<p>We establish simple formulae for computing Finkelstein-Rubinstein signs for
Skyrme fields generated in two ways: from instanton ADHM data, and from
rational maps. This may be used to compute homotopy classes of general loops in
the configuration spaces of skyrmions, and as a result provide a useful tool
for a quantum treatment beyond rigid-body quantisation of skyrmions.
<p>Checking whether two quantum circuits are approximately equivalent is a
common task in quantum computing. We consider a closely related identity check
problem: given a quantum circuit $U$, one has to estimate the diamond-norm
distance between $U$ and the identity channel. We present a classical algorithm
approximating the distance to the identity within a factor $\alpha=D+1$ for
shallow geometrically local $D$-dimensional circuits provided that the circuit
is sufficiently close to the identity. The runtime of the algorithm scales
linearly with the number of qubits for any constant circuit depth and spatial
dimension. We also show that the operator-norm distance to the identity
$\|U-I\|$ can be efficiently approximated within a factor $\alpha=5$ for
shallow 1D circuits and, under a certain technical condition, within a factor
$\alpha=2D+3$ for shallow $D$-dimensional circuits. A numerical implementation
of the identity check algorithm is reported for 1D Trotter circuits with up to
100 qubits.
<p>We determine the sharp mass threshold for Sobolev norm growth for the
focusing continuum Calogero--Moser model. It is known that below the mass of
$2\pi$, solutions to this completely integrable model enjoy uniform-in-time
$H^s$ bounds for all $s \geq 0$. In contrast, we show that for arbitrarily
small $\varepsilon > 0$ there exists initial data $u_0 \in H^\infty_+$ of mass
$2\pi + \varepsilon$ such that the corresponding maximal lifespan solution $u :
(T_-, T_+) \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{C}$ satisfies $\lim_{t \to T_\pm}
\|u(t)\|_{H^s} = \infty$ for all $s > 0$. As part of our proof, we demonstrate
an orbital stability statement for the soliton and a dispersive decay bound for
solutions with suitable initial data.
<p>Firewalls in black holes are easiest to understand by imposing time reversal
invariance, together with a unitary evolution law. The best approach seems to
be to split up the time span of a black hole into short periods, during which
no firewalls can be detected by any observer. Then, gluing together subsequent
time periods, firewalls seem to appear, but they can always be transformed
away. At all times we need a Hilbert space of a finite dimension, as long as
particles far separated from the black hole are ignored. Our conclusion
contradicts other findings, particularly a recent paper by Strauss and Whiting.
Indeed, the firewall transformation removes the entanglement between very early
and very late in- and out-particles, in a far-from-trivial way.
<p>We investigate the geometry of classical Hamiltonian systems immersed in a
magnetic field in three-dimensional Riemannian configuration spaces. We prove
that these systems admit non-trivial symplectic-Haantjes manifolds, which are
symplectic manifolds endowed with an algebra of Haantjes (1,1)-tensors. These
geometric structures allow us to determine separation variables for known
systems algorithmically; besides, the underlying St\"ackel geometry is used to
construct new families of integrable Hamiltonian models immersed in a magnetic
<p>Here, we investigate the linear spatial stability of a parallel
two-dimensional compressible boundary layer on an adiabatic plate by
considering 2D and 3D disturbances. We employ the Compound Matrix Method for
the first time for compressible flows, which, unlike other conventional
techniques, can efficiently eliminate the stiffness of the original equation.
Our study explores flow Mach numbers ranging from low subsonic to supersonic
cases, to investigate the effects of flow compressibility and spanwise
variation of disturbances. We get some interesting results depending on the
flow Mach number. Mack (AGARD Report No. 709, 1984) reported the existence of
two unstable modes for Mach number greater than 3 from viscous calculations
(the so-called second mode) that subsequently fuse to create only one unstable
zone when Mach number increases. Our calculations show a series of unstable
modes for a Mach number greater than 3. The number of such modes is much more
than two (unlike what Mack reports). The number and the frequency extent of the
corresponding unstable zones increase with an increase in M, which is
significantly higher than subsonic or low-supersonic cases. While the shape of
the neutral curves for the second unstable mode for a Mach number greater than
4 is similar to the fused neutral curve shown by Mack for a Mach number of 4.8,
the characteristics of higher-order spatially unstable modes considering the
viscous stability of supersonic boundary layers remain unreported to the best
of our knowledge. The last one is the most novel element in the reported
<p>We prove a synthetic Bonnet-Myers rigidity theorem for globally hyperbolic
Lorentzian length spaces with global curvature bounded below by $K<0$ and an
open distance realizer of length $L=\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{|K|}}$. In the course of
the proof, we show that the space necessarily is a warped product with warping
function $\cos:(-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2})\to\mathbb{R}_+$.
<p>We prove that there exist K\"{a}hler manifolds that are not homotopy
equivalent to a quotient of complex hyperbolic space but which admit a
Riemannian metric with nonpositive curvature operator. This shows that
K\"{a}hler manifolds do not satisfy the same type of rigidity with respect to
the curvature operator as quaternionic hyperbolic and Cayley hyperbolic
manifolds and are thus more similar to real hyperbolic manifolds in this
setting. Along the way we also calculate explicit values for the eigenvalues of
the curvature operator with respect to the standard complex hyperbolic metric.
<p>This paper builds on our previous work in which we showed that, for all
connected semisimple linear Lie groups $G$ acting on a non-compactly causal
symmetric space $M = G/H$, every irreducible unitary representation of $G$ can
be realized by boundary value maps of holomorphic extensions in distributional
sections of a vector bundle over $M$. In the present paper we discuss this
procedure for the connected Lorentz group $G = SO_{1,d}(R)_e$ acting on de
Sitter space $M = dS^d$. We show in particular that the previously constructed
nets of real subspaces satisfy the locality condition. Following ideas of Bros
and Moschella from the 1990's, we show that the matrix-valued spherical
function that corresponds to our extension process extends analytically to a
large domain $G_C^{cut}$ in the complexified group $G_C = \SO_{1,d}(C)$, which
for $d = 1$ specializes to the complex cut plane $C \setminus (-\infinity, 0]$.
A number of special situations is discussed specifically: (a) The case $d = 1$,
which closely corresponds to standard subspaces in Hilbert spaces, (b) the case
of scalar-valued functions, which for $d > 2$ is the case of spherical
representations, for which we also describe the jump singularities of the
holomorphic extensions on the cut in de Sitter space, (c) the case $d = 3$,
where we obtain rather explicit formulas for the matrix-valued spherical
<p>Highly concentrated patterns have been observed in a spatially heterogeneous,
nonlocal, model of BGK type implementing a velocity-jump process.
<p>We study both a linear and a nonlinear case and describe the concentration
profile. In particular, we analyse a hyperbolic (or high frequency) regime that
can be interpreted both as a local (microscopic) or as a nonlocal (macroscopic)
rescaling. We consider a Hopf-Cole transform and derive a Hamilton-Jacobi
equation. The concentrations are then explained as a consequence of the
stationary points of the Hamiltonian that is spatially heterogeneous like the
velocity-jump process. After revising the classical hydrodynamic limits for the
aggregate quantities and the eikonal equation that can be derived from those
with a Hopf-Cole transform, we find that the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is a
second order approximation of the eikonal equation in the limit of small
diffusivity. For nonlinear turning kernels, the Hopf-Cole transform allows to
study the stability of the possible homogeneous configurations and of patterns
and the results of a linear stability analysis previously obtained are found
and extended to a nonlinear regime. In particular, it is shown that instability
(pattern formation) occurs when the Hamiltonian is convex-concave.
<p>Motivated by the structure of the Swanson oscillator, which is a well-known
example of a non-hermitian quantum system consisting of a general
representation of a quadratic Hamiltonian, we propose a fermionic extension of
such a scheme which incorporates two fermionic oscillators, together with
bilinear-coupling terms that do not conserve particle number. We determine the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and expose the appearance of exceptional points
where two of the eigenstates coalesce with the corresponding eigenvectors
exhibiting the self-orthogonality relation. The model exhibits a quantum phase
transition due to the presence of a ground-state crossing. We compute the
entanglement spectrum and entanglement entropy of the ground state.
<p>Given an open, bounded and connected set $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{3}$ and
its rescaling $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$ of size $\varepsilon\ll 1$, we consider
the solutions of the Cauchy problem for the inhomogeneous wave equation $$
u+f $$ with initial data and source supported outside $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$;
here, $\chi_{S}$ denotes the characteristic function of a set $S$. We provide
the first-order $\varepsilon$-corrections with respect to the solutions of the
inhomogeneous free wave equation and give space-time estimates on the
remainders in the $L^{\infty}((0,1/\varepsilon^{\tau}),L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{3}))
$-norm. Such corrections are explicitly expressed in terms of the eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of the Newton potential operator in $L^{2}(\Omega)$ and
provide an effective dynamics describing a legitimate point scatterer
approximation in the time domain.
<p>We show that transformation formulas of multiple $q$-hypergeometric series
agree with wall-crossing formulas of $K$-theoretic vortex partition functions
obtained by Hwang, Yi and the author \cite{Hwang:2017kmk}. For the vortex
partition function in 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauge theory, we show that the
wall-crossing formula agrees with the Kajihara transformation
\cite{kajihara2004euler}. For the vortex partition function in 3d
$\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theory, we show that the wall-crossing formula agrees
with the transformation formula by Halln\"as, Langmann, Noumi and Rosengren
\cite{Halln_s_2022}. Since the $K$-theoretic vortex partition functions are
related with indices such as the $\chi_t$-genus of the handsaw quiver variety,
we discuss geometric interpretation of Euler transformations in terms of
wall-crossing formulas of handsaw quiver variety.
<p>We provide a deformation quantization, in the sense of Rieffel, for
\textit{all} globally hyperbolic spacetimes with a Poisson structure. The
Poisson structures have to satisfy Fedosov type requirements in order for the
deformed product to be associative. We apply the novel deformation to quantum
field theories and their respective states and we prove that the deformed state
(i.e.\ a state in non-commutative spacetime) has a singularity structure
resembling Minkowski, i.e.\ is \textit{Hadamard}, if the undeformed state is
Hadamard. This proves that the Hadamard condition, and hence the quantum field
theoretical implementation of the equivalence principle is a general concept
that holds in spacetimes with quantum features (i.e. a non-commutative
<p>We consider first-passage percolation on $\mathbb Z^2$ with independent and
identically distributed weights whose common distribution is absolutely
continuous with a finite exponential moment. Under the assumption that the
limit shape has more than 32 extreme points, we prove that geodesics with
nearby starting and ending points have significant overlap, coalescing on all
but small portions near their endpoints. The statement is quantified, with
power-law dependence of the involved quantities on the length of the geodesics.
<p>The result leads to a quantitative resolution of the
Benjamini--Kalai--Schramm midpoint problem. It is shown that the probability
that the geodesic between two given points passes through a given edge is
smaller than a power of the distance between the points and the edge.
<p>We further prove that the limit shape assumption is satisfied for a specific
family of distributions.
<p>Lastly, related to the 1965 Hammersley--Welsh highways and byways problem, we
prove that the expected fraction of the square $\{-n,\dots ,n\}^2$ which is
covered by infinite geodesics starting at the origin is at most an inverse
power of $n$. This result is obtained without explicit limit shape assumptions.
<p>We discuss the quantitative ergodicity of quantum Markov semigroups in terms
of the trace distance from the stationary state, providing a general criterion
based on the spectral decomposition of the Lindblad generator. We then apply
this criterion to the bosonic and fermionic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups and
to a family of quantum Markov semigroups parametrized by semisimple Lie
algebras and their irreducible representations, in which the Lindblad generator
is given by the adjoint action of the Casimir element.
<p>We review recent results on adiabatic theory for ground states of extended
gapped fermionic lattice systems under several different assumptions. More
precisely, we present generalized super-adiabatic theorems for extended but
finite as well as infinite systems, assuming either a uniform gap or a gap in
the bulk above the unperturbed ground state. The goal of this note is to
provide an overview of these adiabatic theorems and briefly outline the main
ideas and techniques required in their proofs.
<p>We study the extended Bogomolny equations with gauge group $SU(2)$ on
$\mathbb {R}^2 \times \mathbb {R}^+$ with generalized Nahm pole boundary
conditions and nilpotent Higgs field. We completely classify solutions by
relating them to certain holomorphic data through a Kobayashi-Hitchin
<p>By providing mathematical estimates, this paper answers a fundamental
question -- "what leads to Stokes drift"? Although overwhelmingly understood
for water waves, Stokes drift is a generic mechanism that stems from kinematics
and occurs in any non-transverse wave in fluids. To showcase its generality, we
undertake a comparative study of the pathline equation of sound (1D) and
intermediate-depth water (2D) waves. Although we obtain a closed-form solution
$\mathbf{x}(t)$ for the specific case of linear sound waves, a more generic and
meaningful approach involves the application of asymptotic methods and
expressing variables in terms of the Lagrangian phase $\theta$. We show that
the latter reduces the 2D pathline equation of water waves to 1D. Using
asymptotic methods, we solve the respective pathline equation for sound and
water waves, and for each case, we obtain a parametric representation of
particle position $\mathbf{x}(\theta)$ and elapsed time $t(\theta)$. Such a
parametric description has allowed us to obtain second-order-accurate
expressions for the time duration, horizontal displacement, and average
horizontal velocity of a particle in the crest and trough phases. All these
quantities are of higher magnitude in the crest phase in comparison to the
trough, leading to a forward drift, i.e. Stokes drift. We also explore particle
trajectory due to second-order Stokes waves and compare it with linear waves.
While finite amplitude waves modify the estimates obtained from linear waves,
the understanding acquired from linear waves is generally found to be valid.
<p>In many occurrences of fluid-structure interaction time-periodic motions are
observed. We consider the interaction between a fluid driven by the three
dimensional Navier-Stokes equation and a two dimensional linearized elastic
Koiter shell situated at the boundary. The fluid-domain is a part of the
solution and as such changing in time periodically. On a steady part of the
boundary we allow for the physically relevant case of dynamic pressure boundary
values, prominent to model inflow/outflow. We provide the existence of at least
one weak time-periodic solution for given periodic external forces that are not
too large. For that we introduce new approximation techniques and a-priori
<p>Dynamical fluctuations or rare events associated with atypical trajectories
in chaotic maps due to specific initial conditions can crucially determine
their fate, as the may lead to stability islands or regions in phase space
otherwise displaying unusual behavior. Yet, finding such initial conditions is
a daunting task precisely because of the chaotic nature of the system. In this
work, we circumvent this problem by proposing a framework for finding an
effective topologically-conjugate map whose typical trajectories correspond to
atypical ones of the original map. This is illustrated by means of examples
which focus on counterbalancing the instability of fixed points and periodic
orbits, as well as on the characterization of a dynamical phase transition
involving the finite-time Lyapunov exponent. The procedure parallels that of
the application of the generalized Doob transform in the stochastic dynamics of
Markov chains, diffusive processes and open quantum systems, which in each case
results in a new process having the prescribed statistics in its stationary
state. This work thus brings chaotic maps into the growing family of systems
whose rare fluctuations -- sustaining prescribed statistics of dynamical
observables -- can be characterized and controlled by means of a
large-deviation formalism.
<p>We study corrections to the scaling limit of subcritical long-range Ising
models with (super)-summable interactions on $\mathbb{Z}^d$. For a wide class
of models, the scaling limit is known to be white noise, as shown by Newman
(1980). In the specific case of couplings
$J_{x,y}=|x-y|^{-d-\boldsymbol{\alpha}}$, where $\boldsymbol{\alpha}>0$ and
$|\cdot|$ is the Euclidean norm, we find an emergence of fractional Gaussian
free field correlations in appropriately renormalised and rescaled observables.
The proof exploits the exact asymptotics of the two-point function, first
established by Newman and Spohn (1998), together with the rotational symmetry
of the interaction.
<p>The paper deals with three evolution problems arising in the physical
modelling of acoustic phenomena of small amplitude in a fluid, bounded by a
surface of extended reaction. The first one is the widely studied wave equation
with acoustic boundary conditions, which derivation from the physical model is
not fully mathematically satisfactory. The other two models studied in the
paper, in the Lagrangian and Eulerian settings, are physically transparent. In
the paper the first model is derived from the other two in a rigorous way, also
for solutions merely belonging to the natural energy spaces. The paper also
gives several well-posedness and optimal regularity results for the three
problems considered, which are new for the Eulerian and Lagrangian models.
<p>A geometric perspective of the Higgs Mechanism is presented. Using Thom's
Catastrophe Theory, we study the emergence of the Higgs Mechanism as a
discontinuous feature in a general family of Lagrangians obtained by varying
its parameters. We show that the Lagrangian that exhibits the Higgs Mechanism
arises as a first-order phase transition in this general family. We find that
the Higgs Mechanism (as well as Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking) need not occur
for a different choice of parameters of the Lagrangian, and further analysis of
these unconventional parameter choices may yield interesting implications for
beyond standard model physics.
<p>We consider locally isotropic Gaussian random fields on the $N$-dimensional
Euclidean space for fixed $N$. Using the so called Gaussian Orthogonally
Invariant matrices first studied by Mallows in 1961 which include the
celebrated Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), we establish the Kac--Rice
representation of expected number of critical points of non-isotropic Gaussian
fields, complementing the isotropic case obtained by Cheng and Schwartzman in
2018. In the limit $N=\infty$, we show that such a representation can be always
given by GOE matrices, as conjectured by Auffinger and Zeng in 2020.
<p>Temporal correlation for randomly growing interfaces in the KPZ universality
class is a topic of recent interest. Most of the works so far have been
concentrated on the zero temperature model of exponential last passage
percolation, and three special initial conditions, namely droplet, flat and
stationary. We focus on studying the time correlation problem for generic
random initial conditions with diffusive growth. We formulate our results in
terms of the positive temperature exactly solvable model of the inverse-gamma
polymer and obtain up to constant upper and lower bounds for the correlation
between the free energy of two polymers whose endpoints are close together or
far apart. Our proofs apply almost verbatim to the zero temperature set-up of
exponential LPP and are valid for a broad class of initial conditions. Our work
complements and completes the partial results obtained in (Ferrari-Occelli'19),
following the conjectures of (Ferrari-Spohn'16). Moreover, our arguments rely
on the one-point moderate deviation estimates which have recently been obtained
using stationary polymer techniques and thus do not depend on complicated exact
<p>We study the quasinormal modes (QNM) of the charged C-metric, which
physically stands for a charged accelerating black hole, with the help of
Nekrasov's partition function of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field
theories (SCFTs). The QNM in the charged C-metric are classified into three
types: the photon-surface modes, the accelerating modes and the near-extremal
modes, and it is curious how the single quantization condition proposed in
<a href="/abs/2006.06111">arXiv:2006.06111</a> can reproduce all the different families. We show that the
connection formula encoded in terms of Nekrasov's partition function captures
all these families of QNM numerically and recovers the asymptotic behavior of
the accelerating and the near-extremal modes analytically. Using the connection
formulae of different 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs, one can solve both the radial
and the angular part of the scalar perturbation equation respectively. The same
algorithm can be applied to the de Sitter (dS) black holes to calculate both
the dS modes and the photon-sphere modes.
<p>Using generalized hydrodynamics (GHD), we exactly evaluate the
finite-temperature spin Drude weight at zero magnetic field for the integrable
XXZ chain with arbitrary spin and easy-plane anisotropy. First, we construct
the fusion hierarchy of the quantum transfer matrices ($T$-functions) and
derive functional relations ($T$- and $Y$-systems) satisfied by the
$T$-functions and certain combinations of them ($Y$-functions). Through
analytical arguments, the $Y$-system is reduced to a set of non-linear integral
equations, equivalent to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations. Then,
employing GHD, we calculate the spin Drude weight at arbitrary finite
temperatures. As a result, a characteristic fractal-like structure of the Drude
weight is observed at arbitrary spin, similar to the spin-1/2 case. In our
approach, the solutions to the TBA equations (i.e., the $Y$-functions) can be
explicitly written in terms of the $T$-functions, thus allowing for a
systematic calculation of the high-temperature limit of the Drude weight.
<p>The random XXZ quantum spin chain manifests localization (in the form of
quasi-locality) in any fixed energy interval, as previously proved by the
authors. In this article it is shown that this property implies slow
propagation of information, one of the putative signatures of many-body
localization, in the same energy interval.
<p>We consider the Maxwell-Bloch system which is a finite-dimensional
approximation of the coupled nonlinear Maxwell-Schr\"odinger equations. The
approximation consists of one-mode Maxwell field coupled to two-level molecule.
We construct time-periodic solutions to the factordynamics which is due to the
symmetry gauge group. For the corresponding solutions to the Maxwell--Bloch
system, the Maxwell field, current and the population inversion are
time-periodic, while the wave function acquires a unit factor in the period.
The proofs rely on high-amplitude asymptotics of the Maxwell field and a
development of suitable methods of differential topology: the transversality
and orientation arguments. We also prove the existence of the global compact
<p>We propose a connection between the newly formulated Virasoro minimal string
and the well-established $(2,2m-1)$ minimal string by deriving the string
equation of the Virasoro minimal string using the expansion of its density of
states in powers of $E^{m+1/2}$. This string equation is expressed as a power
series involving double-scaled multicritical matrix models, which are dual to
$(2,2m-1)$ minimal strings. This reformulation of Virasoro minimal strings
enables us to employ matrix theory tools to compute its $n$-boundary
correlators. We analyze the scaling behavior of $n$-boundary correlators and
quantum volumes $V^{(b)}_{0,n}(\ell_1,\dots,\ell_n)$ in the JT gravity limit.
<p>In this review, we have reached from the most basic definitions in the theory
of groups, group structures, etc. to representation theory and irreducible
representations of the Poincar'e group. Also, we tried to get a more
comprehensible understanding of group theory by presenting examples from the
nature around us to examples in mathematics and physics and using them to
examine more important groups in physics such as the Lorentz group and
Poincar'e group and representations It is achieved in the physical fields that
are used in the quantum field theory.
<p>Decomposing a matrix into a weighted sum of Pauli strings is a common chore
of the quantum computer scientist, whom is not easily discouraged by
exponential scaling. But beware, a naive decomposition can be cubically more
expensive than necessary! In this manuscript, we derive a fixed-memory,
branchless algorithm to compute the inner product between a 2^N-by-2^N complex
matrix and an N-term Pauli tensor in O(2^N) time, by leveraging the Gray code.
Our scheme permits the embarrassingly parallel decomposition of a matrix into a
weighted sum of Pauli strings in O(8^N) time. We implement our algorithm in
Python, hosted open-source on Github, and benchmark against a recent
state-of-the-art method called the "PauliComposer" which has an exponentially
growing memory overhead, achieving speedups in the range of 1.5x to 5x for N <
8. Note that our scheme does not leverage sparsity, diagonality, Hermitivity or
other properties of the input matrix which might otherwise enable optimised
treatment in other methods. As such, our algorithm is well-suited to
decomposition of dense, arbitrary, complex matrices which are expected dense in
the Pauli basis, or for which the decomposed Pauli tensors are a priori
<p>We address the problem of stability of one-dimensional non-periodic
ground-state configurations with respect to finite-range perturbations of
interactions in classical lattice-gas models. We show that a relevant property
of non-periodic ground-state configurations in this context is their
homogeneity. The so-called strict boundary condition says that the number of
finite patterns of a configuration have bounded fluctuations on any finite
subsets of the lattice. We show that if the strict boundary condition is not
satisfied, then in order for non-periodic ground-state configurations to be
stable, interactions between particles should not decay faster than
$1/r^{\alpha}$ with $\alpha>2$. In the Thue-Morse ground state, number of
finite patterns may fluctuate as much as the logarithm of the lenght of a
lattice subset. We show that the Thue-Morse ground state is unstable for any
$\alpha >1$ with respect to arbitrarily small two-body interactions favoring
the presence of molecules consisting of two spins up or down. We also
investigate Sturmian systems defined by irrational rotations on the circle.
They satisfy the strict boundary condition but nevertheless they are unstable
for $\alpha>3$.