,\mu_j>0$ and
$\beta_{ij}=\beta_{ji}$ are constants for $i,j=1,\cdots,N$ and $i\neq j$. $B_1$
denotes the unit ball in the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^3$ centred at the
origin. For any $P_1,\cdots,P_N\in\mathbb{N}$, we prove the uniqueness of the
radial solution $(u_1,\cdots,u_j)$ with $u_j$ changes its sign exactly $P_j$
times for any $j=1,\cdots,N$ in the following case: $\lambda_j\geq1$ and
$|\beta_{ij}|$ are small for $i,j=1,\cdots,N$ and $i\neq j$. New Liouville-type
theorems and boundedness results are established for this purpose.
<p>In the field of causal modeling, potential outcomes (PO) and structural
causal models (SCMs) stand as the predominant frameworks. However, these
frameworks face notable challenges in practically modeling counterfactuals,
formalized as parameters of the joint distribution of potential outcomes.
Counterfactual reasoning holds paramount importance in contemporary
decision-making processes, especially in scenarios that demand personalized
incentives based on the joint values of $(Y(0), Y(1))$. This paper begins with
an investigation of the PO and SCM frameworks for modeling counterfactuals.
Through the analysis, we identify an inherent model capacity limitation, termed
as the ``degenerative counterfactual problem'', emerging from the consistency
rule that is the cornerstone of both frameworks. To address this limitation, we
introduce a novel \textit{distribution-consistency} assumption, and in
alignment with it, we propose the Distribution-consistency Structural Causal
Models (DiscoSCMs) offering enhanced capabilities to model counterfactuals. To
concretely reveal the enhanced model capacity, we introduce a new identifiable
causal parameter, \textit{the probability of consistency}, which holds
practical significance within DiscoSCM alone, showcased with a personalized
incentive example. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive set of theoretical
results about the ``Ladder of Causation'' within the DiscoSCM framework. We
hope it opens new avenues for future research of counterfactual modeling,
ultimately enhancing our understanding of causality and its real-world
<p>Recently, DNA storage has surfaced as a promising alternative for data
storage, presenting notable benefits in terms of storage capacity,
cost-effectiveness in maintenance, and the capability for parallel replication.
Mathematically, the DNA storage process can be conceptualized as an insertion,
deletion, and substitution (IDS) channel. Due to the mathematical complexity
associated with the Levenshtein distance, creating a code that corrects for IDS
remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a bottom-up generation
approach to grow the required codebook based on the computation of Edit
Computational Graph (ECG) which differs from the algebraic constructions by
incorporating the Derivative-Free Optimization (DFO) method. Specifically, this
approach is regardless of the type of errors. Compared the results with the
work for 1-substitution-1-deletion and 2-deletion, the redundancy is reduced by
about 30-bit and 60-bit, respectively. As far as we know, our method is the
first IDS-correcting code designed using classical Natural Language Process
(NLP) techniques, marking a turning point in the field of error correction code
research. Based on the codebook generated by our method, there may be
significant breakthroughs in the complexity of encoding and decoding
<p>Guessing random additive noise decoding (GRAND) is a recently proposed
decoding paradigm particularly suitable for codes with short length and high
rate. Among its variants, ordered reliability bits GRAND (ORBGRAND) exploits
soft information in a simple and effective fashion to schedule its queries,
thereby allowing efficient hardware implementation. Compared with maximum
likelihood (ML) decoding, however, ORBGRAND still exhibits noticeable
performance gap in terms of block error rate (BLER). In order to improve the
performance of ORBGRAND while still retaining its amenability to hardware
implementation, a new variant of ORBGRAND termed RS-ORBGRAND is proposed, whose
basic idea is to reshuffle the queries of ORBGRAND so that the expected number
of queries is minimized. Numerical simulations show that RS-ORBGRAND leads to
noticeable gains compared with ORBGRAND and its existing variants, and is only
0.1dB away from ML decoding, for BLER as low as $10^{-6}$.
<p>We consider channels with synchronization errors modeled as insertions and
deletions. A classical result for such channels is the information stability of
such channels, hence the existence of the Shannon capacity, when the
synchronization errors are memoryless. In this paper, we extend this result to
the case where the insertions and deletions have memory. Specifically, we
assume that the synchronization errors are governed by a stationary and ergodic
finite state Markov chain, and prove that mutual information capacity of such
channels exist, and it is equal to its coding capacity, showing that there
exists a coding scheme which achieves this limit.
<p>We develop recent ideas of Elsholtz, Proske, and Sauermann to construct
denser subsets of $\{1,\dots,N\}$ that lack arithmetic progressions of length
$3$. This gives the first quasipolynomial improvement since the original
construction of Behrend.
<p>In this review, we have reached from the most basic definitions in the theory
of groups, group structures, etc. to representation theory and irreducible
representations of the Poincar'e group. Also, we tried to get a more
comprehensible understanding of group theory by presenting examples from the
nature around us to examples in mathematics and physics and using them to
examine more important groups in physics such as the Lorentz group and
Poincar'e group and representations It is achieved in the physical fields that
are used in the quantum field theory.
<p>This paper discusses the error and cost aspects of ill-posed integral
equations when given discrete noisy point evaluations on a fine grid. Standard
solution methods usually employ discretization schemes that are directly
induced by the measurement points. Thus, they may scale unfavorably with the
number of evaluation points, which can result in computational inefficiency. To
address this issue, we propose an algorithm that achieves the same level of
accuracy while significantly reducing computational costs. Our approach
involves an initial averaging procedure to sparsify the underlying grid. To
keep the exposition simple, we focus only on one-dimensional ill-posed integral
equations that have sufficient smoothness. However, the approach can be
generalized to more complicated two- and three-dimensional problems with
appropriate modifications.
<p>An $r$-daisy is an $r$-uniform hypergraph consisting of the six $r$-sets
formed by taking the union of an $(r-2)$-set with each of the 2-sets of a
disjoint 4-set. Bollob\'as, Leader and Malvenuto, and also Bukh, conjectured
that the Tur\'an density of the $r$-daisy tends to zero as $r \to \infty$. In
this paper we disprove this conjecture.
<p>Adapting our construction, we are also able to disprove a folklore conjecture
about Tur\'an densities of hypercubes. For fixed $d$ and large $n$, we show
that the smallest set of vertices of the $n$-dimensional hypercube $Q_n$ that
meets every copy of $Q_d$ has asymptotic density strictly below $1/(d+1)$, for
all $d \geq 8$. In fact, we show that this asymptotic density is at most $c^d$,
for some constant $c<1$. As a consequence, we obtain similar bounds for the
edge-Tur\'an densities of hypercubes. We also answer some related questions of
Johnson and Talbot, and disprove a conjecture made by Bukh and by Griggs and Lu
on poset densities.
<p>This paper delves into the degradability of quantum channels, with a specific
focus on high-dimensional extensions of qubit depolarizing channels in
low-noise regimes. We build upon the foundation of $\eta$-approximate
degradable channels, as established by Sutter et al. and Leditzky et al., to
introduce and examine the Modified Landau-Streater (MLS) channels. These
channels expand upon the qubit depolarizing and the recently proposed modified
Werner-Holevo channels by Roofeh and Karimipour, extending them to
higher-dimensional Hilbert spaces (with dimension $d=2j+1$, where $j$ are
positive half-integers). Our investigation centers on their conformity to the
$O(\varepsilon^2)$ degradability pattern, aligning with and extending Leditzky
et al.'s findings in the $d=2$ case. By replacing the SU($2$) generators with
SU($d$) in our treatment, we may explore the potential inclusion of generalized
Gell-Mann matrices in future research. Our results enhance the understanding of
super-additivity in quantum channels within the low-noise regime and lay the
groundwork for future explorations into conditions and structures that could
lead to $O(\varepsilon^2)$ degradability across a broader spectrum of quantum
<p>Decomposing a matrix into a weighted sum of Pauli strings is a common chore
of the quantum computer scientist, whom is not easily discouraged by
exponential scaling. But beware, a naive decomposition can be cubically more
expensive than necessary! In this manuscript, we derive a fixed-memory,
branchless algorithm to compute the inner product between a 2^N-by-2^N complex
matrix and an N-term Pauli tensor in O(2^N) time, by leveraging the Gray code.
Our scheme permits the embarrassingly parallel decomposition of a matrix into a
weighted sum of Pauli strings in O(8^N) time. We implement our algorithm in
Python, hosted open-source on Github, and benchmark against a recent
state-of-the-art method called the "PauliComposer" which has an exponentially
growing memory overhead, achieving speedups in the range of 1.5x to 5x for N <
8. Note that our scheme does not leverage sparsity, diagonality, Hermitivity or
other properties of the input matrix which might otherwise enable optimised
treatment in other methods. As such, our algorithm is well-suited to
decomposition of dense, arbitrary, complex matrices which are expected dense in
the Pauli basis, or for which the decomposed Pauli tensors are a priori
<p>Bisimulation is a concept that captures behavioural equivalence. It has been
studied extensively on nonprobabilistic systems and on discrete-time Markov
processes and on so-called continuous-time Markov chains. In the latter time is
continuous but the evolution still proceeds in jumps. We propose two
definitions of bisimulation on continuous-time stochastic processes where the
evolution is a \emph{flow} through time. We show that they are equivalent and
we show that when restricted to discrete-time, our concept of bisimulation
encompasses the standard discrete-time concept. The concept we introduce is not
a straightforward generalization of discrete-time concepts.
<p>Bisimulation is a concept that captures behavioural equivalence of states in
a variety of types of transition systems. It has been widely studied in a
discrete-time setting where the notion of a step is fundamental. In our setting
we are considering "flow"-processes emphasizing that they evolve in continuous
time. In such continuous-time settings, the concepts are not straightforward
adaptations of their discrete-time analogues and we restrict our study to
diffusions that do not lose mass over time and with additional regularity
<p>In previous work we proposed different definitions of behavioural
equivalences for continuous-time stochastic processes where the evolution is a
flow through time. That work only addressed equivalences. In this work, we aim
at quantifying how differently processes behave. We present two pseudometrics
for diffusion-like processes. These pseudometrics are fixpoints of two
different functionals on the space of 1-bounded pseudometrics on the state
space. We also characterize these pseudometrics in terms of real-valued modal
logics; this is a quantitative analogue of the notion of logical
characterization of bisimulation. These real-valued modal logics indicate that
the two pseudometrics are different and thus yield different notions of
behavioural equivalence.
<p>We address the problem of stability of one-dimensional non-periodic
ground-state configurations with respect to finite-range perturbations of
interactions in classical lattice-gas models. We show that a relevant property
of non-periodic ground-state configurations in this context is their
homogeneity. The so-called strict boundary condition says that the number of
finite patterns of a configuration have bounded fluctuations on any finite
subsets of the lattice. We show that if the strict boundary condition is not
satisfied, then in order for non-periodic ground-state configurations to be
stable, interactions between particles should not decay faster than
$1/r^{\alpha}$ with $\alpha>2$. In the Thue-Morse ground state, number of
finite patterns may fluctuate as much as the logarithm of the lenght of a
lattice subset. We show that the Thue-Morse ground state is unstable for any
$\alpha >1$ with respect to arbitrarily small two-body interactions favoring
the presence of molecules consisting of two spins up or down. We also
investigate Sturmian systems defined by irrational rotations on the circle.
They satisfy the strict boundary condition but nevertheless they are unstable
for $\alpha>3$.